Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 9th July 2019 at 7.30 pm in Denton Village Hall.

Present: Councillors:Terry Hanner, Christine Kerr, Ken Ashton, Melissa Bunn, Zoe Brown.
Also present: Margaret Stone (County Councillor), Jackie Ellis (Clerk) and Robert Fearnley.

1. Welcome by the Chairman:
Terry Hanner welcomed everyone to our parish council meeting.
Terry also welcomed Robert Fearnley who wishes to become a parish councillor. All councillors were in agreement that he be co-opted. Robert Fearnley completed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

2. To receive and accept apologies from members unable to attend:
Chris Brown, District Councillor.

3. To receive any declarations of interest from members on any item to be discussed:

4. To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the May 2019 meeting and the Annual Parish Meeting were approved and signed by Mr Terry Hanner, Chairman, as a correct record.

5. The meeting was not adjourned for public participation as there were no members of the public at the meeting.

6. Reports from County and District Councillors:
Margaret Stone, County Councillor, reported as below:

  • A few years ago, an ‘intermittent cutting’ of road side grass cutting as implemented. This meant that grass cuts were focussed on bends and junctions and the full length of the roadside verges were cut less frequently. NCC also work with the Norfolk Wildlife Trust to maintain roadside nature reserves which contain wildflowers.
  • NCC will be investing £120m in special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) provision in the County.
  • A new strategy setting out how Norfolk intends to support children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities over the next three years is out for public consultation.
  • NCC are investing £29m in Housing with Care – the scheme is to deliver 3,000 extra homes for older people in Norfolk over the next ten years.
Chris Brown, District Councillor sent a report as below in his absence:
  • On 15th July, Dr Murray Gray will be made an Honorary Alderman of South Norfolk for his 28 years’ service as a councillor and his huge contribution to the local community.
  • Member grants: Cllr Brown and Cllr Bernard each has a fund of up to £1,000 to provide grants to local community projects. The minimum grant size is £100.
  • Long-term Empty Homes: SNC are reviewing processes around bringing empty homes back in to use.
  • All new South Norfolk councillors have received a great deal of training during their first two months on the council and so are now up to speed on many areas of the Council’s services.

7. To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting:

8. To discuss and comment on any planning applications received and related matters:
Applications received:
Ref: 2019/1183 – Fir Tree Farm Barn, Darrow Green Road, Denton. Proposal: change of use from a former agricultural building to dual use; holiday let and annexe accommodation. Parish councillors approved.
Ref: 2019/1234 – Globe House, Norwich Road, Denton. Proposal: Removal of existing shed and replace with garden room, to include solar panels to roof. Parish councillors approved.
Decisions received:
2019/0842 – Land North west of Sawyers, Trunch Hill, Denton. Refusal.

9. Playing Field Report including ROSPA Play Area Inspection report:
Terry Hanner did inspection. All was in good order. There is a dead tree at the entrance to the playing field which Mr. Hanner will remove.
The ROSPA report has been circulated to all councillors. There was only one high risk item which needed attention. This was the mixed seat swing which has supports loose in head blocks. We need to tighten retaining nuts in the head block wedge. If this fails, fit shims (metal wedges) between supports and block to secure. Mr. Hanner will look in to this.
The report also mentioned the Rocker Seesaw – the clearance from seat assembly underside to ground is less than 230mm and we should refer this to the manufacturer which the clerk will do.

10. To discuss Broadband in the village:
Christine Kerr has spoken with Karen O Kane about broadband. She confirmed that the whole village should be up to 10mgb by 2020. There are a few properties which have technical problems and Karen will get back to Christine with further information.

11. Seats for around the ‘Candlestick’:
All councillors were in agreement that this would be a good idea. Discussions followed on where to put one and what type of seat would be best. Mr Hanner will look at a few options and report back at next meeting.

12. SAM2 data capture information for May and June:
Kay Wiltshire has emailed the data for these 2 months. This information will go on Denton Talk, the village website and be sent to the local police.

13. To discuss consultation on Bus Service 84 :
The new timetable is in operation from 8th July. We put forward our comments and asked about running the service once a week but to no avail. The Borderhopper is available at a return cost of £3.50 door to door.
It was agreed to put a piece in the magazine to remind villagers about the other options available for shopping, etc.

14. To approve payments to be made and record money received:

  • Clerk salary and expenses for 2 months £198.90
  • HMRC Paye £77.60
  • Playsafety Ltd £124.20
  • 2 x posts for play equipment £83.00
  • Harleston Town Council Car Parking Contributions £100.00
  • None

15. Any other matters to be brought to the attention of the Parish Council and for the next Agenda:
Seats for around ‘Candlestick’
Terry Hanner read out a letter of thanks received from Murray Gray for his gift, card and kind words we gave him at the annual parish meeting.
The date of the next parish council meeting will be Tuesday, 10th September 2019.

16.The meeting was not adjourned for public participation as there was no member of the public in attendance.

17. Close of Meeting:
Mr Hanner thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9.00 pm.

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