Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 12th July 2022 at 7.30pm in Denton Village Hall.

Present: Councillors: Terry Hanner Chairman, Ken Ashton Vice Chair, Robert Fearnley, Helen Sida-Page, Christine Kerr.
Also present: Chris Brown; district councillor, Jackie Ellis (Clerk), Mr. Thompson, Mr. Jones.

Terry Hanner; Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. To receive and accept apologies from members unable to attend:
Melissa Bunn.

3. To receive any declarations of interest in matters on the agenda:

4. To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting held on 14th June, 2022:
These were approved and signed as a correct record.

5. Co option of parish councillor:
Matthew Jones was co opted on to the council by a unanimous vote.

6. Open Forum for public participation:
Mr. Thompson chairman of Alburgh parish council introduced himself and spoke about how he like our two parishes to become more involved with joint ventures.

7. To receive reports from Council Councillor and District Councillors:
Chris Brown; District Councillor updated us on district council news which is all available on the website.

8. To receive updates on items from the minutes of the last meeting not on the agenda:

9. To receive playing field report:
The playing field was all in good order and tidy. The annual playing field inspection report has been carried out. No major issues were reported.

10. SAM 2 device update and Community Speedwatch developments:
We have a new volunteer who has kindly agreed to take over charging and moving the SAM 2 device. We would still like somebody to download the data. The Community Speedwatch scheme was discussed. No volunteers have come forward as yet. Alburgh parish council has a speedwatch scheme and they have offered to give us guidance/training if need be.

11. Magazine – to discuss supporting this financially:
A parish magazine meeting has been held and it was decided not to ask for financial support from organisations but to charge the annual subscription.

12. To discuss and comment on planning applications received and related matters:

13. Finance: To approve payments to be made:

    ROSPA Playing field Inspection £126.6.
  • Shortfall from jubilee weekend to A Godsmark £92.00.
  • Levi Farrow for Grass cutting £180.00.

14. Any other business:

Mr Hanner thanked everyone for attending. The next meeting will be held on the 13th September, 2022 at 7.30pm.

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