Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Village News Archive for 2020

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A Gap Filled

We are delighted to report that a serious gap in our list of obituaries of Denton residents has now been filled.
Malcolm Reid, of Home Farm, passed away a year ago. Thanks to Brian Hewlett, his obituary is now in place.

News from Texas

Twenty years ago (Can it really be that long?) most Denton residents took part in the creation of a wood to mark the Millennium, Rogerson’s Wood at the bottom of the playing-field. They made a donation to the cost and/or turned up to help with the planting of the trees.

One of the highlights of the occasion was the link established with friends in Denton, Texas. The Mayor of the City, Mrs Euline Brock, was visiting the UK with her husband at the time and combined their business trip with a visit to Denton. They were delighted to plant five American Red Oak saplings in the Wood. We are pleased to report they are still growing well. A metal plaque to commemorate this great event was duly erected on a post in the Wood.


This week the Archivist of Denton, Texas, Mr Matthew Davis, has contacted us. It seems he had been exploring the City archives and came across a picture of the unveiling in 2000 of a similar plaque in Denton Texas to record this trans-Atlantic exchange. He wondered if we could supply a picture of ours?

This is where it all becomes rather embarrassing. Alan Squirrell, a member of the team who organised the Wood project, reports that, he did some maintenance work on our plaque, and replaced it near the information board at the top of the site, some time ago. Unfortunately, it has since disappeared!

Good News! It's been found. It will be renovated and returned to the Wood.

New Minister Appointed

A new Minister has been appointed by the Waveney Valley Ecumenical Partnership.

He is Revd. Bruno Boldrini who replaces Revd. Jaqueline Evans. Bruno is Italian from Rome but has grandparents from Germany and Spain. He has lived in the UK for 26 years so feels very much at home here.

Denton Station in the News

"Our" railway station is in the news.

Actually, of course, it is not ours but the station serving another Denton, the one in Greater Manchester.

Keen eyed followers of useless statistics will have seen reports in today's newspapers quoting the latest figures on the number of passengers using Britain's 2,567 railway stations. Bottom of the list, with just 42 users in the year ending 31st March, is here in Norfolk - the, request stop only, halt at the Berney Arms on the Norwich to Gt Yarmouth line - but in 5th place, with 92 passengers, was Denton.

The reason for the Berney Arms low figure is explained by the fact that the pub, after which it is named, has closed and there is no public road access to the station. Checking the timetables for "our" station reveals that it is served by just two trains a week, one in each direction on Saturday mornings.

Local Vaccine Help

Some Denton residents have really been "doing their bit" in the battle against Covid-19.

After all the doom and gloom about the second virus shutdown and how much getting together with loved-ones will be restricted over Christmas, there has been some much better news over the last week.

No less than three, seemingly effective, vaccines have been announced, one developed here in the UK. This has only been made possible thanks to a large number of brave volunteers willing to act as guinea-pigs to enable the new treatments to be tested.

It seems that at least two members of our local community have nobly signed-up to take part. Perhaps more important, they have lived to tell the tale. No names of course; but we must record our heart-felt thanks to them for their magnificent contribution.

More Community News

We have recently received a rush of documents which might be of interest to Denton residents.

These comprise:

Another Night to Remember

The noble members of the Village Hall Management Committee, recognising the very limited recent opportunities for social interaction in this most sociable village, have organised another Friday Night Bar Opening this coming Friday, October 23rd.

As before, there will be various restrictions to comply with national rules, further details, but these should not prevent us all from "getting together" in a most enjoyable, and at the same time, responsible, way.


The local police are warning residents of a nasty new Scam threat.

Every month the Harleston police circulate a Newsletter on current policing matters, which is placed on this website. This month it has come with a Poster describing a new scam threat.

Further details are provided in the current Newsletter but it seems the scammer are now impersonating the police themselves.

You have been warned!

Broadband Issues

An interesting item appears on the Agenda for next week's meeting of the Parish Council.

Item 10 is all about Broadband coverage in some parts of the parish, namely Darrow Green and Manor Farm Road.

As usual, the meeting is open to the public, with comments on agenda items welcome, but, as it is to be held via video-conferencing, those wishing to "attend" need to contact the Clerk in advance. Details are on the website.

