Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

DRAFT Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 12th January 2021 at 7.30 pm by way of video conferencing.

NB These are Draft minutes and subject to change at the next meeting.

Present: Parish Councillors: Terry Hanner (Chairman), Ken Ashton, Stephen Barrett, Melissa Bunn, Robert Fearnley, Christine Kerr, Helen Sida-Page.
Also present: Jackie Ellis (Clerk), District Councillor - Chris Brown.

1. Welcome by the Chairman:
Terry Hanner welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. To receive and accept apologies from members unable to attend:

3. To receive any declarations of interest from members on any item to be discussed:

4. To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting.
The minutes of the 10th November 2020 meeting were approved and will be signed by Terry Hanner; Chairman, as a correct record.

5. Open forum for Public Participation.
There were no members of the public attending.

6. Reports from County and District Councillors
Margaret Stone our county councillor was not in attendance but regularly sends reports which are forwarded to parish councillors.
Chris Brown, District Councillor gave the following report:

  • Members Ward Fund – the annual members grant fund has been extended by 3 months to the end of March. Maximum is £1,000 per councillor in total for the year.
  • The Greater Norwich Local Plan – All information is on SNC web site. The document is open to public consultation until 16 March.
  • Flooding – In view of the recent flooding, SNC are meeting to review this. One issue being that the sand bags were used quickly.

7. To receive Updates on items from the Minutes of the last Meting.
Christine Kerr had nothing new to report on the Broadband issues. She explained that it is hard to deal with in the current situation and not being able to talk to people about the options available. This will be progressed as restrictions ease.

8. Update on Playing Field Issues.
Mr Hanner did last inspection and reported that all was clean and tidy. He has cut the hedge in the car park and around the bottle bank. The Willow will be left until a later date as is too wet to cut at present.
The hedge along the car park (the house side) and the front fence on the road side need sorting. It was discussed whether we could apply for the Members Ward Fund for this. Melissa Bunn is doing the next inspection and she will look in to this and get some prices.
There have been complaints about dog fouling. Helen Sida Page agreed to put a piece in the magazine about this.

9. To discuss and comment on Planning Applications received and related matters.

10. Finance: To approve payments to be made.

  • Clerk Salary for 2 months £396.00, plus allowance £52.00,
  • Terry Hanner, decking £45.36.
Money Received: Bungay Outney Common Dividend £150.00.

To discuss and approve the precept for 2021/22.

  • All councillors have been sent a copy of a budget document to study prior to meeting. After discussion, it was agreed to make small adjustments which all councillors were happy with.
  • All councillors confirmed to set the precept for 2021/22 to £4,200.00.
  • One of the questions on the budget document was what amount we give to the Upkeep of the Burial Ground. This was discussed and Terry Hanner said that he will look in to this for the next meeting.

11. To discuss Clerk Contract of Employment.
It was agreed to adjourn this until next meeting

12. To approve new Complaints Policy and Planning Policy.
All councillors have received a copy of the above two policies and were happy to adopt them.

13. To confirm the order of Replacement Pads for Defibrillator due in March 2020.
It was agreed that we would take out a Service Agreement with The Community Heartbeat Trust which would include the replacement pads. Helen Sida Page very kindly said that she would like to sponsor this which was gratefully accepted.

14.To discuss any other matters and to agree items for next meeting.

  • Allotments – This area needs clearing and Helen Sida Page said that she would ask Levi Farrow for a quote to clear this,
  • Clerk Contract of Employment,
  • Standing Orders/Financial Regulations,
  • Upkeep of Burial Ground.
Terry Hanner is in contact with Highways and The Environment Agency regarding the recent flooding on the roads near the Church.

15. Date and time of next meeting:
Tuesday, 9th March 2021 at 7.30pm (expected to be by video conferencing)

The meeting closed at 8.20pm.

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