Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 21st March 2023 at 7.30pm in Denton Village Hall.

1. Present: Councillors: Cllr Hanner; Chairman, Cllr Bunn, Cllr Fearnley, Cllr Sida-Page, Cllr Kerr, Cllr Ashton.
Also present: Mrs J Loveday (Clerk), Chris Brown; District Councillor.

Cllr Hanner, Chairman, welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. To receive and accept apologies from members unable to attend:
Cllr Jones,

3. To receive any declarations of interest in matters on the agenda:

4. To approve and sign the minutes of the last meetings:
The minutes of the January 2023 meeting were approved and signed by Cllr Hanner; Chairman, as a correct record.

5. Open Forum for public participation (maximum 10 minutes):
An opportunity to hear from members of the public - None.

6. To receive reports from Council Councillor and District Councillors:
Chris Brown, District Councillor reported - summarised as follows:

  • South Norfolk Council has set its budget and their part of council tax is frozen.
  • Discussions on devolution deal. South Norfolk has submitted a response and have objected as they feel Norfolk could get a better deal than is being offered.
  • King's Coronation Grant is available.
  • Environmental strategy is being updated.

7. To receive updates on items from the minutes of the last meeting not on the agenda:
The notice board has been repaired. Cllr Hanner will put this up.
Cllr Bunn has completed the clerk’s contract of employment. This was signed tonight by Cllr Hanner and the clerk.

8. To receive Playingfield report:
Cllr Sida Page did the report. All was in good order.
Some items need cleaning which will be organised.

9. To discuss events for the Kings Coronation
A meeting was held last week to discuss events. A further meeting will be held to finalise these. We have applied for grants from South Norfolk and another 2 grants from other sources.
Volunteers day arranged for Monday 8th May, to do some general tidying up around the village.

10. To discuss and comment on planning applications received and related matters:
None received.

11. To discuss election process:
The process was discussed.

12. To Set date for Annual Parish Meeting and Council Annual meeting:
Date set for Tuesday 23rd May, 2023. The APM will start at 7pm, PC annual meeting will follow.

13. Finance: To approve payments to be made and record money received:

  • Clerk salary for 2 months and including back dated pay £375.00.
  • The Community Heartbeat Trust, Annual support £162.00. Cllr Sida-Page kindly paid half of this.
  • PGL Joinery, notice board sign door £168.00

14. Any Other Business:
Cllr Hanner has received an email from a resident drawing our attention to Himalayan Balsam. This has been seen growing in parts of the beck near the old school and as it spreads by exploding seeds it will increase and choke up further downstream. Cllr Hanner will speak to Dr. Emily Winter about this.
Jubilee Walks – There is a missing plank which has been reported.

15. To agree items for the next meeting:

16. Close of meeting:
Mr Hanner thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.30 pm.

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