And Again!

Social activity is slowly returning to Denton.

The previously reported first venture into re-opening the Village Hall Bar, on August 21st, proved to be a great success so another similar event, but with a few changes, is to be organised on Friday September 4th from 6 to 9pm.

This time suitably spaced tables and chairs will be used in the hall itself. There will be a one way system through the hall to minimise risk and help with social distancing. Entry will be through the Pool Room and exit will be through the main hall door. To avoid pinch points, men will use the disabled toilet near the bar and women the toilet in the new extension by the kitchen. Hand sanitiser will be provided on entry and exit.

Service this week will be to your table. Just sit down where you like and the bar staff will take your orders and bring your drinks to you. We will again keep a note of people’s orders and you will be asked to pay once, before you leave, by cash or cheque to minimise the need to handle money.

Everyone will need to follow social distancing guidance and children will need to be closely supervised.

Not Last Friday

Because of the Corona Crisis, the Village Hall Bar has been out of action since March but, at last, it is finally going to re-open if only on a suitably cautious basis.

After careful consideration, and consultation, the DVH Committee have agreed to go ahead with a trial opening on Friday, 21st August. The Hall and the bar itself will be off limits, apart from one loo at the Southern end, but all the usual drinks will be available from a table at the door onto the patio area at the North end of the building. Social distancing rules will apply.

Fingers crossed for a fine, dry, evening!

65 But Not A Record

The latest set of Speed Monitoring statistics, for July, are now on the Website. They show that on July 22nd at midday a vehicle was recorded travelling at 65 mph uphill on Trunch Hill.

However, that is not the highest ever recorded on our monitoring system. That "distinction" goes to another (or possibly the same?) vehicle which was clocked at 70 mph going southbound near Skinners' Meadow on 14th May!

Post Office Re-opening

We are delighted to announce that Denton's Post Office will be re-opening.

Closed since the start of the Shutdown, it will be open again this Thursday 6th August.

Face masks must be worn and only two people will be allowed inside at any time.

Latest Covid-19 News

With the lifting of some restrictions from tomorrow Norfolk Constabulary have issued a statement covering the latest Covid-19 Crisis situation.

It can be seen HERE

Updated Traffic Changes in Harleston

Following public objections the current traffic restrictions in Harleston have been modified.

Proposals for making temporary changes to the way the traffic flows in Harleston, to make life easier during the current emergency, were causing some concern.

An updated Map has now been published. Local residents are invited to send in their comments to -

Unfortunately there were no details provided on when the changes are going to be implemented!
But they are now in place.

News From NCC

The latest news on the current Emergency from Norfolk County Council is now Available.

Slavery in Denton?

There has been a lot of publicity recently about the part that the slavery trade and slavery itself played in British history. Some interesting research by a former local resident has now revealed a link to Denton.

The Slave Trade Act of 1807 ended the transport of slaves in British ships from Africa across the Atlantic, but it was not until 1833 that another Act made the ownership of slaves illegal throughout most of the British Empire. Finally this was followed by the Slavery Compensation Act of 1837. This provided for £20M, the equivalent of £2¼B today, to be paid to former slave owners.

It has now emerged that in 1835 the Rev George Sanby, sometime Rector of South Elmham and Vicar of Flixton, who lived at Denton Lodge which he had inherited from his father, received the sum of £166.16s.11d as compensation under the Act. This would be £18,700 at today’s values.

Confusingly, he was the son of another Rev George Sanby who was Rector of Denton from 1750 to 1807. But it was through his mother Mary Acres that he received the compensation cash. The Acres owned the Tryall sugar plantation in Hanover Parish in Jamaica. It seems they were forced to liberate 314 slaves for which they were compensated to the tune of £5,337. Only a small part reached Denton. Tryall is now a luxury country club and golf course.

If you want to check if your family was involved, go to the Legacies of British Slave-ownership website.

Ten Years of Talk

Denton Talk is now ten years old.

It all started on 31st May 2010 when 31 local residents signed up to join the scheme.

Ten years, and who knows how many messages, later - there are currently 223 members.

