Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting Held on Tuesday 13th October 2015

at 8pm at Denton Village Hall

Present: Peter Hill (Chairman), Roger Gibson, Kay Wiltshire, Pauline Sandell (Clerk).

1. Apologies.
Terry Hanner, Zoe Brown, Murray Gray.

2. Declaration of Interest.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting.
The minutes were proposed as being correct by Roger Gibson, seconded by Kay Wiltshire. The minutes were signed and dated.

4. District Matters and County Council Matters.
Margaret Somerville sent the following report; NCC is in discussion with Government for funding to house 20 refugee families in Norfolk. Initially one years funding of £25,000, but now to be increased to cover at least a further years funding. Under a new scheme Parish Councils will be able to ask Highways to fill pot holes on minor roads, which would normally be considered low priority, by paying 50% of the cost and NCC funding the other 50%. Part of reimaging Norfolk puts pressure on reducing the admissions of the elderly to residential homes and more emphasis on support at home and development of housing with care. There is a major campaign by SNC to reduce the number of tied supermarket plastic bags filled with recyclables into recycle bins. These are not opened at recycling centres but put into landfill bins.
Murray Gray sent the following report; the Local Plan has been found sound by the Planning Inspector and should be adopted by SNC on 19th October.

5. Questions from the Public.

6. Matters Arising:
a) Skinners’ Meadow; the ditch has now been cleared on the other side of the road to help water to flow more easily. The gap in the hedge has been filled and general tidying up has been done. However, there is still a smell. It is now proposed to introduce bacteria into the plant on a quarterly basis.
DPC decided to wait until November to see if any improvements on the smell have been made.
b) Any Other Matter Arising; a response to the letter written to Richard Bacon regarding selling off affordable housing was received from Jo Church to say that they had written to the Department for Communities and Local Government to highlight DPC’s concerns.

7. Playing Field Inspection.
a) Monthly inspection; At the end of September there was a problem with both bins overflowing. They have now been emptied and cleaned. It was thought that inspection once a month was not sufficient so it was suggested that a fortnightly inspection would be more appropriate, especially during the summer months. It was agreed to purchase some strong plastic bags to use for the rubbish. Terry Hanner will do the next inspection.
b) Annual Report; the Clerk to query the report on the surface under the swings as the report mentions bark and gaps in the tiles. These were removed last year and replaced with grass matting.
c) Norse Grass Cutting; Peter Hill was unsure whether the grass had been cut regularly and he will keep an eye on it and report next meeting.
d) Lock for Playing Field Barrier; the key has broken in the lock and Terry Hanner has taken the lock to get a new key.

8. Co-option of a Councillor.
Peter Hill proposed Mr. Peter Grant for the vacancy. Seconded by Kay Wiltshire, unanimously agreed.

9. Allotments and Surrounding Area.
The area between the playing field and the wood is very untidy and full of weeds and is looking a mess. The allotments have not been cultivated and are full of weeds. DPC decided that it needs careful consideration whether to continue with the allotments. A letter will be sent to allotment holders to ask them if they wish to continue. Pocket Park is also very overgrown and the footpath is difficult to negotiate because of overgrown weeds and bramble. It needs cutting 2 or 3 times a season.

10. Report of Chairmen’s Meeting.
Peter Hill attended a meeting at South Norfolk Council. Every 20 years there is a review of parish council boundaries and the next one will be in 2017. Discussion took place regarding consolidating small parish councils. This is something that Denton Parish Council will be discussing in the coming months.

11. Future Meetings.
Some parish councils meet once every other month and this is something that Denton Parish Council will be considering in the future.

12. Annual Parish Meeting Projects.
a) First Aid Course Booked for 15th October; at least 20 people are expected to attend.
b) Playground Equipment for Younger Children; as Zoe Brown was not in attendance this will be discussed at the next meeting.

13. Planning Applications.

14. Correspondence
SNC has partnered with Busseys who have donated £10,000 over the next two years for new trees to be planted in the area. Parish Councils are asked to contact their Neighbourhood Chairman if they wish to make use of this grant.
Redenhall with Harleston Town Council has written to DPC to ask if it would like to contribute to the free car parking in Harleston. The Clerk to find what costs the Town Council has to meet to continue the free parking.

15. Finance
a) Accounts Summary.
b) Pay the Clerk £90.29 for October.
c) Pay Denton Village Hall £100 for annual rent.
d) Pay Norse £552.97 for Half Year Grounds Maintenance.
e) Pay St John Ambulance £92.40 for First Aid Course.
f) Received £200 Adopter Payment from SNC and £1500 second half of precept.
The accounts summary had been circulated. It was proposed to accept the summary by Kerry Norfolk, seconded by Kay Wiltshire, unanimously agreed.
It was agreed to pay b, c and e, but not to pay Norse until DPC was sure that the playing field had been cut regularly. Proposed by Kay Wiltshire, seconded by Peter Hill, unanimously agreed.

16. Any Other Business

The meeting closed at 9.33 pm.

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