Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Village News Archive for 2011

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Christmas Starts Here

This year Christmas in Denton will kick-off with a special event in the Village Hall on Saturday 24th December — Christmas Eve.

The normal Friday bar session on the 23rd has been cancelled but replaced, with party food provided by Jo and David Wright, one day later. All welcome.

NB — As a result no meal will be provided on December’s Last Friday, the 30th.

Red is the Colour

This year’s AGM of the Black Hand Cyder Society was a special occasion and was celebrated in style.

The Society is now eleven years old and members decided to recognise the great contribution of their Chairman — the person who has played a leading role in its affairs from the start and, critically, has provided the premises where “it all happens”.

Adrian Hipwell is noted for wearing a flat cap and red neckerchief on every possible occasion so, as a tribute, members attended the AGM, on December 1st, in similar attire. Unfortunately Adrian had dressed more formally but he enjoyed the spectacle!

At the close of the meeting, where another very successful year was recorded, David Godsmark, on behalf of the membership, presented Adrian with a red check dressing gown so that he can now wear his favourite colour at all times.

Village Spirit

Nearly 120 people enjoyed a great evening at the annual Village Supper at the Village Hall last night.

As usual catering standards were very high and the four-course meal was quite delicious. Thanks must go to everybody who contributed. However what really made the evening was the opportunity for so many members of our community to come together in such a relaxed environment. No wonder that the Sheriff’s proposal of a toast to “The Spirit of Denton” was greeted by universal acclamation.

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The village supper

Meeting Announced

The date of the Village Hall AGM has been announced.

The meeting will be held, in the Bar, on Monday 28th November. All inhabitants of the village of eighteen years and upwards are entitled to attend and vote at the meeting.

For further details please contact Kath Hanner (788414) or David Godsmark (788352).

Denton on Display

Throughout this year Lisa North, as part of her photographic training course, has been attending events in the village with her camera.

The results will be on view at an Exhibition at the Village Hall on Saturday, 28th January. You could be on view. Don’t miss it!

Harleston Bid Rejected

The Parish Council have again rejected a request from Harleston Town Council for a contribution towards the cost of the town’s car parks.

When, three years ago, South Norfolk Council decided to introduce charging for their car parks in Harleston the Town Council objected. Believing that retaining free car-parking was important they decided to take over the car parks themselves. To do so they have to pay South Norfolk a significant sum, over £13,000, every year. This is partly funded by local businesses but the bulk of the cost is borne by local council tax payers. For Band D households this adds more than £8 to their annual tax bill.

Recognising that many people from outside Harleston take advantage of the free parking in the town, the Town Council have asked neighbouring parish councils to make a contribution to the costs on behalf of their residents.

Some local PCs have recognised the saving to those visiting Harleston and helped with the cost but Denton PC decided at their November meeting that, not wishing to discriminate between Harleston and Bungay, they would not make any contribution.

No Rise in Council Tax

Denton Parish Council have agreed, for the second year running, to make no increase in their share of the council tax that all households are required to pay.

For the coming financial year, 2012/13, the council’s precept will increase by just £70 to £3,301. However, because of the new houses that are now contributing, the amount paid by individual households (this year £20.57 for a Band D property) should remain the same.

Pressing News

This year’s apple harvest has been gathered in and transformed into, what will hopefully be, excellent liquid refreshment.

Members of the Black Hand Cyder Society have been busy collecting nearly six tons of apples from the local area and then pressing the resulting 500 gallons of juice. It was decided to cut down on last year’s 600+ gallons but the sugar content seemed high so excellent cyder is forecast. The members look forward to testing this claim in due course.

Not Last After All

Last Friday has changed again. With food on offer at the Black Hand Cyder Pressing event on this month’s “real” Last Friday, on the 28th, it has been decided to bring forward the Village Hall Last Friday meal to the 21st. Good food news all round.

What to put in the Capsule?

Saffron Housing wish to mark the construction of Denton’s affordable housing scheme at Skinners’ Meadow by burying a time capsule under the green space at the centre of the development.

They have approached the Parish Council for ideas on what should go into the capsule and the Council would welcome suggestions (sensible ones please!) from local residents. Please send your ideas to the Parish Clerk.

Too Much Light

Problems of light pollution in the village were raised at this month’s meeting of the Parish Council last night.

