Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

DRAFT Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Friday 20th April 2012.

at 7.30pm at Denton Village Hall

NB These are draft minutes and are subject to correction before approval at the next meeting.

Present: Liz Cargill (Chairman), Terry Hanner (Vice Chairman), Roger Gibson, Peter Hill, Annie Whiteman, Pauline Sandell (Clerk).

Also Present: Murray Gray (District Councillor), 14 members of the public.

1. Welcome by the Chairman
Liz Cargill welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Apologies
Wayne Mayhew, Tony Tomkinson.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting
Terry Hanner proposed that the minutes were correct, seconded by Peter Hill. The minutes were signed.

4. Chairman's Report
Liz Cargill reported:-
Affordable Housing; residents moved in to the housing in July 2011. Saffron Housing Trust said that they would bury a time capsule at the site. The Parish Council thank all residents for their forbearance during the development. A 30mph speed limit has been established in the village, but speedwatch is not feasible at the present time.
Highway Repairs; a new system has been formed where Highway Rangers come to the village twice a year to carry out repairs where necessary. Residents can report highway problems to the Parish Council or to Terry Hanner.
The Parish Council has been consulted on various Planning Applications during the year.
The development boundary had been moved from Denton a number of years ago. The Parish Council would like it reinstated and has proposed a revised outline to SNC. No further information at the moment.
The Play Area has been refurbished and the Parish Council would like to thank Peter Hill and Annie Whiteman for their work in finding the funding for it and for overseeing the design and installation. It is very popular and it is not only used by Denton residents but by other villages. The Chairman did point out though that there had recently been a problem with dogs in the play area and she reminded the public that dogs are not allowed in the play area. The allotments are up and running and have seen their first season. Further plots are available at £5 per annum for a 75sq.m. plot. Should anyone wish to have a plot they should get in touch with the Clerk.
The Composting has reached its ninth season and Liz thanked the volunteers that keep the scheme going. Some of the money raised by the compost credits has been spent on two ‘springys’ for the play area and funded the fencing for the allotment site.
The Parish Council made a small contribution to the Photographic Exhibition that was held at the Village Hall this year.
Liz Cargill thanked Murray Gray for his continuing support and help and thanked the Parish Councillors for their time and practical help. The Clerk was also thanked and Lucy Kenyon was thanked for stepping in at the last minute when the Clerk was unable to attend.

5. District Council Matters
Murray Gray said that he was pleased and felt privileged to have been re-elected as a District Councillor.
He reported the following matters:
It was good to see the completion of the affordable housing which was something that Denton had wanted for a number of years. The electrical sub-station proved to be a bit of a sticking point but was eventually resolved. Other local villages have put in planning for affordable housing; six houses have started in Wortwell, four in Earsham and five in Topcroft. If these houses cannot be filled by local residents then the houses could be available for Denton residents.
Planning; Grove Farm had been a long running issue, but finally, although SNC did not win every aspect of the appeal, it was judged that the building cannot be occupied as residential.
The National Planning Policy Framework produced by the Government replaced 25 individual planning policy documents on different topics and when SNC prepares its local plan it has to be in conformity with this policy.
The Joint Core Strategy of the LDF has been produced by SNC, NCC and Broadland District Council. The Broadland part of it has been found to be unsound but this does not affect the SNC part of the plan. Denton has been identified as ‘other village’. A further planning document about to be produced is the Site Specific Allocations and will define where the development boundary will go for each village. The Parish Council has asked for a development boundary for infilling within that boundary, and suggested development between Sawyers and the Watch House. At a recent SNC meeting it was proposed that only part of that land between Sawyers and the Watch House should be developed, as that strip would have too many houses. These proposals made by SNC will be consulted on during June and July.
The Localism Bill became law which allows communities to produce their own neighbourhood plan. This plan would have to conform to the National Framework and the Local Plan
Council tax has been frozen this year, although Murray had proposed a 2% cut, but this was rejected.
Murray thanked the Parish Council, the Parish Clerk and all Denton residents.

6. The Localism Act and Neighbourhood Planning
Peter Hill reported that in November last year the Localism Act came into force and this will be the topic for discussion at the next Joint Parish Council Meeting to be held in Wortwell on Monday 14th May. Both Peter Hill and Liz Cargill had attended a seminar in Poringland about this.
The Act allows communities to have a greater say in how things happen in their individual communities. One of these things is planning. A Neighbourhood Plan allows a community to have a vision of how they wish their village to be and how it should be developed in the future. The process is not straightforward. It would have to conform to the National Framework and can take 1-2 years to produce and would then go to a referendum of the whole community and would only be adopted if the majority of the village agree to it.
When consulted about the LDF, Denton also proposed that the boundary should include a small area from The Patch up to the Playing Field, but this has not been included in the SNC proposal. The Development Plan can include many things, such as the type of housing and the Parish Council has stated that it would like to see family type houses in the village rather than individually designed properties and barn conversions. Family houses instead of bungalows would help to encourage young families to the village. We can promote further development than that allowed in the plan, but we cannot promote less. We could say what design we would like the houses to follow and how much green space around the houses should be provided.

7. Broadband
Liz Cargill read out a summary of a recent update of the Broadband situation. Peter Hill said that it would be benefical to have a telephone system that works first. A number of people in the village had been experiencing problems with their telephones and it seemed that when one phone had been repaired it would cause another to go wrong. Telephone engineers have stated that the wiring is very frail and needs replacing.
It was agreed to write a letter to BT having found out who is affected by these problems.

8. Play Area – Additional Equipment
Liz Cargill said that funds were still available from the composting account and asked the public whether they would like to see more equipment for the younger children, such as a roundabout. The following suggestions were put forward.
It was agreed that a roundabout is a good idea. Other suggestions; outdoor gym for adults, abacus, refurbish hop scotch squares and outdoor chess
Liz Cargill explained that it is the intention of the Parish Council to install a playwall to encourage bat and ball skills. It was suggested by Annie Whiteman to canvas the parents and children to see what they would like for the younger children.

9. Open Forum
Ditch at Skinners’ Meadow is full of water and with a foul smell. It is not running away across the road as it should. This will be put on next month’s agenda.
Q. Will the sites suggested by landowners on the Sites Specific Allocations Map be developed and if they are will it be affordable housing?
A. No, not all will be developed as the Council will only select appropriate sites for development and the houses will be private development. The Parish Council wants areas to be developed to be in the centre of the village.
Q. If the site between Sawyers and The Watch House is developed that will make the junction worse.
A. If development takes place, the junction will be improved.
Q. Can anything be done about vehicles parked on the bend at Trunch Hill as this means that cars have to overtake the parked vehicle on a blind bend.
A. The police should be informed.
A member of the public said that the snow ploughing was more efficient this year.

10. Any Other Business
Peter Hill said that as Liz Cargill is to resign her position as Chairman and as a Councillor at the AGM in May, he would like to thank her for her hard work and he said that she was very conscientious and efficient.

The meeting closed at 8.30pm.

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