Festive activities have been building up in the Village recently - the Bazaar, the Carol Concert and several private parties - but the holiday will really take off on Christmas Eve at the Hall.
This annual gathering will be slightly different this year; based on the great "bring and share a plate" system (though contributions are not mandatory). The bar opens at 7.30 pm. Wally the Weindeer has promised to attend.
Once again Christmas cards will be on display at the Village Hall and a charity will benefit.
The scheme involves Denton residents placing a single card, to the whole village, on a board in the Village Hall rather that delivering a number of cards to individual houses. The idea is that they should then donate the money they save to charity. For several years the scheme has raised funds for the Bwindi Orphanage in Uganda, last year £290 was collected, and this is continuing this time.
This year's Village Supper was as successful as its many predecessors. The Village Hall was filled to overflowing (the planned extension is definitely needed!) and a great time was had by all.
Special thanks must go to everyone who contributed; as usual the cooks produced an excellent four course meal and others did their bit, serving the food, clearing the tables, washing up etc. The bar staff did a great job keeping everyone supplied with suitable liquid refreshment.
One highlight of the evening was, after the traditional "Spirit of Denton" toast, the announcement that we were celebrating a very significant anniversary. It seems the Hanners, Kath and Terry, have recorded no less than 100 year's joint service on the Village Hall Management Committee. It is impossible to measure just how much they have contributed to village life over the last half century. We are all most grateful.
Fleur Guyton, who herself suffered from Leukaemia while a child, is shaving off her hair next month to raise funds to support a cancer charity.
Fleur’s own account of how the disease had such a major impact on her early years can be seen on the Sponsorship Page together with details of how you can contribute.
As winter draws on it is also the end of the compost collection season.
There will be no
Community Composting collection this coming Sunday, November 9th, but the final collection will be made on Sunday 16th starting at 2 pm.
Crime pays in the cyder business. It seems that the winners of this year's Largest Apple competition, Little Dave's Team, obtained their prize-winning specimen illegally from a tree owned by the
Black Hand Society's own Chairman, the leader of a rival team!
In spite of this underhand behaviour the pressing weekend went very well and was much enjoyed by a large number of Society members and their families. Foraging had produced 4.5 tons of apples, with Pete's Pirates winning the trophy for the largest contribution. Thanks to the sterling work of members the apples were then turned into 341 gallons of juice.
Recent research has revealed another place in England named Denton.
Fourteen UK Denton's have been listed on the village website for some time, on the
"Other Dentons" page. This has included Upper Denton in Cumbria close to Hadrian's Wall. However attempts to find a matching "Lower Denton" have failed.
This anomaly has now been solved. The missing parish is in fact called Nether Denton; so the list now contains fifteen entries.
Some of you will have heard that a new World Record for the Marathon was set in Berlin last Sunday. By pure coincidence three Dentonians were also taking part in the same event although they never got to see the record breaking winner.
Lucy & Kevin Hanner and David Godsmark did however manage to complete the 42 km (26 miles) distance, without hesitation or deviation, Lucy finishing in a very creditable time of 4 hours 40 minutes and Kev & Dave in 4 hours 11mins.
It was a truly international event with competitors from all over the world. One Japanese lad was running in bare feet as Christ on the cross. The Dentonians did manage to overtake him.
The Denton squad was well supported by a travelling group of family members and by the end of the trip Terry had a strong grasp of conversational German (Yes, they were all very friendly and spoke perfect English!). The team of Denton "athletes" have raised a substantial sum for Anthony Nolan, the blood cancer Charity; well over their target of £1,000. They are very grateful to everyone from Denton who sponsored them.
Right: The three heroes with their medals at the Brandenburg Gate.
As reported earlier the Parish Council has decided to return to the traditional date for it's meetings - the second Tuesday of the month.
This was supposed to start next month but it seems the Village Hall is not available on the 14th October! The next meeting will thus be held on Monday 13th October. The switch to Tuesdays will take place in November.
Users of Denton's Thursday morning Post Office were celebrating today with the installation of a new, user-friendly, footpath from the road to the door of the chapel vestry where the Post office, and much else, "happens".
