Saturday’s Photographic Exhibition “A Year in the Life of Denton” was a great success.
Attendance to see the results of Lisa North’s labours was excellent and the pictures were outstanding. Profits to date total £760, to be split as follows: East Anglian Air Ambulance £500, Denton Village Hall Funds £160, Denton Church £100.
Well done Lisa (and Malcolm) and everybody else who contributed (the refreshments were great too!).
Lisa has provided some pictures of the event which can be seen in the 2011 Archive.
Alternatively, all the pictures on display can be viewed on Flickr.
The fundraising lunch organised by the Thomas family at the Village Hall on Sunday was a great success; the Hall was packed.
The food was excellent – roast beef with all the trimmings followed by an amazing choice of puddings. Some people, who will remain nameless, insisted on trying several of the latter.
In thanking everybody for attending Chris Thomas paid tribute to the many people who had contributed to the event. His mother later announced that nearly £900 had been raised for the cancer ward at the N&NU Hospital.
There was good news for most Middle Road residents at Tuesday’s meeting of the Parish Council.
It was announced that the long battle over the use (or misuse) of farm buildings at Grove Farm was finally over. The owner’s appeal against a refusal to allow a change of use to residential occupation has been lost.
For many years (since 1996!) the owner has rented out one of the buildings for residential use after converting it without planning permission. Following enforcement action by South Norfolk Council a planning application was sumitted in 2008. This was turned down early in 2009 and further enforcement action followed. Eventually, the owner appealed to the Planning Inspectorate.
A public enquiry was held last year and the inspector has now ruled in favour of the Council. Residential use must cease within six months.
As Middle Road residents know all too well, the planning system sometimes “grinds exceeding slow”, but it gets there in the end.
Back on the ground after their very successful Skydive in September the Thomas Family are continuing their cancer fundraising efforts with a Sunday Lunch event at the Village Hall on 22nd January.