Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Tuesday 14th November 2017 at 7.30 pm in Denton Village Hall.

Present: Councillors: Kay Wiltshire (Chair), Peter Grant, Roger Gibson,
Also present: Dr. M. Gray, (District Councillor) Jackie Ellis (Clerk), 2 Members of the public.

1. Welcome by the Chair.

2. To receive and accept apologies from members unable to attend:
Terry Hanner (Vice Chair).

3. To receive any declarations of interest from members on any item to be discussed:

4. To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting:
The minutes of the October 2017 meeting were approved and signed by Kay Wiltshire, Chair, as a correct record.

5. The meeting was not adjourned as no member of the public wished to make any comments.

6. Reports from County and District Councillors:
Dr. M. Gray, District Councillor, reported:

  • SNC are to sign a new lease with Harleston Town Council which means car parking will be free for the next 10 years. The Co-Op has agreed to contribute £30,000 per year and the Town council will provide the remainder.
  • There is to be a parish boundary meeting on 29th November to receive results on the consultation. There should not be a problem with Denton’s proposals as Earsham Parish Council did not object. The next stage is for the proposals to go to the boundary commission.
  • Norfolk County Council has received £3.05 million of government funding to replace Hempnall crossroads with a roundabout. There is still a two year delay before work commences. This is to allow developers time to obtain planning permission, as they are to contribute to the cost of the roundabout.

7. To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting:

  • The ‘welcome to Denton’ letter has been updated, completed and distributed.
  • The Community SOS Project for the Pocket Park has been submitted.
  • Kay Wiltshire has chased up ‘In Good Company’ Quality Mark for the Tuesday Lunch Club. This has moved to quarterly notifications instead of monthly, therefore we should learn the outcome in the new year.

8. Playing Field Report – Kerry Norfolk. Repairs to play equipment:
As Kerry Norfolk was not here tonight there was no report.
Kay Wiltshire has met with David, the Outdoor Play consultant from Fenland Play & Leisure. The playing field repairs/replacements that are required were discussed. We should be able to decide on these at our January meeting. Kay Wiltshire will put together a National Lottery application for a new see-saw and accessible roundabout.

9. External Defibrillator Cabinet – to discuss purchase of this:
Kay Wiltshire attended the Village Hall AGM and raised the subject of the external cabinet. The village hall committee were happy for the cabinet to be put on the outside of the building and have generously agreed to match the £200 contribution from the Tuesday Lunch Club so we have £400 towards the cost. Community Heartbeat Trust have quoted £770.00 plus VAT. Garry Nial, who has installed these cabinets before, has quoted £125.00 plus VAT for wiring and installation.
After discussion it was agreed to go ahead with the purchase of this.

10. To discuss and comment on any planning applications received and related matters:
Rainbows End – We have been notified that the appeal will be determined by an informal hearing on 9th January 2018 at 10.00am at South Norfolk Council Offices.
Decisions Received:
2017/1643 and 1644 – Mr. Fearnley, Manor Farm, Manor Farm Road, Denton. Partial demolition and erection of two storey rear extension. Approval with conditions.
2017/2278 – Mr. Winter, Darrow Green Farm, Darrow Green Road, Denton. Replace windows. Approval with conditions.

11. To discuss Draft Budget for 2018-2019:
The clerk and Kay Wiltshire have met and prepared a draft budget for 2018-19. This was explained and discussed tonight.
Councillors will have a copy of this to study and approve at our January meeting.

12. To discuss bus service in Denton:
It was decided to defer this item until the January meeting.

13. Parish Councillor Vacancy:
We have received one application from Christine Kerr who was with us tonight and it was agreed to co-opt Christine. Mrs. Wiltshire welcomed her and the clerk will sort out the necessary paperwork, etc.

14. Financial Regulations – review of updated documents and proposed adoption:
All councillors have received a copy of updated Financial Regulations and all agreed that these should be adopted.

15. Correspondence:
We have received details of Norfolk Constabulary plans to disband all 150 Police Community Support Officers.
Better Broadband for Norfolk – We have received a report from NCC and this will go on our web site. The cabinet has been installed on the top of Middle Road.

16. Parish council paperwork – storage:
We have 6 storage boxes of parish council paperwork.
Planning applications are no longer needed as they are now stored online. It was agreed that Kay Wiltshire could shred these.
It was agreed some paperwork could be kept at the Norfolk Record Office and maybe we could have a filing cabinet in the village hall for storage. This could be discussed at a later date.
Christine Kerr suggested scanning documents which are required to be kept indefinitely.

17. To approve payments to be made and record money received:

  • J. Ellis, Clerk Salary £76.80, Expenses £22.50.
  • Thomas Rogerson Trust, 12 months rent for 2017-18 £270.00.
    Payments received:
  • SNC – Recycle adopter payment £200.00.

18. Any other matters to be brought to the attention of the parish council and for the next agenda.
To confirm the date and time of the next parish council meeting as Tuesday, 9th January 2018:

  • Wall mounted leaflet shelving unit – a possible idea for inside the porch at the village hall.
  • Rainbows End.
  • Bus Service in Denton.
  • Budget for 2018-19.

19. The meeting was not adjourned for public participation as no member of the public was in attendance.

20. Close of Meeting:
Kay Wiltshire thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.50 pm.

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