Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Variety Club – 1990

This year's adult production was "Abanazer's Revenge" performed on 1st, 2nd and 3rd March.

The Programme

Program Page 1 Program Page 2 Program Page 3 Program Page 4

The Review

From the Parish Magazine - April 1990

What a super, super pantomime! Somehow I missed all the previous years of Denton's pantomimes so I was amazed and delighted when I went to see ''Abanazer's Revenge'' at the village hall. Such talent from such a small village! What a brilliant idea to pass through all the pantomimes from Aladdin, Snow White and Peter Pan just to mention a few, searching with Abanazer and Cinderella's ex-fairy godmother for a suitable Daddy to help the wicked Abanazer revenge himself on Aladdin. The ex-fairy godmother has discarded her prissy image and has become a trendy ''super-fairy'' dressed appropiately in superman/fairy clothes.

It was a brilliant production enjoyed by everyone in the audience, who participated with much gusto. If London gets wind of it they'll pinch it for the West End!

Congratulations to everyone involved in that great entertainment.
N. Oliver

Denton Variety Club has done it again!

What a treat was in store for everyone who went to see ''Abanazer's Revenge'' at the village hall in March. It was quite superb and I never cease to be amazed at the wealth of talent within this community. Thank you to all concerned f or giving us such a splendid evening's entertainment. We look forward eagerly to the next production.

A Photograph

This "historic" photo shows two key members of the production team, Margaret Parsons (left) and Mandy Smith.


Rising Stars

This year's Rising Stars production was "Rising Stars Circus".

The Programme

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