Nearly 120 people enjoyed a great evening at the annual Village Supper at the Village Hall last night.
As usual catering standards were very high and the four-course meal was quite delicious. Thanks must go to everybody who contributed. However what really made the evening was the opportunity for so many members of our community to come together in such a relaxed environment. No wonder that the Sheriff’s proposal of a toast to “The Spirit of Denton” was greeted by universal acclamation.
The date of the Village Hall AGM has been announced.
The meeting will be held, in the Bar, on Monday 28th November. All inhabitants of the village of eighteen years and upwards are entitled to attend and vote at the meeting.
For further details please contact Kath Hanner (788414) or David Godsmark (788352).
Denton Parish Council have agreed, for the second year running, to make no increase in their share of the council tax that all households are required to pay.
For the coming financial year, 2012/13, the council’s precept will increase by just £70 to £3,301. However, because of the new houses that are now contributing, the amount paid by individual households (this year £20.57 for a Band D property) should remain the same.
The Parish Council have again rejected a request from Harleston Town Council for a contribution towards the cost of the town’s car parks.
When, three years ago, South Norfolk Council decided to introduce charging for their car parks in Harleston the Town Council objected. Believing that retaining free car-parking was important they decided to take over the car parks themselves. To do so they have to pay South Norfolk a significant sum, over £13,000, every year. This is partly funded by local businesses but the bulk of the cost is borne by local council tax payers. For Band D households this adds more than £8 to their annual tax bill.
Recognising that many people from outside Harleston take advantage of the free parking in the town, the Town Council have asked neighbouring parish councils to make a contribution to the costs on behalf of their residents.
Some local PCs have recognised the saving to those visiting Harleston and helped with the cost but Denton PC decided at their November meeting that, not wishing to discriminate between Harleston and Bungay, they would not make any contribution.