Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting Held on Tuesday 10th November 2015

at 8pm at Denton Village Hall

Present: Peter Hill (Chairman), Terry Hanner (Vice Chairman), Zoe Brown, Roger Gibson, Peter Grant, Kerry Norfolk, Kay Wiltshire, Pauline Sandell (Clerk).
Also Present: One member of the public.

1. Apologies.
Murray Gray, Margaret Stone.

2. Declaration of Interest.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting.
The minutes were proposed as being correct by Roger Gibson, seconded by Kay Wiltshire. The minutes were signed and dated.

4. District Matters and County Council Matters.
Margaret Stone sent a report which was read out by the Clerk. The Clerk was asked to contact Margaret Stone to find out why Denton had not been included in the second BBfN contracts and when Denton would expect Better Broadband.
Murray Grey sent a report which was read out by the Clerk. It was suggested that the Tuesday Lunchtime Club should be put forward for a Community Award.

5. Questions from the Public.
Mr Jerry Stone, Broughton (EA) Developments Ltd, said that he was trying to find a resolution to the Grove Farm problem. He suggested a single house, keeping within the style of the local houses, or a work unit.

6. Matters Arising:
a) Skinners’ Meadow; The water level has improved and it was thought the smell was not so bad. The matter should be watched.
b) Right to Buy re Affordable Housing; The Clerk read out a letter from the Dept for Communities and Local Government. The deal will give housing associations the discretion not to sell certain homes. The Clerk was asked to write to Saffron to relay DPC’s concern in selling off the affordable housing.
c) First Aid Course; due to illness of the First Aider the event had to be cancelled at the last minute. It was agreed to re-arrange another course on 14th January or 21st January.
d) Play Area Annual Report – Query on Surface Under Swings; The Clerk had spoken to RoSPA and they had apologized and sent a correct report.
e) Any Other Matters Arising; None.

7. Playing Field Inspection.
a) Monthly inspection; Terry Hanner reported that everything was fine. Although some low boughs on the trees would need removing. Grass cutting looks OK at the moment, although not sure whether it was done at the end of October. Peter Hill will do the next inspection.

8. Allotments:
DPC is concerned about the future of the allotments and it was agreed to speak to the residents involved to ask them if they wish to continue with the allotments.

9. Land Between Playing Field and Wood:
Suggestions of wild flower meadow or planting trees. Decision will be left until the future of the allotments is known.

10. Pocket Park:
It has become very overgrown. Ask Adrian if ACE would be able to do something. Ask Highway Rangers to clear pathway.

11. Grass Cutting and Maintenance of Other Areas:
The Clerk was asked to get a quote from Norse and also to find one or two other quotes for comparison.

12. Composting:
Liz Cargill and Ann Carden no longer wish to continue with the administration of Composting although they will continue as helpers. Therefore it is essential for the continuation of the composting scheme for someone to volunteer to take over the administration. If the composting scheme discontinues then residents will have to either apply to SNC for brown bins or find other ways of disposing of their green waste.
It was agreed to hold a meeting in February to discuss this. The Clerk to put this in the Parish Magazine.

13. Parish Boundary Review 2017 – Preliminary Views:
Discussion took place regarding merging small Parish Councils and whether it would be plausible to extend Denton’s boundary to the adjacent part of Earsham. Earsham Parish Council would have to be consulted and any affected residents.

14. Contribution to Harleston Car Parking:
The Clerk had not heard back from her query. After some discussion Roger Gibson proposed that DPC did not make a contribution at this point, seconded by Peter Grant, four for the proposal, three abstained.

15. Planning Applications.

16. Correspondence
Wortwell are holding the next Joint Parish Meeting on Monday 13th June 2016 at 7.30pm. Speaker Mr. Geoff Doggett – Earsham Trust.

17. Precept and SNC Grant, Budget – Preliminary Views Prior to Fixing in January:

18. Finance
a) Accounts Summary.
b) Pay the Clerk £90.29 for November and £90.29 for December.
c) Pay Norse £552.97 for Half Year Grounds Maintenance.
d) Pay £200 for Churchyard Maintenance.
The accounts summary had been circulated. It was proposed to accept the summary by Peter Hill, seconded by Terry Hanner, unanimously agreed.
It was agreed to pay b, c and d. Proposed by Terry Hanner, seconded by Kay Wiltshire, unanimously agreed.

19. Any Other Business
Concern was expressed about the damage done by large vehicles at the bend just past Wood Farm. Terry will contact Highways.
Concern was expressed regarding the sign and skip outside 6 Chapelfield.

The meeting closed at 10 pm.

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