Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 11th January 2022 at the Village Hall at 7.30 pm.

Present: Parish Councillors: Terry Hanner (Chairman), Ken Ashton (Vice Chair), Stephen Barrett, Melissa Bunn, Robert Fearnley, Helen Sida-Page.
Also present: Jackie Ellis (Clerk), Chris Brown; District Councillor.

1. Terry Hanner welcomed everybody to our parish council meeting.

2. To receive and accept apologies from members unable to attend:
Christine Kerr.

3. To receive any declarations of interest in matters on the agenda:

4. To approve and sign the minutes of meeting held on 9th November 2021.
These minutes were approved and signed by Terry Hanner, Chairman.

5. Open Forum for Public Participation:
An opportunity to hear from members of the public - None

6. Reports from County and District Councillors:
Chris Brown our District Councillor reported as follows:

  • Budget Setting Process is under way.
  • Office accommodation project; the two councils sharing one office - decision still to be made.
  • Works in the region of £700,000 to be spent on improvements in Harleston. This will involve making temporary changes permanent. Work should start this month. .
  • Climate Emergency meeting, the council will work towards carbon neutrality.
  • Council has requested to be permitted to hold virtual meetings when they think right. Awaiting decision on this.

7. To receive updates on items arising from the minutes of the last meeting not on the agenda:
Gary Overland from Highways has written again to the land owner about the tree trunks on the verges at the bottom of Trunch Hill. Terry Hanner on behalf of highways has approached the land owner and they have agreed to move them back.

8. To receive playing field report and update on works carried out from last meeting:
Helen Sida-Page did inspection. All was in good order. The works party went well and the new bins have been installed. The hedge still needs to be cut which will be organised.

9. Update on clearing the allotment area:
The weather has been too wet to do anything to date. Once the weather dries up work can begin.

10. To discuss Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations.
This will be a village event and will be organised with the village hall committee. A meeting will be held on 18th February. Helen Sida-Page will advertise this.

11. To receive update on our application for trees:
Our application for the trees from the Community Tree Fund has been approved. The trees should be delivered mid January. We have been given guidance on planting.
Thanks was given to Melissa Bunn for organising this.

12. To consider having another dog poo bin in the village:
We have received guidance from South Norfolk with regard to location and installation of a dog bin.
It was decided to check on the dog bags and the existing costs.

12. Application for Trees:
Melissa Bunn completed the application. Thanks was given to her for doing this. Unfortunately we missed the first process and Melissa will complete the next application form for trees in January.
Discussions on how many trees we would need.

13. To discuss and comment on Planning Applications received and related matters:
Applications received:
2021/2429 – Little Green Farm, Middle Road, Denton. Application type: Prior Notification – Agricultural to Residential.
2021/2451 – Ashcroft, Trunch Hill, Denton. Proposal: Raise eaves of single storey side element, convert garage, infill between dormers to front and rear, change all roof tiles, change external finishes to single storey element. Councillors supported this application.
2021/2483 – Oakwood, Danacre Road, Denton. Notification of Lawful Development – existing use/development.

14. Finance: To approve payments to be made and record money received:

  • Clerk salary and expenses for 2 months £220.00, expenses £56.00.
  • Community Heartbeat – Annual Support Cost Year 2 £162.00;
    Helen Sida-Page agreed to pay for this personally. Councillors gave thanks to her for this very kind donation.
Receipts: None

To discuss budget document and agree on precept for 2022/23.
After discussion it was decided not to increase the precept this year and to leave it the same as last year at £4,200.00.

15. Any Other Business:

16. To agree items for the next meeting:
8th March 2022 at 7.30 pm.
To Set Date for Annual Parish Meeting/AGM.
Update on Dog Bin Costs.
Update on Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.

17. Close of meeting:
Mr Hanner thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.40 pm.

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