Denton is gradually getting back to normal after the restrictions of COVID. Nowhere was this more evident that at Saturday's Annual Village Supper, the first to be held for two years.
Nearly 100 residents booked their places, enjoyed an excellent four-course meal - prepared by the usual wonderful team, and, even better, enjoyed a great social occasion. Needless to say, the bar did a roaring trade.
All the traditions were observed with Grace, delivered by Chris Whipps, and the Toast, to "The Spirit of Denton", proposed by the Master of Ceremonies, Terry Hanner.
After a gap of four years the Denton Art Group were delighted to be able to stage an Exhibition of their work at the Village Hall on Saturday, 12th November.
More than 130 paintings and drawings were on display in a variety of mediums. Some were available for sale. A regular flow of visitors enjoyed the spectacle.
More information and a photograph of the Exhibition can be seen on the Art Group Page.
Bonfire night came a day early in Denton this year and there was no actual bonfire. However, that did not prevent everyone having a very enjoyable evening.
On Friday 4th November, the Village Hall Bar was open, as usual, but it was supplemented, indoors, by some excellent hot-dogs and, outdoors, by some glowing braziers and a great fireworks display. As per normal for such events in Denton, attendees were encouraged to bring one firework each and a skilled team let them off across the road from the Hall.
Pictures from Denton's "other" photographer - Robin Brown.
On Saturday October 22nd the marriage took place at St Mary's Church of Abigail Megan Symons, daughter of Jon and Lorraine Symons of Upland Terrace. She married Benjamin Bremner.