Most people would agree that it has, in the main, provided a very useful service for the local community, particularly in the current emergency situation. From lost (and found) dogs to information about coming events it has helped us in so many ways. OK, it has perhaps been misused at times but, in spite of this, very few people have asked to be removed from the system.

In so many ways it has shown what a great community we all live in.

Here's to the next ten years!


Thanks to Matt Squirrell, we have discovered that Talk actually started in March 2009 as part of the work on our entry for the Calor Village of the Year Competition.

So Talk is really eleven years old!

Community Update

Norfolk Constabulary have issued a statement covering the current Covid-19 Crisis situation.

It can be seen HERE

Parish Council News

Like so many other bodies in the current crisis, Denton PC was forced to cancel its normal two-monthly meeting due to be held last night, Tuesday 12th May.

However, the Council have produced a report on current issues etc. and this can be viewed on the Website.

The next meeting of the Council is due on July 14th.

75 Years On

Friday 8th May was the 75th anniversary of VE Day when the end of the Second World War in Europe was celebrated across the UK and beyond. Despite the Coronavirus Lockdown this was an important anniversary to be commemorated and Denton residents were determined to play their part.

A timetable of events, and a call for suitable red, white and blue decorations, was circulated. The celebrations were centred on 3 pm, when Prime Minister Churchill had announced the end of hostilities, with a suitable toast "For those that gave so much, we thank you”. Every household was then encouraged to hold a tea-party outside their houses and many did.

Naturally, many photographs of the event were taken. A small selection can be see on a Special Page on the website, together with a link to a larger collection of those taken by Lydia Sida Page.

More Council Support

The latest crisis information from the County Council with advice and useful links, dated 29th April, is now available on the village website.
All information from the Council can be found in the Services Section.

County Council Crisis Support

Norfolk County Council have today circulated details of extra support for the vulnerable and other residents during the current crisis.

Full details can be seen Here.

Allotment Opportunity

Many Denton residents are currently taking advantage of imposed isolation and the Spring sunshine to get on with sorting out their gardens. An announcement in the April Parish News offers a further horticultural opportunity.

The Parish Council provide four allotments for local residents, situated between the Playing Field and Rogerson's Wood. All four are currently vacant and the Council are concerned that, unless new tenants can be found, they will have to be returned to the landowners.

Most people find growing their own vegetables to be a most rewarding experience. Even if you have never done so before there is plenty of help and advice available to get you going.

Further details are available from Terry Hanner - 788414.

Play Area Closure

Denton Parish Council have issued the following Notice:

Following local and national government advice, the play area equipment will now be out of use. A sign will be placed on the information board and equipment cordoned off in the new couple of days.

Please therefore refrain from using the play area with immediate effect.

The field and walking areas are still available for daily exercise however please ensure that you adhere to the government social distancing advice.

Rae Carries On


Unfortunately, since this article was posted, Rae has been forced to suspend the service. The alternatives, visits to the post offices in Bungay and Harleston, are being offered via the village's isolation support scheme etc.

Despite the current difficulties, our noble Postmistress, Rae Stribling, is keeping our Thursday Post Office going. Not quite as usual perhaps - no refreshments available and only one customer at a time allowed on the premises - but the vital service continues.


One happy customer.


One happy Postmistress.
Well done Rae!

Village Hall Goes "Off-Licence"

We regret to inform you that the trial described below, while successful on Friday 20th March, will not be repeated. One potential alternative source of ale is the Grain brewery itself.

The latest development in the Coronavirus emergency is the sad decision to suspend normal Friday evening bar sessions at the Village Hall.

In its place, and recognising that many Denton residents need some liquid refreshment on a Friday night, an "off licence " arrangement is to be trialled. Drinks for home consumption will be sold, for an hour from 6.30pm to 7.30pm only.

This will include draught beer, initially the delicious Grain Brewery Redwood Red Ale (4.6%abv), but customers must bring their own containers!

Support for the Isolated

With the spread of the Coronavirus threat, more and more people are considering self-isolation, either voluntary or imposed. A scheme has been set up in Denton to provide a point of contact for help with shopping etc. for those who need it.