Lighting installed at the new development at Skinners’ Meadow is upsetting both residents of the new housing and other local people.

Back at the project’s planning stage the PC, in line with their long-standing policy, opposed the installation of street lighting at the site but agreed that low level lighting in the two car-parking areas might be appropriate. However the lights installed are thought to be far too bright and, worst of all, are “on” continuously from dusk to dawn.

The Council agreed to contact Saffron Housing to request modifications to the scheme including PIR switching, so that the lights come on only when needed.

Fun on the Farm

The sun shone, for most of the day, at Glebe Farm yesterday and everybody attending Dentill 2011had a great time.

The third running of this biennial event attracted more than 700 people who enjoyed great displays of ploughing, harrowing, threshing etc. The traction engine powered threshing operation was a magnificent sight as were the fascinating displays of vintage vehicles, agricultural and otherwise. The children’s activities, including a sand pit, pets’ corner and donkey rides, were very popular. Througout the day the food tent and bar did a roaring trade and the Mustang’s flying display was an added attraction.

The organisers would like to thank all the many volunteers who gave up their time to make the event such a success and in particular Malcolm Skinner for providing the excellent venue. The total sum raised, for charity, was over £4,000.

Latest news!

Results of the Balloon Game

There were 146 balloons in the tractor cab. There were 4 entries that were 1 away from the correct answer:

  • Jennie Crohill
  • Chris Bardsley
  • David Parsons
  • Philip Ransome (from Harleston)

Thank you very much to everyone that took part, the competition raised £70.

The pictures were kindly provided by Simon Buck.

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The traction engine
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Tractors in action
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Trailer rides
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The Mustang display
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Adrian Hipwell

They Did It!

We are delighted to report that Hilda Thomas and eight other members of her family successfully completed their parachute jumps for charity on Saturday.

We reproduce below, with thanks to the EDP, the picture that appeared in the paper recently but look forward to receiving some pictures of the jump itself.

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Photo: Bill Smith - Eastern Daily Press

Another Great Show

The Gardening Club’s Annual Show held on 3rd September was as successful as in previous years.

This year a record 37 people entered their produce etc. with more than 300 entries across the 53 classes.

Class winners were:

  • Overall Show Trophy — Anne Carden
  • Flower Classes (Grant Trophy) — Peter Wiltshire
  • Vegetable and Fruit Classes (Skinner Trophy) — Ronnie Phillips
  • Domestic Classes (Carden Trophy) — Denise Grant
  • Decorative Classes (Charnick Trophy) — Margaret Grant

Further details appear on the Show History page.

At the close of the Show tributes were paid to Ronnie Phillips who is shortly standing down as Chairman of the Club.

Sponsors Needed

Two Denton families are currently seeking sponsors for their charity fund-raising efforts.

On September 10th Hilda Thomas (at the age of 80!) will be leading no less than nine members of the Thomas clan in a mass parachute jump at Ellough. They will be raising funds for Myeloma UK the charity that helped Hilda’s son Chris when he was diagnosed with cancer. Contributions can be sent direct to Hilda (788249) or via Justgiving on the Net.

September 25th is World Heart Day and Nigel and Maureen Seamons will be playing there part on a sponsored bicyle ride round Grafham Water in Cambridgeshire. The money they raise will go to the Papworth Hospital charity; Nigel is a former patient at Papworth. Again contributions can be made to the Seamons (788717) or via Justgiving on the Net.

Wedding News and Views

Simon Buck has been the official photographer at two recent Denton weddings and his reports of the events together with some excellent pictures are available on his website.

The families involved have kindly agreed to general access so use the links below:

A third village wedding is due soon — watch this space.

Supper Date Announced

This year’s annual Village Supper will be held at the Village Hall on Saturday 19th November. Further details will appear here in due course.

There are now two events in November, the Supper and the Rising Stars performances on the 25th and 26th, which will conflict with that month’s normal “Last Friday” meal. It seems likely that this will be replaced with a “First Friday” event on December 2nd.

Young Actors Needed

Denton Variety Club has announced details of this year’s Rising Stars production.

An adaption of a version of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” is planned. Rehearsals will start on the first Sunday in October and the performances will be Friday 25th & Saturday 26th November.

The most important priority is to identify all the children who want to take part. Offers of help from adults would also be welcome. A planning meeting is to be held at the Village Hall on Tuesday 23rd August.

