Denton Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at 7.30 pm. on Tuesday 9th January 2024 in Denton Village Hall.
1. Present: Councillors; Cllr Hanner; Chairman, Cllr Bunn, Cllr Fearnley, Cllr Sida-Page, Cllr Jones, Cllr Ashton.
Also present: Mrs J Loveday (Clerk) and Chris Brown; District Councillor,
Cllr Hanner; Chairman, welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. To receive apologies from members unable to attend:
Cllr Kerr,
3. To receive declarations of interest from members on matters on the agenda:
4. To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting:
The minutes of the 14th November 2023 meeting were approved and signed by Cllr Hanner; Chairman, as a correct record.
5. Open Forum for public participation (maximum 10 minutes):
An opportunity to hear from members of the public - None.
6. To receive reports from County Councillor and District Councillors:
Cllr Brown reported:
- The council is currently in its budget setting process. The consultation is open on this currently until 17th January here: - Recycling plans are that councils will be expected to provide food waste recycling. The council is seeking further advice on this and the timescale is to be determined, but they are hopeful that in 2025 a food waste collection service of some description will commence.
- Significant progress has been made in tackling the Nutrient neutrality issue, which is holding back new housing planning permissions.
- The Village Clusters consultation is currently open until 5th February. See: - At the council’s December meeting a Community Nature Recovery motion was adopted. This is based on a model developed by Redenhall with Harleston Town Council and seeks to encourage communities and parishes to identify opportunities for nature recovery. Motion available here: - Cllr Brown proposed a Climate Emergency motion in December which was voted down, but the Council is now making significant progress on carbon reduction measures and other policies to tackle climate change.
- Cllr Brown has some funding available from his Member Ward Funds for local groups.
7. To receive updates on items from the minutes of the last meeting:
- Notice board Lock – Cllr Hanner has fitted this.
- Box for Dog poo bags – Cllr Hanner has made a new box.
- Himalayan Balsam – This has now died back.
- Payment to the Rogerson’s Trust – Cllr Hanner will raise this at their next meeting.
- Finger Posts – Cllr Hanner has worked on one post and we have some volunteers to paint one. We will put this on Denton Talk if anyone would like to help with the other two.
- Village sign has been primed and will be painted shortly.
8. To receive Playingfield report:
This has not been done this month due to the wet weather.
The hedge belonging to the house next to the playing field is very overgrown with many brambles.
Cllr Hanner will pay the home owners a visit and offer our help to clear this so it looks tidier on both sides.
9. To receive update on the wild flower strip down side of playing field:
Cllr Jones reported that they have raked all the grass off and some of the seed has taken already.
It was agreed that we would put in some posts in the late spring so that this area does not get accidentally mown.
10. To discuss Biodiversity Policy:
Cllr Jones agreed to take this on and will draft a policy. More details next meeting.
11. To discuss and comment on planning applications received and related matters:
12. Finance: To approve payments to be made and record money received:
- Clerk salary for 2 months £274.00, plus working from home allowance.
- None
It was agreed to increase this by £1.00 per hour and backdate to April 2023.
Budget/Precept Setting for 2024/25
A budget document was circulated to all councillors and after discussion it was decided to increase the precept to £4,500.00.
13. Any Other Business:
The notice board will need painting in the better weather.
14. To agree items for the next meeting 12th March 2024, at 7.30pm:
None at present.
15. Close of meeting:
Cllr Hanner thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.30 pm.