Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 10th September 2018 at 7.30 pm in Denton Village Hall.

Present: Councillors: Kay Wiltshire (Chair), Terry Hanner (Vice Chairman), Zoe Brown, Roger Gibson, Christine Kerr, Kerry Norfolk.
Also present: Murray Gray (District Councillor), Jackie Ellis (Clerk).

1. Welcome by the Chair, Kay Wiltshire.

2. To receive and accept apologies from members unable to attend:
Peter Grant.

3. To receive any declarations of interest from members on any item to be discussed:
None. .

4. To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting:
The minutes of the July 2018 meeting were approved and signed by Kay Wiltshire, Chair, as a correct record.

5. The meeting was not adjourned for public participation as no member of the public was in attendance.

6. Reports from County and District Councillors:
Dr. Gray entered the meeting at 8.00pm as he had been to a previous meeting before.
He updated us on the Rainbows End planning application.

7. To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting:
The SAM2 equipment has been delivered and is up and running. The Insurance company have advised that there is no additional premium due until the next renewal date 1st June 2019.
The Welcome to Denton letter has been updated and circulated to new residents.
Johnnie Carslake is no longer able to fill the dog bag box regularly. We gave our thanks to him for doing this for so long and it was agreed to give him a bottle of wine with our appreciation. (With ‘due regard’ to GDPR Johnnie was asked for his permission to mention him by name in our minutes). Zoe Brown will top the bag box up on a weekly basis.

8. To discuss and comment on any planning applications received and related matters:
Applications received and commented on:
Ref: 2018/1587 – 3 Upland Terrace, Denton. Parish councillors approved this application. This has also been approved by SNC with conditions.
Ref: 2018/1487 and 1488 – Manor Farm, Manor Farm Road, Denton. Parish councillors approved this application. This has also been approved by SNC with conditions.
Ref: 2018/0958 – Rainbows End. Parish councillors submitted objections to this application.

9. Playing Field Report including ROSPA inspection report – Kay Wiltshire
Kay Wiltshire did inspection. There was quite a bit of rubbish left by the recycling area. We will put a notice on Denton Talk about this.
The ROSPA inspection was carried out in June but the report and invoice was sent to an incorrect email address. This has now been corrected.
Some items raised in the report have been rectified:

  • The shrubs behind benches and overhanging tree branches cut back.
  • Bird fouling on swing seats – seats cleaned and sturdy cable ties put along top rail to deter birds.
  • Loose head block on swings filled with mastic sealant has made the block tight onto the posts.
The ROSPA report identified two wooden posts (multiplay and basket swing) as decaying at base, replacement is suggested.
The see-saw – replacement due end of September/early October.
Norse have used a weed killer around the posts as requested. This summer with hot and dry weather the grass has disappeared and the birds have dug into the earth around the equipment. It was felt that we would like to carry on with Norse using weed killer around the posts and not to resume strimming which damages the base of the posts.

10. SAM2 data capture information from first location Village Hall, southbound direction.
The sign starts to flash at 27mph in the 30mph limit. It will not flash at speeds lower than 27mph (‘lower display threshold’).
The statistics for Month 1 were circulated to all councillors. All were happy with how this was going so far and it was agreed to review more data before sending any information to the police.

11. Public Police Meeting, Harleston in August. Brief report – Kay Wiltshire
Kay Wiltshire attended the police meeting on the 9th August, 2018 and gave the following report:

  • Response time is 20 minutes for just over 90% of calls.
  • Sgt Dave Burke will be stationed at Harleston with responsibilities for the supervision of the South Team. There are also 2 dog handlers based at Harleston.
  • PC Simon Redhead, Rural Beat manager based at Long Stratton, is the contact for theft of farm machinery, wildlife crime (poaching), heritage crime (lead theft), etc.
  • PC Heather Field mentioned her team had been looking at speeding concerns in Alburgh and Denton.
  • Sgt Matt Wakefield, Operational Partnership Team is based at SNC with the early Help Hub to combine efforts particularly on anti-social behaviour/shop lifting.
  • Community Speedwatch programmes now only require 3 volunteers and is free – no charge for equipment, training given.
  • Drugs are a continuing and rising problem.
  • Between 60 and 70% of calls made to the police are not police related matters.

12. Police Cadets (PC Jim Squires, Community Engagement Officer), request to camp at the Village Hall 13th October or on the playing field.
Jim Squires came to the Tuesday lunch club in August. He thought it was a brilliant initiative and was going to encourage our local beat officer Heather Field to attend occasionally too.
His police cadets are doing their DofE bronze award and are required to camp for one night and complete a walk. He has asked if they can camp on the grass in front of the Village Hall or on the playing field. The Village Hall being the preferred option. All councillors were happy if it was to be the playing field. He has offered the services of the cadets in lieu of payment for use of Denton Village Hall. The suggestion being that they could help with parking at Dentill.

13. Joint Parish Meeting, Denton to host this year. Discuss possible speakers and dates.
It was agreed that we would like to hold this on Thursday, 15th November 2018. Kay Wiltshire will check if the hall is free on this date. With regard to a speaker - there is a campaign which is called ‘Off the Street into the Kitchen’. It helps vulnerable people learn to cook, etc. All thought it was a good idea to have a talk on this. Mr Hanner will organise this.

14. Risk Assessments – regarding general parish council business and updated for GDPR; to review.
Kay Wiltshire has updated our Risk Assessments which were circulated to all councillors. This was discussed and all were happy with this.

15. GDPR – Assessment of Personal Data held by DPC.
Christine Kerr has assisted in compiling this and it was circulated to all councillors. All were happy with this and Kay Wiltshire thanked Christine Kerr for her valuable expertise and assistance.

16. To approve payments to be made and record money received:

  • Clerk salary and expenses £197.30.
  • ROSPA play equipment inspection £117.60.
  • Westcotec SAM2 equipment £4,267.20 (money to be allocated from ‘Compost Fund’).
  • Dog Waste Bags for box at playing field £8.95.
  • Norse, grounds maintenance 6 monthly charge £645.71
  • Denton Village Hall – hire of hall for y/e 30.9.2018 £100.00
  • VAT Repayment £1,306.90.

17. Any other matters to be brought to the attention of the Parish Council and for the next Agenda.
Kick Start Norfolk – this is a rural moped scheme.
Village Sign needs repainting – Mr Hanner will look in to this.
To confirm the date and time of the next parish council meeting as Tuesday, 13th November 2018. <

18. The meeting was not adjourned for public participation as no member of the public was in attendance.

19. Close of Meeting:
Kay Wiltshire thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.50 pm.

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