Not Last This Month

It has been confirmed that this month’s Last Friday activities have been brought forward to Friday 19th August.

This is to avoid a clash with the annual Cyder Fest which is taking place one day after the “real” last Friday, on Saturday 27th August.

As usual an excellent evening meal will be available at the Village Hall for just £2.50.

A Close Contest at the 'Drome

This year’s Denton Boules Championship, held at the Darrow Green Road Boulodrome last night, was as closely contested as in previous years.

Twelve teams, each of three players, entered the competition and competed in groups of three in the first round. Mercifully, the rain disappeared just in time, the barbecue was kept busy, the cyder flowed and a great evening was had by all.

The results were as follows:

  • Winners of the tournament and now proud holders of the coveted Boules Remy Trophy — Chris & Crew — Chris Whipps, Doris Lambert, Davis Lambert.
  • Runners up — Hungry Hippos — Gill Hipwell, Andy Hipwell, Amy Tufts
  • Winners of the Plate competition — On the Pull — Jennifer Lambert, Rob Godsmark, Peter Grant/Shirley Pull.
  • Runners up — Hedenham Heroes — Jane, William and George Hunt
  • Our boules correspondent commented “The high quality of play and competitive nature of many participants led to some hard fought games and quite a late night for the finalists. One can't help thinking, though, that last year’s winners Fitz (Mike, Andrea & Danielle) and up and coming newcomers LDKA (Bob, Avis & Eamon) may have misjudged the effect of the newly bottled 2009 & 2010 vintage blackhand cyder on offer, on their performance in the later rounds”.

AH - Nearly There

On Tuesday members of the Parish Council and other guests attended a ceremony organised by Saffron Housing to celebrate the completion of Denton’s long-awaited Affordable Housing.

They were told that the first tenants of the properties were due to receive the keys of their new homes on Tuesday August 2nd. We look forward to appropriate house-warming parties!

Development Plans

Information about potential sites for new housing in the village is now available on a new page in the Features section. It will be updated as more details become available.

Fun For All

Providing a fun-packed experience for all members of the family is the objective at this year’s Dentill event.

As well as the usual displays of traditional farming practices, including ploughing and steam powered thrashing, there will be plenty of “things to do” for everybody attending. This time there will be more emphasis on attracting younger visitors with donkey rides and a Pet’s Corner. As in previous years, static displays of vintage cars and equipment will be supplemented by a vintage flying display.

It look as though the third Dentill, on Sunday September 25th, is going to be a truly vintage affair.

A Model Performance

Members of Denton Art Group had an exciting time this week — for the first time they had been promised a “model” on which to practice their arts at their weekly session. But was it to be male or female — and how much would be revealed?

A record turn-out resulted; more than 15 members turned up at the Village Hall on Wednesday and were given the opportunity of sketching in charcoal, a new technique for many, guided by tutor Chris Bardsley. The model, who turned out to be male, struck four different poses for ten minutes each. He did very well to remain still for so long — without, alas, revealing too much.

However, all the members had a great time. The group are now taking a summer break but sessions will restart in September.

Composting Scrutinised

Denton’s community composters came under close scrutiny this week at their regular Tuesday gathering.

Arriving on site at Fir Tree Farm for their normal compost processing session the team found a group of more than 20 visitors ready to scrutinise their every move.

The visitors, from all over Norfolk and Suffolk, had come to find out “how to do it” and the workforce rose to the occasion. Liz Cargill and Anne Carden answered many of the visitors questions but other team members contributed to the discussion where appropriate. Denton was complimented on both its community spirit and the quality of the compost produced.

Bin Day Changing

South Norfolk Council have announced that Denton’s waste/recycling bin collection day is about to change, on a permanent basis.

“Our” day is to be Fridays from now on. There will be no collection on Monday 27th June — the next collection, of green bins, will be on Friday 1st July.

Blooming Gardens

Despite the poor weather Denton’s Open Gardens event on Sunday was very successful.

More than 90 visitors turned up to view the 17 gardens open to inspection and over £700 was raised to support renovation work at the church and chapel.

Lunches and teas were provided and nearly all the plants available for purchase by the visitors were sold. The “Trash & Treasure” (bric-a-brack) stall also did well. All the, suitably exhausted, owners of the gardens were rewarded by many compliments from the visitors. Their efforts were also much appreciated by the organisers of the event.

