Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council held on Tuesday 9th May 2017 at 7.30 pm in Denton Village Hall.

Present: Councillors: Peter Hill (Chair), Kay Wiltshire (Vice Chair), Peter Grant, Roger Gibson, Terry Hanner, Zoe Brown, Kerry Norfolk.
Also present: Mrs. M. Stone (County Councillor), Dr. M. Gray, (District Councillor), Jackie Ellis (Clerk).

Welcome by the Chairman.

To receive and accept apologies from members unable to attend:

To elect a Chairman for the coming year:
Peter Hill proposed Kay Wiltshire become chair for the coming year. All in favour. Mrs Wiltshire accepted this position and signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

To elect a Vice Chairman for the coming year:
Terry Hanner offered to take on the position of vice chairman. All were in favour.

Minutes of AGM of 10th May, 2016:
All were in agreement that these were correct and signed by Kay Wiltshire.

Roger agreed to continue as financial supervisor.

Finance – Approval of the Accounts for the year ending March 2016:
Liz Frere-Smith has completed the internal audit for year ending March 2016. As this was only collected this afternoon it will go on the June agenda.

Handling of correspondence:
All relevant emails will be forwarded to all parish councillors.
Dates and times of meetings:
Meetings will now start at 7.30pm and will be the second Tuesday of every month. Peter Hill proposed having 6 meetings per year in July, September, November, January, March and May. It was agreed that we would meet in June and councillors will think about this proposal and bring their thoughts to the June meeting.
Cheque signatories:
Peter Hill wishes to come off as a cheque signatory. It was agreed that Kay Wiltshire become a signatory.
Standing Orders:
This was discussed and there are a few amendments to make and Kay Wiltshire offered to do these.

Terry Hanner proposed a vote of thanks to Peter Hill for his work as Chairman over the past 5 years. All councillors agreed.

The routine business of the Parish Council will now continue.

To receive any declarations of interest from members on any item to be discussed:

To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting: The minutes of the April 2017 meeting were approved and signed by Kay Wiltshire, Chairman, as a correct record.

There was no public participation.

Reports from County and District Councillors:
Margaret Stone reported:

  • There have not been many meetings recently due to the elections – these will start again now.
  • Margaret gave details of the make up of Norfolk County Council following the recent elections.
Dr. M. Gray reported:
  • Rainbows End – The Certificate of Lawfulness has not yet been determined.
  • The planning application at Sawyers House has been refused.

To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting:


Playing Field Report:
Kerry Norfolk carried out the inspection. All was in good order.
Some new bin bags need to be purchased.
The folder was handed to Zoe Brown for her to carry out the next inspection.

To complete the Community Governance Questionnaire:
This was discussed and completed. Kay Wiltshire will submit this on line.

Parish Boundary:
Peter Hill put forward a proposal for the new boundary. This was discussed. Dr. M. Gray also offered a suggestion.
After discussion, a boundary was decided on which all were in agreement with. Kay Wiltshire will print out an appropriate map and Peter Grant will mark the proposed new boundary and produce an explanatory covering letter to SNDC.

Request from Chris Ashton, Training Officer for Army Cadets, to use playing field:

Chris Ashton has asked if the playing field could be used by the Cadets from Norfolk on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of June 2017 for an expedition training weekend. An email has been received outlining how the weekend will run and how the area will be left clean and tidy.
All were in favour for this to go ahead.

To discuss and comment on planning applications:

None received.

To approve payments to be made:

Payments made:
Jackie Ellis, Clerk salary £77.00
NALC subscription for 2017-18 £114.57
Came & Company Insurance £447.09
NCC Road Safety bin stickers £50.00
SNC Precept £1,697.32 and Grant £109.00

To receive items for the next agenda, including any other business:
Schedule of Meetings
To approve the annual audit and payment to Liz Frere-Smith
A parishioner kindly cuts the grass around the perimeters of the playing field and in front of the village notice board and has done for many years. It was agreed to give him a cheque of £50 towards petrol costs as a thank you gesture. Kay Wiltshire will write a Thank You note and deliver this to him.
Round House Hill: It has been noted that shrubs have been planted on the verge. Terry Hanner will speak to the person involved out of courtesy.
Roger Gibson gave his apologies for the June meeting.
There is a public footpath between Norwich Road and The Walk which is very over grown. Kay Wiltshire will make some enquiries.
The cricket nets at the bottom of the field are looking a bit shabby and need repairing. It was agreed to see if there was sufficient interest in the formation of a regular cricket team before taking this matter further.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 13th June 2017 at 7.30 pm in Denton Village Hall.

Close of Meeting: Kay Wiltshire thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9.05 pm.

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