Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 10th January 2023 at 7.30pm in Denton Village Hall.

1. Present: Councillors: Cllr Hanner; Chairman, Cllr Bunn, Cllr Fearnley, Cllr Sida-Page, Cllr Kerr, Cllr Jones, Cllr Ashton Also present: Mrs J Loveday (Clerk), Chris Brown; District Councillor.

Cllr Hanner, Chairman, welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. To receive and accept apologies from members unable to attend:

3. To receive any declarations of interest in matters on the agenda:

4. To approve and sign the minutes of the last meetings:
The minutes of the November 2022 meeting were approved and signed by Cllr Hanner; Chairman, as a correct record.

5. Open Forum for public participation (maximum 10 minutes):
An opportunity to hear from members of the public - None.

6. To receive reports from Council Councillor and District Councillors:
Chris Brown, District Councillor reported as follows:

  • He still has funding available in his Member Ward Fund.
  • South Norfolk House in Long Stratton is now closed and all staff are at Thorpe Lodge until the new Horizon office at Broadland Business Park is ready. Work is underway on this.
  • South Norfolk Council is now in its budget setting process for next year.
  • Progress is being made with various decarbonisation projects, including plans for solar PV and energy efficiency improvements at our leisure centres and getting more EV charging points in car parks.
  • There has been a significant increase in demand for temporary housing accommodation. The council has now agreed funding to purchase properties to provide additional accommodation.

7. To receive updates on items from the minutes of the last meeting not on the agenda:
The notice board has been sent to a company to be repaired.
Cllr Hanner has spoken to the lady about re-painting the village sign. She is happy to do this and will schedule it in to do as soon as she can.
Highways are happy for us to repair the damaged finger post signs.

8. To receive Playingfield report:
Cllr Sida Page did the report. All was in good order.
The box which the dog poo bags go in needs repairing.

9. Update on banking mandate and on line banking:
We have received a letter from Barclays Bank confirming our change of mandate request.
The Clerk will now be able to sort on line banking.

10. To discuss and comment on planning applications received and related matters:
None received.

11. Finance: To approve payments to be made and record money received:

  • Clerk's salary for 2 months £254.00.
  • Donation to Burial Ground £230.00.
  • Redenhall with Harleston Town Council; contribution to car parking costs £100.00.
  • Mr T Hanner for playing field decking £90.00.
To discuss Clerk's pay increase – Cllr Bunn has completed the necessary forms and a decision was agreed by all councillors. Back dated pay will also be calculated in line with the guidelines.
To discuss budget document and decide precept for 2023/24 - The Clerk had circulated a budget document for discussion. It was agreed to keep the precept the same as last year at £4,200.
Bungay Outney Common Dividend £120.00.

12. Any Other Business:
Clerks contract of employment – This will be completed for the next meeting.

13. To agree items for the next meeting:
14th March 2023 at 7.30pm

  • The King’s Coronation.
  • To set date for Annual Parish Meeting.

14. Close of meeting:
Mr Hanner thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.15 pm.

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