Denton Variety Club – 2002
This year’s adult production was “Ali Baba & the 40ish Thieves”.
The Programme
The Review
From the Parish Magazine, April 2002
Denton Variety Club comes out tops again this year with a production of “Ali Baba and the Fortyish Thieves”. Being its twentieth year, the club opted for a spot of nostalgia and performed an updated version of the script written by Peggy Battell for the first pantomime in 1982; this time directed by Rachel daughter of Barbara Spaul who directed the earlier version.
In the last twenty years the DVC has raised many thousands of pounds for the village hall and has continually helped to improve facilities which we now enjoy. We all wished that Peggy could have been with us for this celebration but, because of her extended stay in hospital, this was not possible. (However she will be able to see it via our modern technology in hospital). We send her all our love and good wishes for a speedy recovery and hope she will soon be back in the village again, her health restored.
Ali Baba was an excellent production - with so much talent apparent from so small a village. Thank you DVC and all the back room boys) for an evening of such fun.
(Many in the audience would have liked a bigger contribution from Eddie and Stephen.)
Rising Stars
This year's Rising Stars production was "Pinnochio"