Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Tuesday 9th January 2018 at 7.30 pm in Denton Village Hall.

Present: Councillors: Kay Wiltshire (Chair), Terry Hanner (Vice Chairman), Zoe Brown, Peter Grant, Roger Gibson, Kerry Norfolk, Christine Kerr.
Also present: Dr. M. Gray, (District Councillor), Mrs M Stone (County Councillor), Jackie Ellis (Clerk).

1. Welcome by the Chair.

2. To receive and accept apologies from members unable to attend:

3. To receive any declarations of interest from members on any item to be discussed:

4. To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting:
The minutes of the November 2017 meeting were approved and signed by Kay Wiltshire, Chair, as a correct record.

5. The meeting was not adjourned as no member of the public wished to make any comments.

6. Reports from County and District Councillors:

    Dr. M. Gray, District Councillor, reported:
  • Rainbows End - It was noted that the Appeal against an Enforcement Notice took place on 9 January. Dr Gray, Kay Wiltshire and 11 residents attended.
  • The Parish boundary meeting was held to receive results on the consultation. There was no objection to change of parish boundary. Full council meeting in February.
  • As previously advised SNC have been talking to Broadland District Council about sharing services. The first sharing is on senior planning officers.
  • Discussions on the Greater Norwich local plan. This will be discussed in more detail at the February meeting and any comments submitted.
  • Long Stratton Leisure Centre is due to be modernised.
    Mrs M. Stone, County Councillor, reported:
  • The Hospitals, Children’s Services and Night Owls have been really busy over the Christmas period.
  • Budget time is approaching and discussions are being held over every department. The percentage rise in the Norfolk County Council element of Council Tax Bills is likely to be higher this year. There will still be a protected amount for Adult Social Care.
  • There has been a consultation into looking at using community buildings for more than one purpose.
  • Bus routes are being looked at, especially subsidised bus routes. It might be that support is concentrated on community bus services like Borderhoppa.

7. To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting:
The external cabinet for the defibrillator has arrived. GCN Electrical will install this tomorrow. The defibrillator will not be put into the cabinet until the Ambulance Service has registered the cabinet. The defibrillator will remain inside the hall until that time.
Kay Wiltshire has managed to get the key fobs for the cabinet access code on a sale or return basis. One will be given at no cost to each Denton household who requests one. Additional keyfobs can be purchased by residents at 25p each where householders would like more than one fob. Councillors will arrange delivery of these to parishioners.

8. To discuss and comment on any planning applications received and related matters:

9. Playing Field Report – Roger Gibson:
All was in good order.
The willow structure was discussed, both maintenance and the issue with wasps feeding off aphid honeydew during the summer. It was agreed to ask the garden club if they would like to consider taking it on as a project.
The hedge on the right hand side of the playing field, down the footpath to the Millennium Wood is overgrown. Terry suggested a working party as some of the hedge needs to be hand cut before machinery can be used. Details of this will be put on Dentontalk in due course.
To discuss the second quote for repairs and replacements to playground equipment:
Kay Wiltshire has met with Fenland Leisure who have submitted a quotation for identified remedial repairs/maintenance work. This was discussed. It was agreed to ask Fenland Leisure to go ahead with the repairs to the Cableway, the Multiplay, the Trim Trail, the Basket Swing and the Mixed Bay Swings.

10. To set the precept figure for 2018 – 2019:
After discussion on the budget figures which were agreed, all parish councillors decided to increase the precept figure by 3%.

11. To discuss the Bus service in Denton:
There is only one bus per day which runs in the village. It was agreed to put a piece in the parish magazine to ask for people’s views on the bus service and what they would like.

12. NALC AGM in November. Brief report from Kay Wiltshire:
The speaker was Richard Butler, Deputy Lieutenant of Norfolk on the work of the Lieutenancy in Norfolk. He was encouraging councils to put forward nominations for honours, invitations to Royal Garden Parties, and awards for community service/voluntary services. It takes about 2 years from nomination to any award being given.
There was also a report from Jonathan Owen, Chief Executive of NALC regarding current developments in the local council sector concentrating on Health & Wellbeing and Dementia friendly services.

13. Joint Training with Alburgh Parish Council – to discuss our possible participation:
Alburgh parish council have yet to set a date for this. The clerk will report back at the next meeting.

14. Correspondence:
Greater Norwich Local Plan received yesterday. This will go on February agenda.

15. To approve payments to be made and record money received:

  • NALC £60.00 – Invoice for being a councillor training course held on 15 November 2017.
  • Clerk salary for 2 months and expenses £191.70.
  • HMRC Paye £48.40.
  • SNC £120.00 – Dog Bin annual charge.
    Money received:
  • Bungay Outney Common final dividend for year ended 31.12.2017 - £100.00.

16. Any other matters to be brought to the attention of the parish council and for the next agenda.
To confirm the date and time of the next parish council meeting as Tuesday, 13th February 2018:

The South Norfolk Police Briefing Meeting will be held on 10th January from 7-9pm at Diss Youth & Community Centre. Kay Wiltshire will attend.
For next agenda:
Greater Norwich Local Plan.
Denton Local Directory last published in 2009. To discuss updating.
Update on progress of Broadband in village.

17. The meeting was not adjourned for public participation as there were no members of the public at the meeting.

18. Close of Meeting:
Kay Wiltshire thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9.24 pm.

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