The new pathway, which has been provided by the Parish Council using funds obtained from re-cycling credits earned by the village compost scheme, replaces a very rough pathway which some PO users found difficult to negotiate. "My customers are delighted with the improved access" commented Rae Stribling who runs the Post Office.
This year's Open Village Show was as successful as its predecessors - the hall was filled by some great produce etc and by a crowd of people who came to admire it all.
The winners of the various classes were:
Championship Trophy (Show Overall): Ruth Cooke.
Flower Classes (Grant Trophy): Ruth Cooke.
Vegetable and Fruit Classes (Skinner Trophy): Ronnie Phillips.
Domestic Classes (Carden Trophy): Jean Whipps.
Decorative Classes (Charnick Trophy): A tie between - Peter Wiltshire, Kay Wiltshire and Rosemary Gibson.
Gentlemen’s Class (Godsmark Trophy) – (Carrot Cake): Peter Wiltshire.
Full details of all the rosette winners can be seen on the
Show History Page.
Below: Ruth Cooke receives the new Championship Trophy from DGC Chairman, Anne Carden.
The Parish Council has changed the day of its meetings - again.
Since January the Council has been meeting on the second Monday of the month but this clashes with Topcroft PC so, to make it easier for our County and District Cllrs to attend, it has been decided to revert to the traditional day, the second Tuesday.
It was talent-spotting time at the Variety Club's Workshop held at the Village Hall on Saturday.
It was great to see so many young people (and not so young in some cases!) gradually lose their inhibitions and join in the fun. Several potential stars emerged, again both young and old. We can look forward to some excellent Rising Stars and DVC productions.
Particular thanks of course must go to the organisers: Gill Hipwell, Denise Grant, Barbara Spaul and, DVC Secretary, Kat Cooper, but it was a great team effort.
Denton Variety Club are holding an Open Workshop on Saturday 6th September at the Village Hall. The objective is to encourage more people, but particularly youngsters, to join in the Club's activities.
The event will start at 10.00 with a Children's Workshop (ages 12 and under). This will be followed by an Adult Workshop from 10.45-11.30 (during which children's games will take place on the Village Hall green). The event will end with a bring and share lunch.
All welcome. Further information from Katherine Wheeler - 788930.
There was a great turnout for this year's annual Boules Championship held at the Mill Farm Bouleodrome on 7th August. Over 45 participants and spectators were there and 12 teams keenly competed for the much sought after Boules Remy Trophy.
Every team played a minimum of 3 games (whether they liked it or not) and over the evening there were some very impressive performances. Team Hanner must get particular mention. Jonathan lost a contact lens mid tournament, and Amy played with a child on one arm for most of the evening. In spite of this they made it to the final, eventually being defeated by Bless 'em All (Gill, Clare & Rob; the long the short and the tall).
Gill's decision to ditch other members of last year's winning team, the "Hippos", proved to be well judged, as Rob & Clare's skill and enthusiasm carried Bless' em All to an impressive win in the final. Another victim of Bless 'em All were hot favourites TOWIE (Michelle, Garry and Ronnie), who appeared to peak too soon.
In the plate competition final, former Hippos team member Dino, together with Mutts & Fizzy, was trounced by "Ain't Fussed" (David, Linda & Terry T). Gill may have to provide some coaching before next year's event. Inevitably there was a splash of rain, but not enough to dampen the enjoyment of the evening.
Details have been announced of changes to the, very limited, bus service "enjoyed" by Denton residents.
The one-bus-a-day to Harleston service now operates Monday-Friday only and the timings have changed slightly. Further details appear on the Transport Page.
A short, 15 minute, service of prayer and reflection to mark the outbreak of World War I and to honour all those who fought in it is to be held at Denton Chapel on Monday 4th August.
The focus will be on remembering the sacrifices made at home and abroad during and after the war and there will be opportunities to remember individuals and groups of people.
Sprigs of rosemary will be available to dedicate to those who suffered and died. In order to be as inclusive as possible the service will be held twice, at 10 am and 7 pm.
The Environment Agency has announced that it will be carrying out flood prevention work on the Denton Beck.
The work will involve cutting and removing in-channel vegetation. It will stretch from Vale Farm on Trunch Hill down to Oakwood about halfway down Danacre Road. Work on site should begin in late summer and last approximately one week.
