Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting Held on Tuesday 8th November 2016.

Present: Peter Hill (Chairperson), Kay Wiltshire (Vice Chairperson), Kerry Norfolk, Terry Hanner, Peter Grant and Zoe Whiting (Clerk).
Also Present: Murray Gray (District Councillor) and 18 members of the public.

1. Apologies received from:
Roger Gibson, Zoe Mancroft-Brown and Margaret Stone.

2. Declaration of Interest:

3. Minutes of Meeting held on 11th October 2016:
The minutes were proposed as being correct and were signed and dated.

4. District Matters and County Council Matters:
Murray Gray reported on the Greater Norwich Local Plan which has 2 sites identified in Denton with the potential for housing; these are on either side of Norwich Road between Upland Terrace and the Darrow Green Road junction. These are nowhere near the planning stage just identified as possibilities along with many other sites in Norfolk.
The South Norfolk Council Grant Precept will be phased out over the next 2 – 3 years.
South Norfolk Council are doing a drive to remind people of what can be put into their recycling bin, items such as nappies which not only cannot be recycled but contaminate the other items.
Also the Boundary commission have proposed Denton will be part of a much larger ward reaching between Geldeston and Wortwell to be represented by 2 councillors. The consultation period for this ends on 9th January 2017, we will be asked for our views on this and the councillors all agreed that this did not seem a good idea and unanimously agreed to object.
Margaret Stone sent a report which included, Ash die back Norfolk has a three year plan to identify and access the condition of ash trees adjacent to the county’s 6000 miles of roads and footpaths. Norfolk County Council has a weight management partnership with Slimming world – offering a 12-week course to around 2600 people who need to lose weight.
226 extra car park spaces are to be constructed at the front of County Hall for employees, visitors and public should be ready by summer 2017.

5. Questions from the Public:

6. Matters arising from Meeting held on 11th October 2016:
Peter Hill is waiting to hear from Norfolk Wildlife Trust to arrange a meeting about Pocket Park.

7. Playing Field:
Terry Hanner to do the inspection for the next month then Peter Grant to do the following month.

8. Defibrillator:
It was decided to consider arranging some First Aid Training in the future.

9. Traffic:
Kay Wiltshire had done some extensive investigating into getting permanent flashing speed signs, but as yet has been unable to gain funding to help with the cost. More enquiries will be made this month.

10. Back Lane:
The Lane, which leaves the road at the bottom of Wash Lane and goes up to Alburgh forming the boundary between Alburgh and Denton, is mainly not recognised on the definitive map as a footpath. All the landowners, Margaret Leyland, Vaughan Lewis and Eddie Winter have been contacted and are happy to accept this so Peter Hill will contact the County Council to get this recognised.

11. Audit:
The audit of last year’s accounts has been completed. The details to be published on the Village Website and the Village noticeboard. It was agreed to charge £3 per copy.

12. Joint Parish Meeting:
Peter Hill said he plans to attend this meeting at Wortwell on Monday 14th November.

13. Planning Applications.
Rainbows End 2016/2155 application has been deferred until the next planning committee meeting on 7th December 2016.

14. Correspondence:
South Norfolk Council Autumn leaf clearance is happening now.
The Norfolk Association of Local Councils AGM at East Tuddenham, no councillors could attend.
Eddie Winter who has represented Denton Parish Council on the Parish News committee has resigned, we were contacted by Jane Denny to see if a councillor would like to take Eddie’s place.

15. Clerks resignation:
It was decided to place an advertisement in the Parish News and in the NALC newsletter.

16. Finance:
a) The accounts summary up to 31st October 2016 was agreed and approved.
b) The draft Budget was distributed.
c) Petty Cash, as the Clerk was unable to cash a cheque for cash, Peter Hill to do this.
d) Cheque to Norse for £580.61 signed for 6 months Playing Field maintenance.
e) Cheque to South Norfolk Council £78.05 for Annual dog bin emptying 2016/2017 signed.
f) £10 cash received for two allotments.

15. Any Other Business.
It was agreed to put an advertisement in the Parish News to see if anyone would like an allotment.

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