Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 10th September 2019 at 7.30 pm in Denton Village Hall.

Present: Councillors:Terry Hanner, Christine Kerr, Ken Ashton, Robert Fearnley.
Also present: Jackie Ellis (Clerk), Helen Sida-Page.

1. Welcome by the Chairman:
Terry Hanner welcomed everyone to our parish council meeting.

2. To Receive and accept apologies from members unable to attend:
Melissa Bunn, Margaret Stone, County Councillor.

3. To Receive any declarations of interest from members on any item to be discussed:

4. To Approve and Sign the minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the July 2019 meeting were approved and signed by Mr Terry Hanner, Chairman, as a correct record.

5. The meeting was not adjourned for public participation as there were no members of the public at the meeting.

6. Reports from County and District Councillors:
In her absence Margaret Stone emailed the following report:

  • Four more schools are to grow their nursery and childcare places as part of the move to Norfolk’s new early childhood and family service. The new service will be targeted at families that need extra support and provide services in local community venues and people’s homes, reducing the need for stand-alone buildings.
  • Task and Finish committee looking at Rural transport – they are convening a committee tasked with reviewing all transport in rural and urban areas.
  • 40 libraries across county now open for longer. The scheme is called Open Library and it gives customers, partners and community groups access even when a library is unstaffed.

7. To Discuss Matters arising from the Minutes of the Last Meeting:

8. Vacancy for Parish Councillor:
Helen Sida-Page wishes to become a parish councillor. All councillors were in agreement that she be co-opted. Helen completed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office. Mr. Hanner welcomed her to the parish council. We are now up to our full quota of parish councillors.

9. To Discuss and Comment on any Planning Applications Received and related matters:
Ref: 2019/1183 – Fir Tree Farm Barn, Darrow Green Road, Denton. Proposal: change of use from a former agricultural building to dual use; holiday let and annexe accommodation. Approval with conditions.
Ref: 2019/1234 – Globe House, Norwich Road, Denton. Proposal: Removal of existing shed and replace with garden room, to include solar panels to roof. Approval with conditions.

10. Playing Field Report and Update on Rocker see saw:
Terry and Christine did inspection. All was in good order. A parishioner said that he would cut the hedges around the car park and trim some branches.
Following on from the ROSPA report regarding the Rocker Seesaw; Fenland Leisure have been out to inspect this and are not happy with the height as per the report and they will re-install this for us.

11. To Discuss any update on Broadband in the Village:
Christine has been trying to get an update and has spoken to Open Reach and was told that we are going to get fibre to premises early next year.

11. Seats for around the ‘Candlestick’:
Terry Hanner has looked at some seats and the cost is approx £250 plus VAT.
It was decided to ask Chris Brown our district councillor if we could get a grant for this from his ‘Member grant’.
Discussions on where to put this. Parish councillors decided to have a look at various sites and report back at next meeting.

13. SAM2 Data Capture Information for July and August:
Kay Wiltshire has emailed the data for these 2 months. This information will go on Denton Talk, the village website and be sent to the local police.

14. Update on Parking for Kennels by the Chapel :
We have been told by highways that nothing will happen until the ownership of the land has been decided. This is still on going.

15. To Approve Payments to be made and Record money received and Discuss clerk’s remuneration:

  • Norfolk Assn of Local Councils Annual Subscription £119.83
  • Bungay Outney Common dividend £50.00
  • HMRC Vat Repayment £121.62
Discussion on clerk’s remuneration – It was decided to increase the clerk’s hourly rate to £11.00 per hour.

16. Any other matters to be brought to the attention of the Parish Council and for the next Agenda:
Siting for Seat around the Candle Stick
The date of the next parish council meeting will be Tuesday, 12th November 2019.

17.The meeting was not adjourned for public participation as there was no member of the public in attendance.

18. Close of Meeting:
Mr Hanner thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.20 pm.

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