Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

DRAFT Minutes of the Meeting Held on Tuesday 10th January 2017.

NB These are draft minutes and subject to correction at the next meeting.

Present: Peter Hill (Chairperson), Kay Wiltshire (Vice Chairperson), Kerry Norfolk, Terry Hanner and Zoe Whiting (Clerk).
Also Present: Margaret Stone (County Councillor), Murray Gray (District Councillor) and Jackie Ellis.

1. Apologies received from:
Roger Gibson and Peter Grant.

2. Declaration of Interest:

3. Minutes of Meeting held on 8th November 2016:
The minutes were proposed as being correct and were signed and dated.

4. District Matters and County Council Matters:
Margaret Stone reported that Norfolk County Council have big decisions to make in allocating funds in their Budget for 2017/2018 for the growing need for Adult social care with a growing older population being great but the extra care does cost a lot, with no more money coming from the government the main place that more funding can come from is an increase in council tax, this being a very difficult decision.
Murray Gray reported that South Norfolk Council also have their budget for 2017-2018 to work out with Government grants being cut they are also looking at ways of increasing income.
The Boundary Commission consultation has finished today and a decision is to be made in March this year. Also the District Council is considering changing Parish Boundaries, they will be consulting on this and we can expect to be contacted.

5. Questions from the Public:

6. Matters arising from Meeting held on 8th November 2016:

7. Playing Field:
Terry Hanner did the inspection for December, Peter Hill to do January. Terry Hanner advised he will remove the dead tree. There has also been a very nice bench placed on the playing field behind 8 Globe Close in memory of Dennis Warren, Peter Hill to send a letter of thanks to Dennis’s daughter.

9. Traffic:
Kay Wiltshire has spoken with PC Squires from Harleston, PC Squires advised that it is possible for a speed monitor to be placed in the village, this would record the speed that vehicles travel but not record number plates, the aim being to record the extent of speeding in the village – he will put us on the list for this. It was agreed to buy more of the 30 miles per hour Wheelie Bin Stickers as it was felt a good idea to have 2 on each bin to highlight the speed limit from both directions – Kay Wiltshire will find out how many people would like these.

10. Back Lane:
Peter Hill will contact the County Council to get this recognised.

11. Joint Parish Meeting:
Peter Hill and Terry Hanner attended the meeting at Wortwell on Monday 14th November 2016, they reported that this was very interesting with demonstrations from the ambulance service on how to use the defibrillator.

12. Planning Applications.
Grove Farm APP/L2630/X/16/3142008 Appeal was dismissed. Rainbows End 2016/2155 application was rejected.

13. Correspondence:
An e-mail was received from Bruno Peek advising that, similar to what was done for the Queen’s 90th birthday, there will be beacons lit across the country to commemorate the end of World War 1 in 2018 – it was decided to respond advising that we are interested in being involved.

14. Budget for 2017/2018:
Councillors agreed to increase the amount paid to the Burial Ground from £200.00 to £225.00 as this had not been increased for 7 years. Also to allocate £250.00 for the Playing Field to cover repairs to equipment.
This increases the Precept to £3394.64. The budget was proposed by Terry Hanner and seconded by Kay Wiltshire.

15. Parish Magazine representative:
We have been contacted by Alburgh & Denton Parish Magazine asking if we would like to be represented on their committee as Eddie Winter who had done it for many many years has decided to step down - Kay Wiltshire volunteered and it was agreed.

16. Finance:
a) Petty Cash, Peter Hill cashed the cheque for £29.88 this was added to the petty cash.
b) Cheque to Zoe Whiting (Clerk) for October, November and December £216.87 signed.
c) Cheque to HMRC for PAYE £54.00 signed.
d) An incredibly generous anonymous donation of £200.00 was received towards the cost of the defibrillator.
Councillors also confirmed that the cost of the Defibrilator that was bought in September 2016 would come from the Compost money.

15. Any Other Business.

Date of next meeting – It was agreed that as the next meeting would fall on 14th February (Valentine’s Day) that there will be no meeting in February.– Next meeting 14th March 2017

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