Substation Decision

Today’s planning meeting approved the application from Saffron Housing to install an electrical substation to serve the new Affordable Housing in Norwich Road.

South Norfolk Council’s Planning Committee meeting at Long Stratton received a report from the recent site meeting and heard the views of both those supporting the application — the Parish Council and a members of the public — and those opposing it. They then voted by 6 to 1 to approve the application.

It is thought that the new accomodation will now be ready for occupation towards the end of July.

More Deserved Recognition

It seems that, like London busses, awards to Denton residents arrive in pairs!

Even keener readers of Saturday’s EDP will have reached Page 51 where there is an extensive report of Denton’s Ewan Cumming’s receipt of the Chris Lewis Award from the Norfolk Farmers Trust. This biennial award is made to young farmers under 30 working with livestock. It recognises Ewan’s achievements with his flock of Poll Dorset sheep. He plans to use the £3,000 award to expand the flock and purchase equipment.

Well done Ewan.

Deserved Recognition

It is not often that the name of a Denton resident appears in a list of national honours but today provides a very welcome exception.

As keen readers of today’s EDP will have spotted, the latest Queen’s Birthday Honours List includes the award of an MBE to our own Alan Squirrell.

Over the last nine years Alan has provided outstanding leadership to see the infant South Norfolk Credit Union turn into the very successful Norfolk Credit Union and provide a critical financial lifeline to thousands of people across the county. It is typical of Alan that in his comments to the EDP he paid tribute to the many volunteers who have helped to make the Credit Union such a success but his own personal contribution has been outstanding.

We should all congratulate him on the thoroughly deserved recognition that his MBE represents.

Ball Tickets Available

Tickets for Denton’s social event of the year, the Village Ball on Saturday 11th June, are now available.

Profitable Plants

Today’s Plant Sale at the Village Hall raised £390 for church funds. Many thanks to all who contributed.

Grove Farm - Latest News

Tonight’s Parish Council meeting received two reports on the long-running saga of planning applications for Grove Farm in Middle Road.

The first covered the outcome of a prosecution of the owner of the site for failing to comply with enforcement action. This related to his failure to cease unauthorised residential use of one of the buildings at Grove Farm. Last week the Crown Court in Norwich found the owner guilty and awarded costs of £3,500 to be paid by him to South Norfolk Council.

Now appeals are being made to the Regional Inspectorate against enforcement notices regarding residential use of part of the central barn on the site without planning consent. The Council agreed unanimously to make strong representations opposing the appeals.

Wayne Gets the Nod

The Parish Council has a new member.

Following Eddie Winter’s decision to stand down, only six people put themselves forward at the recent elections for the seven places on the Parish Council. The council was thus required to co-opt a person to fill the vacancy at their AGM tonight. They decided to appoint Wayne Mayhew who lives at the Round House in Low Road and they look forward to the contribution from a new member.

Chairman Re-elected

Tonight’s Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council saw some quick adjustments to the Standing Orders in order to elect a Chairman for the coming year.

Some years ago Denton Parish Council decided, like many other bodies, to limit the time any member could serve as Chairman to a period of four years. This is widely regarded as good practice as it: prevents a single individual from dominating proceedings for too long; encourages more members to play an active role and helps to spread the burden of such an important position.

Liz Cargill has done a great job as Chairman for the last four years and has put a vast amount of time and effort into the role. At the annual meeting she was obviously very keen to step down, as the standing order required anyway. Unfortunately it became clear that none of the other five members was willing to take on the job.

The only way round this was a quick change to remove the four year rule and to persuade poor Liz to carry on. She deserves the sympathy and thanks of the whole parish.

Long Service Recognised

Current and former members of the Parish Council gathered at the Village Hall on Friday evening to make a special presentation.

They were marking the retirement from the Council, after 35 years service, of Eddie Winter. Speeches from current Chairman and Vice-Chairman, Liz Cargill and Terry Hanner, covered his great contribution to the Council as member and Chairman and to the parish as a whole. Eddie responded in his typical modest fashion and paid tribute to the support he had received from his wife, Audrey. The couple were presented with several appropriate gifts to mark the occasion.

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(Photo — Ken Ashton)

Consultation Results

The Parish Council have decided to raise no objections to the planning application for the new electrical substation required for the Affordable Housing.

