Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 9th March 2021 at 7.30 pm by way of video conferencing.

Present: Parish Councillors: Terry Hanner (Chairman), Ken Ashton, Stephen Barrett, Melissa Bunn, Robert Fearnley, Christine Kerr, Helen Sida-Page.
Jackie Ellis (Clerk), District Councillor: Chris Brown, County Councillor: Margaret Stone.

1. Welcome by the Chairman:
Terry Hanner welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. To receive and accept apologies from members unable to attend:

3. To receive any declarations of interest from members on any item to be discussed:

4. To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting held on 12th January, 2021:
These minutes were approved and signed by Terry Hanner, Chairman, as a correct record

5. Open forum for Public Participation:
There were no members of the public attending.

6. Reports from County and District Councillors:
Margaret Stone our county councillor sent a full report which is forwarded to parish councillors. This can also be found on our website.
Chris Brown, District Councillor gave the following report:

  • Leisure Centres – should hopefully be able to open in April.
  • The Greater Norwich Local Plan – SNC are producing a new plan document that will identify land for new homes in appropriate villages across South Norfolk. This plan will be called the south Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan. The proposed sites will be published in May/June when consultations will take place. Cllr Brown will let us know when this happens.
  • SNC Budget – This has been agreed. Results in an increase in Council tax of £5.00 on a Band D property.

7. To receive updates on items from the minutes of the last meeting:

8. Update on Playing Field Issues:
Melissa Bunn did last inspection and reported that all was clean and tidy. She has scraped moss of the benches under the trees. The Willow will be cut at a later date.
A working party was organised for the 10th April, to tidy up the playing field, i.e. the climbing frame decking and the wobble board needs replacing.
It was also agreed to look at the hedge along the car park and the front fence on the road side.
Melissa Bunn has applied for the Members Ward Fund from Chris Brown, SNC to replace this.
Mr Hanner will ask Levi Farrow for a quote for grass cutting.

9. To discuss and comment on Planning Applications received and related matters:
Ref: 2021/0404 and 2021/0405. Location: Little Green Farm, Middle Road, Denton. Proposal: To construct a new single storey extension to the read/South side of Little Green Farm, to provide a more family friendly kitchen/dining area. All parish councillors agreed to support this application.
Applications Decided by SNC:
Ref: 2021/0050. Location: Oakwood, Danacre Road, Denton. Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness existing. Refusal.

10. Finance: To approve payments to be made:

  • Clerk Salary for 2 months £220.00, plus allowance £52.00
  • Redenhall with Harleston Town Council, Contribution to free car parking £100.00
  • Donation to Upkeep of Burial Ground £230.00
It was agreed not to continue with membership to CPRE which expires on 16th March, 2021.

11. To discuss Clerk Contract of Employment:
This will be completed.

12. To approve new Standing Orders and Financial Regulations:
All councillors have received a copy of the above two policies and were happy to adopt them.

13. To discuss the Upkeep of Burial Ground:
Mr Hanner has spoken to the church warden who said they would be grateful for any contribution. It was agreed to keep our donation the same as in previous years at £230.00.

14. Urgent Other Business (for discussion/information only):
Discussion on the amount of litter that is being left around the village and what could be done about this.
Saffron Housing are selling a property in our village. Mr Hanner has spoken to Saffron about this and was told that this was being sold as it is an older style property. He expressed his concerns about whether this would be replaced as we would like to keep affordable housing in the village.

15. To agree items for the next meeting: :
Update on litter problems.
Date and time of next meeting (this will be our AGM): Tuesday, 18th May 2021 at 7.30pm (expected to be by video conferencing)
The meeting closed at 8.45pm.

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