For any general enquiries prior to the work starting please contact: Sean Woods, 07795 367453. Any enquiries about the works whilst they are being carried out should be directed to: Paul George, 01473 706583.
This year's Craig Whipps Memorial Cricket Match will be held on the Denton Playing Field on June 29th with play beginning at 1.30pm.
The usual refreshments will be provided for those taking part or watching. Everyone in the village is encouraged to join in as we remember one of Denton’s sons, and have some amusement along the way.
A major topic at Thursday night’s Annual Parish Meeting was how the Parish Council should spend its surplus funds.
Over the years, thanks partly to recycling credits earned from the Community Composting Scheme, the council’s reserves have built up so that they now stand at over £9,000 pounds. This compares with the annual precept of £3,000.
The council have been told the PCs are not supposed to hold such large reserves, it was suggested that £3,000 was adequate, so one of the objectives at the APM was to discuss potential spending options. These were:
Footpath to Post Office in Chapel
The proposal to surface the access to the Vestry, at a cost £1K to £1.5K, received general support.
This scheme would involve the equipment being held in secure storage, possibly at the Village Hall, with easy access when needed. It could be critical in saving lives. Cost was likely to be around £2K. It was widely supported at the meeting.
Seats Around Candlestick
The PC would investigate sites and the best seats to use etc.
Village Pond
Improving the pond, on Norwich Road opposite Risedale, might be a suitable project for the proposed new Conservation Group.
Hedge North Side of Playing Field
The meeting was divided on whether this was a good idea.
Land Between Playing Field and Wood
There were limited options available due to the restrictions imposed in the lease to the PC. It was hoped to at least tidy up the area.
Pocket Park
Tidying up the area might be another task for the Conservation Group but the PC would consider other options.
Adult Exercise Equipment
While thought by some to be a good idea it might prove to be very expensive.
Footway Norwich Road
It was generally agreed that providing a footway between the Chapel and the Village Hall was not really necessary.
Earlier the meeting had received reports from County Councillor Margaret Summerfield, District Councillor Murray Gray and Chairman of the PC Peter Hill.
They did - the hall was packed. If you were not there you missed a great evening.
The programme, see below, followed a 40's and 50's theme and included a great mix of solo performances, duets and group singing interspersed with some very amusing sketches. The songs were nearly all old favourites so the audience could join in with enthusiasm.
All the nine members of the cast contributed to a great team effort but Peter, Karen and Gill's singing was, as usual, outstanding. In the sketches Terry had some particularly good roles but Val in shorts was a sight not to be missed! Johnnie's excellent accompaniment kept the whole show rolling along.
Finally, the three course meal provided during the interval, and served by the cast, was delicious and made sure that everybody there enjoyed a very successful event. Thanks to all concerned.
Details of the revised proposed extension to the Village Hall are now available.
The new, cut down, scheme replaces the old bus garage with a multi-purpose function room, an improved toilet facility at that end of the hall and new storage facilities.
A recent meeting of the Village Hall Management Committee approved the proposals and a planning application has been submitted. This will be considered at next week's meeting of the
Parish Council.
Full details of the application, including drawings can be inspected by going to the
the South Norfolk Council Website and entering the application reference - 2014/0747.
The Parish Council have announced that this year's Parish Meeting will be held on Thursday 15th May starting at 7.30 pm.
Among the topics to be discussed are various proposals for additional facilities in the village but any resident can raise any issue that concerns them.
A summer of happy gardening is in prospect for members of Denton Gardening Club
Full details of the Club's summer programme are now available on the
Club Page together with information about the
Annual Show to be held on the 13th September.
The message from last night's Joint Parish Council Meeting was very much - faster broadband is on its way but is unlikely to reach Denton for some time.
Karen O'Kane, who lives in the village, heads up the County Council's team working with BT to provide improved internet access across the county. She told the meeting about the challenges of updating the current copper-based telephone network to support a fast broadband service.
The objective is to extend a fibre-optic cable network from every local exchange to improve transmission rates towards the national standard of 24 megabits per second. Final links will continue to rely on copper wire connections so, as now, the actual speeds achieved will depend on the distance of each property from the local distribution cabinet.
It seems there are many areas of the county with a worse service than Denton and they are being tackled first. Karen was unable to tell the meeting just how long users of the Homersfield exchange would have to wait, but then at least she has to share our problems.