Last night’s Extraordinary Council Meeting, chaired by Terry Hanner, was attended by Peter Ramsdale of Saffron Housing. He explained the background to the application and the problems caused by EDF’s failure to survey the site properly. He then answered questions from councillors and residents.

Residents were then invited to comment on the application and several spoke against it. However members of the council could not support these objections. They therefore voted, unanimously, to raise no objection to the application.

STOP PRESS The meeting of the Area Planning Committee held on May 4th decided to defer any decision on the application so there will be a further delay before the housing can be occupied.

Special Council Meeting

The Parish Council are holding an Extraordinary Meeting next Tuesday, 26th April, at 7.00 pm to consider the planning application for the electrical substation required for the affordable housing. The Agenda is in the parish council section of the website.

Wedding Celebrations

Denton’s great tradition of “Any Excuse for a Party” will be followed on April 29th when residents will be invited to celebrate the Royal Wedding taking place on that day.

The format has yet to be decided but anyone interested in helping with the event should attend the special meeting to be held at the Village Hall on Wednesday 23rd March starting at 7.30 pm.

STOP STOP PRESS The meeting agreed to hold a Tea Party with games etc. in the afternoon and a Barbecue in the evening. Full details now in Coming Events.

Connection Delay

Further delays have been announced in the occupation of Denton’s new Affordable Housing.

Construction work on site is nearly complete and the successful applicants for the units have been notified, but they will not be able to move in until a major obstacle has been overcome — the lack of electricity.

Incredibly, it seems something went seriously wrong with the planning of this vital facility. Now the suppliers, EON, have decided that a new substation will be needed to service the site. They have submitted a planning application, No.2011/0568, but details are not yet available. It will take some time to complete this process and then the equipment will have to be installed.

It seems the new properties will not be occupied before June.

Please Fence Me In

The Parish Council have decided to spend £300 from composting income to fence in the new Allotments.

There is still one plot unallocated; anyone interested should contact Liz Cargill Tel:788862.

Ninety Years Young

Denton WI celebrated its ninetieth birthday yesterday with an anniversary dinner at the Village Hall.

The event was attended by more than 60 current and former members with guests from neighbouring institutes.

An excellent meal was provided followed by a very enjoyable cabaret performed by a team of well-known talented local entertainers.

The first Women’s Institute was formed in Canada in 1897 but the idea did not spread to Britain until 1915. The WI was originally set up in the UK to revitalise rural communities and to encourage women to become more involved in producing food during the First World War.

The Denton branch was established in 1921. Last night’s diners were entertained with readings from the original minute book by Kath Hanner.

Only Six!

There were only six nominations for the seven places on Denton Parish Council when nominations closed at noon today.

This means that the Super Six, current councillors, — Liz, Roger, Terry, Peter, Adrian and Annie are returned unopposed and will have the choice of opting for another election to fill the seventh place or co-opting a “willing” volunteer. The latter course seems more likely.

The one current councillor who is not seeking re-election is Eddie Winter who is standing down after many years of excellent service — we thank him and wish him a long and happy retirement.

There will therefore be no PC elections on May 5th but the AV Referendum goes ahead and the District Council seat for the Earsham Ward is contested.

Murray Gray, Liberal Democrats is challenged by Jethro Elsden, Conservative. May the best man win.

Extension News

Details of the latest extension to the Village Hall are now available.

A Planning Application has been made to the District Council. Copies of the plans are on display in the Hall but can also be viewed on-line at the South Norfolk Council Website. Select “View Related Documents” to inspect the plans and other information.

Talent on Display

The artistic skills of a number of local residents were on display today at the Village Hall.

Denton Art Group” have now been going for over a year and to mark this milestone they put on their first Show. More than fifteen members exhibited their work and a wide range of painting techniques were on display.

During the day over sixty visitors dropped in and admired the paintings and some also purchased excellent examples to take away.

Several people expressed an interest in joining the Group which would like to encourage all local painters to join them.

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The Art Group Show
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The Art Group Show
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Members of the Art Group

Ball Date Announced

The Village Hall Committee have announced that this year’s Summer Ball will be held on Saturday June 11th.

More details will be provided in due course.

New Use for the Chapel?

Making more use of the Chapel for community activities was discussed at this evening’s Annual Parish Meeting.

