Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Coming Events

This section covers events currently included on the Diary page, i.e. during the next 3 months, and sometimes beyond.
In some cases, particularly those some distance away, they may be labelled "tbc" - to be confirmed. In others "Further details in due course." will be included.

These events may not be covered elsewhere on the website, though a suitable link is provided where they are. Unless otherwise indicated the venue will be the Village Hall.

Denton welcomes people from the neighbouring area to join in our activities. There are already a number of "honorary" Dentonians; the more the merrier.

Annual Village Fete

Saturday 13th July.

Village Lunch

Sunday 14th July.
A special event to celebrate 100 years of the Village Hall.

Coffee Morning

Saturday 20th July.
In aid of Addenbrookes Hospital.
Now postponed to later in the year.

Denton Gardening Club - Open Show

Saturday 31st August.
Further details in due course.

Beer, Band & BBQ

Friday 13th September.
Another chance to enjoy a Friday evening at the Village Hall.
Further details in due course.

Autumn Beetle Drive

Saturday 5th October - tbc.
Further details in due course.

Dream Boy Calendar Launch

Saturday 19th October - tbc.
In aid of Addenbrookes Hospital.
Further details in due course.

Annual Village Supper

Saturday 23rd November - tbc.
Further details in due course.

Christmas Market

Friday 6th December.
Further details in due course.

Christmas Lights

Friday 20th December.
Further details in due course.

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