Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting Held on Tuesday 10th May 2016

Immediately following the AGM at 8pm at Denton Village Hall

Present: Peter Hill (Chairman), Terry Hanner (Vice Chairman), Roger Gibson, Peter Grant, Kerry Norfolk, Kay Wiltshire, Zoe Brown, and Bernice Higgins (Clerk).
Also Present: Murray Gray (District Councillor), Margaret Stone (County Councillor for Clavering).

1. Apologies
Peter Grant.

2. Declaration of Interest

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting.
The minutes were proposed as being correct. The minutes were signed and dated.

4. District Matters and County Council Matters.
a. Murray Gray: Murray confirmed that Denton will not be affected by the change of waste collection days starting in June. They will remain as a Friday unless there is a Bank Holiday. Middle Road however will have a change of dates. There will be a letter circulated explaining the change and confirming the dates.
b. Margaret Stone: Conservative party has retaken the County Council following the collapse of the rainbow alliance which has held power for the past three years. Margaret also discussed her role and how she works with communities and individuals by representing interests on a range of issues from Health and Well Being to Highways and amenities. There are 23 councils that she supports with similar requests.

5. Questions from the Public.

6. Matters arising from Meeting held on 12th April 2016.

7. Playing Field Inspection.
a. Monthly Inspection – Peter Grant reported that the roof of the fort is becoming rotten as a result form getting wet. The bridge that links to the fort is slightly springy. No immediate danger but needs to be looked at in the next 12 months.
There are 4 tyres in the recycling area. This is property of South Norfolk Council so it is their responsibility to remove. They will be notified.
Zoe Brown proposed the idea of the grass being collected when cut to cut down on mess. This will be considered when it’s time to renew contract.
b. Broken wobbly board – One of the posts is rotten. Roger Gibson proposed Terry Hanner fixed the board, Peter Hill seconded, unanimously agreed.
c. Grass around willow structure - Terry Hanner to plant grass seed.

8. Traffic.
Agreed that certain times of the day are busier. Its been recognised that quite a few motorbikes do not abide by the speed limit. Kay Wiltshire confirmed details of Speed awareness stickers for bins. Kay to make purchase and get stickers onto bins in the community. Zoe Brown Proposed, Peter Gibson seconded, unanimously agreed.

9. Defibulator.
Peter proposed for it to be in village hall. Terry Hanner to discuss at next Village Hall committee meeting. It will need a selected person to check and maintain weekly. Zoe to enquire and find out more details on best model to purchase.

10. Training.
Zoe and Kay interested in attending. Peter Hill to confirm dates. Peter Grant to be asked.

11. Queen’s Birthday.
Funds of £250 from South Norfolk Council have been granted. Parish Council will make up if there is a short fall.

12. Planning Applications.

13. Correspondence – see summaries.

14. Finance:
a. Pay the Clerk £90.29 for May.

15. Any Other Business.
Parish Clerk has handed in early resignation due to unforeseen circumstances and work commitments.
Peter Hill to place advert into Parish magazine advertising the position.

The meeting closed at 9.45 pm.

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