Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Draft Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at 7.30 pm. on Tuesday 12th March 2024 in Denton Village Hall.

NB These are Draft minutes and subject to change at the next meeting.

1. Present: Councillors; Cllr Hanner; Chairman, Cllr Bunn, Cllr Fearnley, Cllr Sida-Page, Cllr Jones, Cllr Ashton, Cllr Kerr.
Also present: Mrs J Loveday (Clerk) and Cllr. Chris Brown; District Councillor, 1 member of the public.

Cllr Hanner; Chairman, welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. To receive apologies from members unable to attend:

3. To receive declarations of interest from members on matters on the agenda:

4. To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting:
The minutes of the 9th January 2024 meeting were approved and signed by Cllr Hanner; Chairman, as a correct record.

5. Open Forum for public participation (maximum 10 minutes):
An opportunity to hear from members of the public - parishioner here is interested in environmental issues and so has come to listen to our biodiversity policy.

6. To receive reports from County Councillor and District Councillors:
Cllr Brown reported:

  • The council agreed their budget last month, this results in an increase of 3% on council tax.
  • South Norfolk are in a fortunate financial position as they have had much bigger investment returns and VAT rebate from leisure centre. The additional funds will be allocated to help leisure centres, household support fund, food banks, planning enforcement. Funding for the flooding officer will now continue for another 2 years.
  • Community action fund will be increased to £100,000 this year.
  • Village clusters consultation closed last month.
  • Recycling plans – the council will have to introduce food waste collections by 2026. Talks on funding this.
  • An extraordinary council meeting for Greater Norwich Local Plan will be held on 25th March.
  • The police and crime commissioner elections will take place on 2nd May.

7. To receive updates on items from the minutes of the last meeting:

  • Payment to the Rogerson’s Trust – At their recent meeting it was discovered that our last payment made to them was in 2018. They apologised for not sending invoices before and will do so now. It was suggested that we pay 2 years at a time, this is £270.00 per year. All agreed and so we will pay 2019 and 2024 now.
  • Finger Posts – Thanks to all the people who have helped restore these. They will be put back shortly.
  • Village sign – this should be completed within the month.

8. To receive Playingfield report:
Cllr Sida Page has carried out inspection. All was in good order.
Cllr Hanner has been to see the residents of the house next to the playing field who are happy go to ahead with clearing the hedge.
Once this is cleared we would like to put fencing in. We will contact Cllr Brown for funding after 6th May, 2024 when the new funding starts.

9. To discuss Biodiversity Policy:
Cllr Jones has prepared the above and circulated to all councillors to read. This was discussed and a few amendments will be made for the next meeting.
Thanks was given to Cllr Jones for doing this.

10. The Big South Norfolk Litter Pick 2024:
South Norfolk Council are conducting their annual litter pick again this year. After discussion it was decided we would not take part in this.

11. Insurance Renewal Questionnaire:
We have received the above to confirm that there are no amendments to be made before renewal of our insurance policy. All was in order.

12. To discuss request for support to Car Parking Contributions for Harleston:
Request from Redenhall with Harleston Town Council for our support to car parking contributions for Harleston. This was discussed and by a majority vote it was agreed to contribute £100.00.

13. To discuss and comment on planning applications received and related matters:
Ref: 2024/0422, Home Farm, Round House Hill, Denton. Proposal: Variation of conditions 2 – revised design, 4 – external joinery/brickwork, 7 – surface water, 8 – foul water, 10 – external lighting and 12 – habitat enhancement of 2022/1735.
Ref: 2023/2280, Vale Farm, Trunch Hill, Denton. Proposal: replace existing non structural brick skin to north, east and south elevations and with lime render.
All councillors supported both applications.

14. Finance: To approve payments to be made and record money received:

  • Clerk salary £288.50.
  • Community Heartbeat, annual support cost £162.00. Cllr Sida Page has kindly offered to pay half of this for which many thanks was given.
  • None

15. Any Other Business:
Cllr Sida Page will look in to the village pond and whether we could restore it. There is possibly a new grant available for the restoration of village ponds.
Stakes have been put in outside Beck View at the bottom of Trunch Hill. These have been concreted in right on the edge of the verge and dangerous. Clerk to contact Highways.
It has been noted that residents are parking their cars at the playing field on a regular basis. Clerk to check with our liability insurance. This will continue to be monitored.

16. To agree items for the next meeting 14th May 2024:
The APM will start at 7.00pm parish council annual meeting to follow.
Cllr Jones agreed to talk at the APM about biodiversity.

Cllr Hanner thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.20 pm.

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