Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 23rd May 2023 at the close of the Annual Parish Meeting in Denton Village Hall.

1 To elect a chairman. Helen Sida Page proposed that Terry Hanner continue as chairman, seconded Ken Ashton. Terry Hanner accepted the position of chairman.

2. To elect a Vice Chairman. Robert Fearnley proposed Ken Ashton continue as vice chairman, seconded Matt Jones. Ken Ashton accepted the position of vice chairman.

Present: Councillors; Cllr Hanner; Chairman, Cllr Fearnley, Cllr Sida-Page, Cllr Ashton Also present: Mrs J Loveday (Clerk), Chris Brown; District Councillor

3. To consider accepting apologies for absence: Cllr Bunn, Cllr Kerr.

4. To receive declarations of interest from members on matters on the agenda:

5. To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting:
The minutes of the March 2023 meeting were approved and signed by Cllr Hanner; Chairman, as a correct record.

6. Open Forum for public participation (maximum 10 minutes):
An opportunity to hear from members of the public - None.

7. To receive reports from Council Councillor and District Councillors:
Chris Brown, District Councillor informed us that a meeting has been held about the sale of Long Stratton house. The decision on this has been postponed to July.
The tourist information hut in Diss is now being used by South Norfolk as a drop in centre.

8. To receive updates on items from the minutes of the last meeting not on the agenda:
Cllr Hanner has put the door on the notice board. He will get another key cut.
The box which holds the dog poo bags needs attention.
Cllr Hanner has mentioned to Emily Winter about the Himalayan Balsam and she will have a look.

9. To receive Playingfield report:
Cllr Hanner did inspection. All was in good order.
Some items need cleaning and odd pieces of wood need replacing on the fort. A working party was organised for Monday the 5th June at 6.30pm.

10. To undertake the annual review of Standing Orders, Financial Regulations:
These had been circulated before the meeting to allow councillors to read. All councillors agreed to adopt these.

11. To agree to adopt the 2020 LGA Code of Conduct:
Again, this was circulated before the meeting and all councillors agreed to abide by the Code of Conduct

12. To discuss and comment on planning applications received and related matters:

13. Finance: To approve payments to be made and record money received:

  • Clerk salary for 2 months £293.40
  • Levi Farrow for 2 playing field cuts £180.00
  • Andrew Bicker for internal audit £25.00
  • Insurance renewal £972.51
  • SNC Precept £2,100.00
  • Coronation Grant £200.00

14. Completion of AGAR Form:
Internal Audit Form: all agreed,
Council approved the Annual Governance Statement
Council approved the Accounting Statements
Council approved the Certificate of Exemption
Council authorised the clerk to submit the AGAR to PFK Littlejohn.

15. Any Other Business:
Cllr Jones asked about the possibility of putting a bigger strip of wild flowers down the side of the playing field. All agreed this would be a nice idea.
Cllr Jones will look further in to this regarding work required.
Cllr Sida-Page has provided SNC with photos and details of what we did for the coronation with their £200 grant.
Discussions on Cricket Nets. All felt this would be a good idea.

16. To agree items for the next meeting: 11th July 2023.
Update Fixed Asset Register.

17. Close of meeting:
Cllr Hanner thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.45 pm.

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