Further information, including an interactive map which shows the status of each exchange, is available on the "Better Broadband for Norfolk" website.
There was a sense of déjà vu at this year's Denton Table Tennis Tournament held on March 7th. The players who carried off the trophies happened to be exactly those who triumphed last year.
Alex won the junior section, David Kemp with his unfathomable spin took the Men’s Open, whilst Jo Andrews - known in these parts as Charlie’s sister - romped to victory to remain unbeaten in the Ladies’ Open.
There were some desperate battles of wills as could be seen on the determined facial expressions of players in tight games; Doris battling against a victorious Andrea comes to mind, as does the struggle between Peter and David as they seemed reluctant to finish any rally in less than 20 strokes! There were 92 sets played, two balls trodden on and a good time was had by all!
It is Denton's turn to host the meeting which is to be held at the Village Hall on Tuesday 25th March. The leader of the County Council's Broadband team, Karen O'Kane who lives locally, is the guest speaker. She will explain the scheme to improve access to the internet across the County.
All members of the public from the five parishes involved are welcome to attend.
Saturday May 10th will see a great evening of Entertainment at the Village Hall.
Our own local impresario, Johnnie Carslake, is organising another "Cabaret Evening". Based on previous such events - it will be something not to be missed! Full details on the Coming Events page.
Audiences at the Village Hall over the last three nights have enjoyed DVC's production of "Robin Hood Goes West", written and directed in her usual great style by Gill Hipwell.
Full details of the cast etc. and a review of the show can be seen in the
Club History Section. section.
If you failed to get to the Village Hall last night you missed a great occasion.
It was the Last Friday of the month but, courtesy of the Hendersons, a special meal was laid on. Of course Burns Night is officially January 25th but Denton is noted for its flexibility in such things.
The traditions of a Burns Supper were followed with a procession of suitably dressed gentlemen led by a piper. This was followed by a brilliant rendering of Burns' own "Address to a Haggis" ("Great chieftain o' the puddin-race!") by Murray Gray, ending with a dramatic evisceration of the first haggis, and the Selkirk Grace spoken by Chris Whipps.
Plates of haggis with mashed "tatties and neeps" were then served and much enjoyed by all. The only thing missing was the public toast to the "immortal memory" but it seemed that there was much private toasting going on.
Well-deserved thanks were recorded to Sarah and her team of helpers.
It was a close run thing at the Village Hall this evening but the winners of the annual Village Quiz were "Evie's Angels" aka the "Hanner Horde".
With nine teams taking part, they won the much prized "Brain of Denton" trophy with "Taken for Granted" second and "The Magnificent Seven" third. The even more coveted "Plastic Fish" award, for last place, was won by the "Darrow Green Demons".
Quizmistress Denise Grant, ably assisted by her glamorous assistant, Momma King, produced a fascinating range of questions which challenged everybody. The break for food, Denton Chilli á la mode etc., was much enjoyed by all, as indeed was the whole evening.
Thanks must go to everybody who contributed to yet another great village event.
On the first of the month a Greek Night will be held at the Village Hall in aid of Multiple Sclerosis and six days later the annual Table Tennis Tournament will be held at the same venue.
The Earsham Benefice, which includes Denton, has announced that Revd. Christopher Hutton has accepted the post of Rector. He currently serves as the Curate of St Mary's Southgate at Crawley in Sussex.
The date of his installation will be announced in due course.
There was good news for Denton's Council Tax-payers at Monday's meeting of the Parish Council.
Council members considered their draft budget for the coming financial year starting in April. After some discussion of future financial requirements it was agreed to keep the precept, the amount DPC asks South Norfolk Council to collect from residents on behalf of the PC, at the same figure as last year - £3,000.
The exact impact on the amount paid by each property for use by the council is not yet known but any increase or decrease is likely to be very small.
All last-fridays-in-the-month are special in Denton but this January's will be very special.
As usual an evening meal will be provided at the Village at a modest charge but it is the Burns Night season so, courtesy of the Henderson family, haggis will be served.
In order for Sarah Henderson to know how many people to cater for and thus for Allan Henderson to know just how many haggi to shoot, those attending are asked to book their places in advance.