Village Diary
Events for the next three or, sometimes, four months are listed here with links to further information on other pages.
Some of the items listed, and other major events even further ahead, are covered on the “Coming Events” page but, where appropriate, further details of club activities etc. will be found on their relevant pages.
Thus details of church services for the current month appear on the Church Page.
Note that the Bar in the Village Hall is normally open every Friday evening from 7.00 pm.
See the Bar Page for further details.
- Monday 3rd February - DVH Management Committee
- Tuesday 4th February - WI Meeting
- Tuesday 11th February - Tuesday Lunch Club
- Thursday 13th February - Mobile Library
- Thurday 13th February - BHCS AGM
- Friday 14th February - Pizza Night
- Tuesday 18th February - Gardening Club
- Thursday 20th February - DVC Panto
- Friday 21st February - DVC Panto
- Saturday 22nd February - DVC Panto
- Friday 28th February - "Last Friday"
- Tuesday 4th March - WI Meeting
- Friday 7th March - Table Tennis
- Tuesday 11th March - Tuesday Lunch Club
- Thursday 13th March - Mobile Library
- Thursday 13th March - Sound Bath
- Thursday 13th March - BHCS
- Saturday 15th March - Beetle Drive
- Tuesday 18th March - Gardening Club
- Thursday 27th March - Ambridge & Beyond
- Friday 28th March - "Last Friday"
- Tuesday 1st April - WI Meeting
- Tuesday 8th April - Tuesday Lunch Club
- Thursday 10th April - Mobile Library
- Tuesday 15th April - Gardening Club
- Thursday 17th April - BHCS
- Friday 25th April - "Last Friday"