Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at 7.30 pm. on Tuesday 12th September 2023 in Denton Village Hall.


1. Present: Councillors; Cllr Hanner; Chairman, Cllr Bunn, Cllr Sida-Page, Cllr Ashton
Also present: Chris Brown; District Councillor.

Cllr Hanner; Chairman, welcomed everyone to the meeting and respects were paid to Eddie Winter who passed away this week who had been a past chairman of the parish council for over 20 years.

2. To consider accepting apologies for absence:
Cllr Jones, Cllr Kerr, Cllr Fearnley,

3. To receive declarations of interest from members on matters on the agenda:

4. To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting:
The minutes of the July 2023 meeting were approved and signed by Cllr Hanner; Chairman, as a correct record.

5. Open Forum for public participation (maximum 10 minutes):
An opportunity to hear from members of the public - None.

6. To receive reports from County Councillor and District Councillors:
Chris Brown, District Councillor reported - summarised as follows:

  • A decision regarding the old offices at South Norfolk House has been delayed and a number of bids have been received for consideration, one being an application for an Asset of Community Value.
  • A challenge faced by the council is regarding the neutrality in housing whereby housing developers buy credits, the government has recently decided against this scheme, but a process is still needed in the meantime.
  • Another challenge is temporary housing - £3m has been allocated to buy properties to house people.
  • Economic recovery and growth post covid, including high streets are another area of focus.
  • Two bi-elections are due to be held on 28.09.23 for Mulbarton and Wymondham.

7. To receive updates on items from the minutes of the last meeting:
Key for Notice board – Cllr Hanner has got the lock and will fit it.
Box for Dog poo bags – Cllr Hanner has taken measurements and will make a new box. It has been noticed that dog poo bags are being left along the Walk - Cllr Sida-Page to put a note in the magazine.
Himalayan Balsam – The working party did not occur on 17th July. Cllr Hanner to contact the Environment Agency as the beck is their responsibility.
Cricket Nets – Cllr Sida-Page to ascertain interest on Denton Talk.

8. To receive Playingfield report :
Cllr Kerr did inspections. Grass needed cutting at time of inspection but has since been done. The Willow structure needs taming. Some wooden slats on the balance beams need replacing. The trim trail middle pole is wobbly. A working party will be organised for October to make these repairs.
Cllr Hanner noted that no payments have been made to the Rogerson’s Trust for rent of the playing field & allotments – The Clerk to see when a payment was last made so a catch-up payment can be made.
The shredder on the asset register to be advertised for sale – Cllr Sida-Page to organise.

9. To receive update on the wild flower strip down side of playing field:
Cllr Jones emailed the following report:
"Thanks to Robert Fearnley, a strip of ground approximately 1 to 1.5 metres wide was prepared along the northern edge of the playing field, alongside the existing line of trees. The wildflower strip establishment took place on 30th August as planned. Norfolk Wildlife Trust provided a bag of mixed hand-collected wildflower seed, plus an appropriate quantity of green hay, harvested that morning from a flower-rich Roadside Nature Reserve alongside the A146 (I believe near Loddon). A small number of volunteers attended around lunchtime. Although Robert's cultivation had broken the existing sward, areas of bare ground were limited, so the first task was to rake of the worst of the loosened turf. Then the hand-collected seed was broadcast along the strip, before the green hay was spread over the site. This hay has now been left to dry and drop its seed onto the prepared ground. Over the coming weeks the hay will need to be occasionally shaken / turned to ensure as much seed as possible is gleaned onto the site. Depending how the hay dries, it may need to be removed later in the year to ensure that it does not smother any new plants. Thereafter the area should be left until next summer before it is cut. Thereafter a hay meadow management regime should be adopted, cutting late in the summer, with cuttings removed from site or piled in an appropriate sacrificial area."
Cllr Jones has also put together a proposal for the future management of the former allotments which he has emailed.
Thanks were given to Cllr Jones for his work on this and all agreed to the proposal.
Thanks were given to Cllr Fearnley for clearing the site.

10. To discuss and comment on planning applications received and related matters:
Ref: 2023/2280 Vale Farm, Trunch Hill, Denton. To replace existing non structural brick skin to north, east and south elevations and with lime render.
All members supported this application.

11. Finance: To approve payments to be made and record money received:

  • Clerk salary for 2 months £274.00, plus working from home allowance £26.00
  • Levi Farrow for grass cutting £90.00
  • Denton village hall for hire of hall y/e 30.9.23 £100.00
  • South Norfolk Council Dog Bin Annual charge to 31/03/2024 - £148.64
  • Bungay Outney Common interim dividend for 2023 £100.00

12. Any Other Business:
Cllr Ashton enquired as to whether anyone can attend a Town Council meeting as a member of the public, which was confirmed they can.
Cllr Hanner had been made aware of a hedge overhanging in the road, reducing visibility – he will speak to the owner.

13. To agree items for the next meeting 14th November, 2023 at 7.30pm
None tonight.

14. Close of meeting:
Cllr Hanner thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.12 pm.

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