The Rev. David Gibson told the meeting that the Chapel was in need of major refurbishment, including a new roof, which would cost £60,000. One way of attracting grant aid would be to find new uses for the building which could involve the whole community. One option might be providing space for the “Community Shop” that is currently being researched by a working party, but this was not supported by all those at the meeting.

Housing Delay

It seems an unfortunate lack of planning will delay the occupancy of Denton’s new Affordable Housing scheme.

Today’s Annual Parish Meeting was told the good news that completion of the six new housing units in Norwich Road was now in sight and that they would be ready for use in April. However, it seems that there is a hold-up in providing electricity to the site and this will delay occupancy by two weeks. It does seem surprising that after more than six month’s work on site the issue of connecting up to the mains has not been resolved on time.

Speed Limit Goes Ahead

We are delighted to report that Denton’s long-awaited 30 MPH speed limit is about to go ahead at last.

The county council have responded to local pressure and amended their initial scheme to extend the area included in the restriction further down Trunch Hill to the old village school. Further consultation has been completed and we are told that the new restriction signs will be erected “soon”.

STOP PRESS The posts for the main restriction signs are now in place!

Well Looked After

Our athletics correspondent reports that Nikki Wright successfully completed the City of Norwich Half Marathon in a very respectable time of just under 2 hours 40 minutes. The last 3 miles were quite tough but she was very determined and even managed to sprint over the finishing line. She was escorted by a couple of very attractive nurses.

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The runners

Dentill 2011 Launched

A date has been fixed and an organising committee has been formed for Dentill 2011. Put Sunday September 25th in your diary, now.

This will be the third time this popular event — “A Farming Festival, celebrating farming as it used to be” — has been held at Glebe Farm; the last was in 2009.

Further information will appear in due course but anyone willing to help with preparing for the event is urged to attend the next committee meeting at Great Green Farm on Monday 16th May starting at 8.00 pm or contact Adrian Hipwell: 788188.

Space to Grow

The Parish Council have announced that the first four new allotments will shortly be ready for occupation. Three of them have already been booked by local residents which leaves one still unallocated. Anyone interested in taking it up should contact the Parish Clerk.

Table Toppers Triumph

Congratulations to the winners of this year’s Village Table Tennis Championships. There was a good turn out for the event held at the Village Hall on Friday 4th March and the standard of play was impressively high. The eventual victors were:

  • Ladies — Andrea Fitzgerald (who beat Gill Hipwell 27–25 in a very exciting final)
  • Gentlemen — Bob Pitcher

Your Parish Needs You!

On May 5th this year there will be three important democratic events in Denton. There will be district council elections and (probably?) the referendum on a change to the parliamentary voting system but, perhaps most important of all for the local community, there will also be parish council elections.

All seven members of the current council step down together and though most will probably seek re-election at least one has indicated that he will be retiring after many years service. We will mark this in an appropriate fashion in due course but it seems that there will be a vacancy for at least one new councillor. As discussed at the January meeting of the PC, it would be even better if several residents put themselves forward and there was a contested election in May.

Anyone interested in standing who requires more information about what the job entails or the process of standing for election should contact the parish clerk, Pauline Sandell.

First in Norfolk

Work on Denton’s magnificent new children’s playarea is now complete.

Despite the appalling weather the construction team finished the work in excellent time and the scheme is the first of a group of 12 similar projects to be completed in the county. It was completely funded by a DoE grant and monies raised from events.

This marks the end of a long running campaign to upgrade the village’s facilities for young people. The recent Parish Council meeting were told that there was still some minor painting and planting to do but the area was ready for use. An official opening ceremony would be organised later in the year. The Council paid tribute to Annie Whitemen and Peter Hill who had driven the project through to completion.

Speed Limit Extension Supported

The January meeting of the Parish Council agreed to support the proposed extension of the new 30 MPH speed limit through the village.

Residents of the Trunch Hill area had sent a petition calling for the area covered by the limit to be expanded down to the old school. Although the change would delay the introduction of the scheme slightly councillors voted unanimously to support the change.

DABBOS Rides Again!

Our local oil purchasing syndicate is now under new management.

Julie Oxley was the driving force to establish the Denton and Alburgh Bulk Buying Oil Syndicate several years ago and has run it very effectively ever since. She recently expressed a wish to stand down and Katrina Cattermole has kindly agreed to take over.

Further details are available on the DABBOS page.

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