Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

DRAFT Minutes of the Meeting Held on Monday 9th June 2014

at 8pm at Denton Village Hall

NB. These are draft minutes and subject to amendment at the next council meeting.

Present: Peter Hill (Chairman),Terry Hanner (Vice Chairman), Roger Gibson, Kerry Norfolk, Pauline Sandell (Clerk).
Also Present: Murray Gray and Liz Cargill.

1. Apologies
Adrian Hipwell, Wayne Mayhew, Annie Whiteman.

2. Declaration of Interest

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes were agreed as an accurate record, proposed by Terry Hanner, seconded by Peter Hill, unanimously agreed.

4. District Matters and County Council Matters
Murray Gray; three funds available – District Councillor’s fund of up to £1000, Neighbourhood Fund of up to £2000 and the Community Fund over £2000. It may be possible for a village to have funding from more than one fund. Planning – Rose Cottage and Richmond planning applications had been approved.
Margaret Somerville; an email had been sent to the Clerk to say that Margaret hopes to come to a meeting once every three months, but in the meantime DPC could contact her if they felt she could help with any problems.

5. Questions from the Public
Liz Cargill raised the question of replacing the hedge that had been removed about 3 years ago from the playing field, leaving a gap which created an exposed area on the playing field. She asked that DPC would give the suggestion of replacing the hedge proper consideration.

6. Matters Arising:
a) Highways – Marshall Hill; the Clerk had heard no more from Highways. It was decided that Terry Hanner would approach the owner personally.
b) Footpath to Post Office; nothing to report.
d) Any Other Matter Arising; None.

7. Playing Field Inspection
a) Monthly inspection; Kerry Norfolk had completed the report; a lot of growth on the willow structure, she did not think that the grass had been cut and the lock on the bin was difficult to undo. Peter Hill had emailed Norse to say that it had not been cut enough times. DPC decided to monitor it to make sure that it is regularly cut. Peter Hill to do next report.
b) Joy Playgrounds quoted a price of £1710 + VAT to break up the concrete, remove and the bark, provide top soil, seed and place matting down. It was agreed to go ahead with this, although it was thought to be better to wait until October. Proposed by Kerry Norfolk, seconded by Roger, unanimously agreed.

8. School Parking
Peter Hill had attended a further meeting at the school. Highways had put scalpings on the verges and reinforced them to improve the situation. Denton Road is also getting churned up and Highways will put scalpings there as well. The problem of parents getting to the school too early to pick up the children continues. Peter suggested that the school speaks to those parents that do get to the school too early. There was a suggestion that part of the school playground be used as a car park, but Peter was against this idea.

9. Review of the Parish Meeting
There was disappointment that the attendance was small. It may have been that the residents had already attended the Joint Parish Meeting just recently.

10. Projects
As there were only a few Councillors at the meeting, it was decided to leave discussion until the next meeting. However, it was decided to investigate the cost of a defibrillator and to consider applying to the Neighbourhood Fund for a grant.

11. Conservation Group
As Adrian was not there it was decided to put this on the next agenda.

12. Ditch at Skinners’ Meadow
It was reported at the Parish Meeting that the ditch smelt. This could be a problem with the treatment plant. Kerry Norfolk to keep an eye on it.

13. Planning Applications

14. Correspondence
Nothing to report.

15. Finance
a) Annual Governance Statement was completed, signed and dated by the Chairman.
b) Accounts summary was approved, proposed by Terry Hanner, seconded by Roger Gibson, unanimously agreed.
c) Pay the Clerk £90.09 for June.
Two further invoices had been received since the agenda had been posted. £35 to Liz Frere-Smith for the internal audit and £20 subscription to the NPFA. Peter Hill had spoken to Liz Cargill about the subscription of £25 to CCN and she felt that it was worth subscribing to. It was proposed by Peter Hill to pay c and the above mentioned amounts, seconded by Roger Gibson, unanimously agreed.

14. Any Other Business
Terry Hanner said that Highways had marked the road in several places for holes to be filled, but he felt that the machine used to clear the grups was making the holes. The Clerk was asked to contact Margaret Somerville about this.
Kerry Norfolk said that the junction at the bottom of Church Hill was dangerous as people driving from Denton and turning up Church Hill were not allowing enough space for those people coming down Church Hill.

The meeting closed at 9.20 pm.

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