Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

DRAFT Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 10th May 2022 at 8.15pm in Denton Village Hall.

Present: Councillors: Terry Hanner Chairman, Ken Ashton Vice Chair, Melissa Bunn, Robert Fearnley, Helen Sida-Page, Stephen Barrett, Christine Kerr.
Also present: Jackie Ellis (Clerk); 3 members of the public, Chris Brown; District Councillor.

1. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman.

  • To elect a chairman for the coming year – Helen Sida-Page proposed Terry Hanner be elected chairman for the coming year, seconded Christine Kerr. All in favour. Mr. Hanner accepted the position.
  • To receive the chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office – Mr. Hanner signed the declaration.
  • To elect a vice chairman for the coming year – Mr Barrett proposed Ken Ashton carry on as vice chairman for the coming year, seconded Melissa Bunn. All in favour. Mr. Ashton accepted this position.

2. To receive and accept apologies from members unable to attend:

3. To receive any declarations of interest in matters on the agenda:

4. To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting.
The minutes of the March 2022 meeting were approved and signed by Mr Hanner, Chairman, as a correct record.

5. Open Forum for Public Participation:
An opportunity to hear from members of the public - None

6. Reports from County and District Councillors:
Reports as given in the parish meeting.
Chris Brown also spoke about the South Norfolk Big Litter Pick.
And the proposal to amalgamate the operational offices of the District Council and Broadland in a new central location – proposal to buy the Horizon Building at Broadlands business park, refurbish it along eco lines. Present buildings would be demolished and replaced by housing.

7. To receive updates on items arising from the minutes of the last meeting not on the agenda:
Complaints about the logs on Middle Road, these have now been moved back further away from the road.
The logs at the bottom of Trunch Hill, Highways have asked that these be removed by the resident. Due to there being a number of properties in the village with smaller verge side obstacles, the parish council intends to send out a communication regarding the general rule of law in this area.
Mr. Hanner will contact Barry Stone our County Councillor to ask for his support and if they can produce a statement about the rules.

8. To receive playing field report and update on works carried out from last meeting:
Helen Sida-Page did inspection and reported as follows:

  • All was in good order and tidy.
  • One of the old bins does not have a bag and the grass needs cutting.
  • Thank you to all involved in the massive clear up of sticks.
  • Some signs need a clean.
  • We have had an offer to help clean the ditch and strimming.
  • Walked round orchard and did some litter picking, trees look great. Is a membrane that cant get out.
  • Mr. Fearnley will take wire, etc away.

9. Update on clearing the allotment area:
– as above.

10. To discuss Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations.
Helen Sida-Page confirmed all the events that have been organised. Mugs have been ordered.

11. To receive update on dog poo bags and installation of another bin.
We now have another bin which we will share with Alburgh parish council. This will be installed at the Set A Side area and Alburgh parish councillors will be installing this.
Once this is in place we can let South Norfolk know and it will be added to their collection rota. It will be emptied fortnightly.
No update on dog poo bags received.

12. To discuss and comment on Planning Applications received and related matters:
Applications received: None.

13. Finance: To approve payments to be made and record money received:

  • Clerk salary and expenses for 2 months £220.00, expenses £56.00.
  • Levi Farrow for grass cutting £150.00
  • Alburgh Parish Council for half of Glasdon dog bin £50.08
Receipts: 2nd precept £2,100.00.

14. Any Other Business:
Melissa Bunn spoke about the possibility of having a community speedwatch. After discussion it was agreed that we would advertise this to see if anybody would be interested. Melissa kindly offered to do this and to also look in to some signage to say ‘Slow Down’.
We have received an email from Kay and Peter Wiltshire informing us that due to increasing commitments elsewhere and after 3.5 years they would like to give up the responsibility for the SAM 2 device and producing the data. Many thanks was given to them for doing this. It was agreed that this will be advertised on Denton Talk and the magazine to see if anybody would like to take this on.
Stephen Barrett is stepping down as parish councillor and this is his last meeting. Mr Hanner gave thanks to Stephen for his time as a councillor. The vacancy will be advertised.
Notification from South Norfolk that a local needs affordable home (2 bedroom house) will soon be available for re-letting by Saffron Housing. This will go on Denton talk.
Complaints about the logs on Middle Road and Trunch Hill. Christine Kerr offered to chase this matter up.

15. To agree items for the next meeting:
Request for financial help with magazine.
To complete Audit papers – deadline is 30th June.
It was agreed that we would hold a meeting on Friday 10th June at 7.00pm to complete the Audit. This will be a one item agenda for this purpose only.
Normal parish council meeting will be held on 12th July at 7.30pm.

Mr Hanner thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9.00pm.

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