A number of people have offered to help and details of the scheme and a list of those currently available appear in the Services Section of the Website.

People who do not have internet access are catered for with special contact numbers.

The service also covers isolated people who just want to chat with someone.

The Battle of the Tables

The annual Denton Table Tennis Tournament, held last Friday at the Village Hall, generated a fair amount of heat, aided and abetted by a good turnout of all ages from 8 to 80 and a wide range of talent.

Some close tussles on the tables included Karen Dove's eventual triumph over Helen Sida Page, Jason Kerr's 26-24 arm wrestle with Brad and Skye's entertaining victory (22-20) over David Godsmark.

The clean sweep from Janet Howman took her to the ladies' silverware overcoming Doris Lambert (22-14). The men's title went to Jaya Mace from Alburgh whose entertaining array of shots took him past Brad in a final that boasted the highest level of skills seen in recent years.

There were a total of 86 games with everyone playing at least five sets and a good time was had by all. Thanks to everyone for an enjoyable evening but especially to Steve Whiteman for organising the event.

What Beanstalk - What Giant?

There are two special significant challenges with presenting the panto "Jack and the Beanstalk". First getting a realistic beanstalk onto the stage for Jack to ascend and then placing a realistic Giant at the top of it.

DVC's production, performed to packed houses at the Village Hall last Thursday, Friday and Saturday, managed to get round these issues very cleverly. The beanstalk was located just off-stage in the wings but frequent gestures and remarks from the cast made this very obvious. When it came to felling it the chain-saw sound-effects were very convincing.

The giant was also similarly disguised with his shirt as the backdrop and two large hands, which moved to grab passing people very neatly when the story required. Here again his suitably deep and loud voice, "Fee, Fie, Fo, Fum" etc., was another valuable contribution from the sound-effects department.

All of this contributed to a most entertaining show in the great DVC tradition. This year there were several new faces on the stage and they blended seamlessly with the Club's regular performers. Talking of "old-stagers", that much-respected anonymous source has again put together an excellent review of the production.

The Review, the Programme and a set of photographs can all be seen on the 2020 page in the DVC Section of the Village Website.

Another New Bone Holder

One of the highlights of the Annual Denton Quiz Night every year is deciding who will be awarded the coveted "Bone of Contention".

This, suitably shaped, trophy is collected by the person adjudged to have given the quiz-mistress the most trouble during the evening - challenging the correctness of the answers etc. Most of this year's contestants were quite well behaved on Saturday night, but "she-who-must-be-obeyed", Denise Grant, had no hesitation in awarding the trophy to Steve Barrett. Perhaps his recent elevation to the Parish Council has gone to his head?

The quiz itself produced a very close result with the "Tartan Tarts" team beating the "Corner Crew" by just a single point. A great evening was had by all.

Where Are The Stocks?

A recent discussion on DentonTalk has generated a lot of interest.

Rich Palmer had circulated an old postcard, sent to him by his father, showing "The Old Stocks Tree, Denton", wondering if it was in Denton, Norfolk?.

  • Click here to see it, Subsequent posts pointed out that there were not many dry-stone walls locally and that there were plenty of other Dentons in, perhaps, more suitable parts of England.

    This produced a reference to the fund-raising bicycle-ride round eight other Dentons completed by Liz Cargill and Jenny Crowhill back in 2009. It seems that they did not manage to spot such a tree on their travels, but, the search continues.

    We all know that Denton once had its own "Hangmans Hill" but did we ever have our own set of Village Stocks?

  • Seven Again

    The Parish Council are now back to a full complement of seven councillors.

    Last May Zoe Brown was re-elected to Denton PC , having served since 2015. However she recently decided to step down and a replacement was required.

    At Tuesday's meeting the Council co-opted Steve Barrett of Danacre Road to fill the vacancy.

    Roll On 2020

    So, a New Year is born! Let's hope it is a really happy one for everyone in Denton.

    After a very festive Christmas for most residents of the village the new year was seen in with suitable celebrations. Hogmanay gatherings were held in a number of locations but the official Party at the Village Hall was a great success. Many thanks to the S-Ps and everyone else who contributed to the occasion.

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