Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting Held on Tuesday 8th November 2011

at 8pm at Denton Village Hall

Present: Liz Cargill (Chairman), Terry Hanner (Vice Chairman), Peter Hill, Adrian Hipwell, Wayne Mayhew, Annie Whiteman, Pauline Sandell (Clerk).

1. Apologies
Roger Gibson, Murray Gray.

2. Declaration of Interest
Peter Hill declared an interest in item 6c.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting.
The minutes were agreed and signed. Peter Hill commented that under item 4 the word 'landlord' was not correct, that it should be land owner. However, Tony Tomkinson did actually say 'landlord' and it was therefore left in.

4. District and County Council Matters

5. Questions from the Public

6. Matters Arising:
a) Playing Field; Peter Hill reported that the seats are getting tatty and need cleaning and treating. More bark may be needed by the swings. Strimmer has cut into some of the posts and caused damage. Glass bin Ok and dog bin half full. Liz Cargill said that the area around the play area looks very tidy and that the play area is treated as a flagship by SNC. Willow will be done early spring and a working party will be organized at the same time. Annie had received the sign from SNC and Wayne offered to put it up. Annie reported that SNC had retained some of the money that was to be used for the signage and they will send it to DPC. Liz will speak to Malcolm about doing the car park. Liz Cargill to complete the November report and Roger Gibson to complete the December one.
b) Speedwatch; Peter Hill reported that the application for a camera had gone into the wrong cubby hole, but had now been sent to the Speedwatch Department and he had heard nothing further.
c) Globe Close; will continue to monitor the situation.
d) Update of Denton Directory; Nothing to report.
e) Skinners' Meadow; Following a letter written to Saffron regarding lights and the ditch at the entrance to the site, Liz Cargill had a meeting with Mike Loftus. He then phoned the Clerk to say that it was possible to change the bulbs and to install a shield on the lights. With regard to the ditch he had spoken to NCC Highways and they thought that it was not necessary to do anything. However, Mike said that he would visit the site shortly and take some photos and give it further consideration. It was agreed that it would be a good idea for one of the Councillors to be at the site when Mike is there. Clerk to organize.
f) Any Other Matters Arising; Time capsule; Parish Magazine and 8 photos in a sealed envelope.
National Grid Meeting; Peter attended and said that it was well attended. Tony Tomkinson, Murray Gray and Richard Bacon also attended. A wind farm is being developed out in the North Sea and the National Grid has got to come up with an outline of how and where to bring the power onto land. A further meeting will take place when they have come up with further proposals sometime next year. The National Grid stated that it would cost 11-12 times more to use underground cables rather than overhead lines.

7. Composting
Total amount collected this year amounts to 13.25 tonnes, the lowest ever collected. There is £350 cash in the kitty from compost sales. The compost working group are in favour of buying a trailer to use for the collections. The trailer would need sides and possibly a ramp. Liz reported that a new one would cost approximately £2200. It may be possible to buy a second hand one. It is important to bear in mind the overall weight of the trailer as small cars would not be able to tow large trailers. The trailer is not needed until next Spring, but Liz asked everyone to keep an eye open for new or second hand trailers.

8. Allotments
Peter will look at sample agreement. The agreement should be with the Parish Council as a tenant of the Rogerson Trust. Each plot will be £5 per year due on the 10th day of October. They will be called 'vegetable plots', not allotments. Trees should not be planted. Put on agenda for January.

9. Planning Applications None.

10. Car Parking Contributions from Harleston
The Clerk had received a letter asking for a contribution from DPC to help with free car parking in Harleston. It was unanimously agreed not to contribute to this.

11. Correspondence
SNC; Project to develop a tourist heritage trail to celebrate the links between Norfolk and America. DPC is interested and asked the Clerk to get more information.
Village Games; put in Parish Magazine
Highways; road sign cleaning; the Clerk to get more information. The Clerk to inform Highways that the salt boxes need refilling.
NCC; Broadband update. Clerk to put in Parish Magazine and website.
SNC; Training on Improving Community Safety in The Parish on Thursday 1st December at Long Stratton. Peter Hill interested, the Clerk to pass on more information to him.

12. Finance
a) Accounts Summary
The accounts for October were circulated and agreed.
b) Budget for 2012-2013.
The draft budget had been circulated. Peter had calculated that an extra £150 would be available from the affordable housing council tax. It was therefore decided that the precept would be kept the same as last year but with the extra £150 added giving a total of £3300. This was unanimously agreed.
c) Pay the Clerk £89.19 for November and December.
Proposal; to pay the clerk. Proposed by Annie Whiteman, seconded by Adrian Hipwell, unanimously agreed.
d) The VAT repayment of £798.57 had been received.
e) Mini recycling payment of £200 had been received.
The Clerk reported that SNC would no longer be selling dog bin bags and they would have to be bought from pet shops in the future. It was agreed that DPC should provide bags.

11. Any Other Business

The meeting finished at 9.40pm.

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