Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting Held on Tuesday 13th September 2011

at 8pm at Denton Village Hall

Present: Liz Cargill (Chairman), Roger Gibson, Peter Hill, Adrian Hipwell, Wayne Mayhew, Annie Whiteman, Pauline Sandell (Clerk).

Also Present: Murray Gray (District Councillor).

1. Apologies
Terry Hanner, Murray Gray.

2. Declaration of Interest
Peter Hill declared an interest in item 6e.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting and Meeting on 26th July 2011
The minutes were agreed and signed.

4. District and County Council Matters
Murray Gray was not present but sent an email with the following comments; Having failed to join its whole staff team with those of either Breckland or Gt. Yarmouth, SNC is now trying to make some of the savings by looking at individual sharing of staff teams with other Councils. There is currently a plan to centralise its legal team (4.5 staff including Stuart Shortman) at the County Council and obtain its legal services from the central bank of solicitors that they manage for a number of local authorities.
Site Specific DPD; he has received a few enquiries from Denton residents to explain the status of the proposed sites.

5. Questions from the Public

6. Matters Arising:
a) Playing Field; Adrian completed the July report; a few of the new hedge plants have died, he noticed that there was a little more than usual rubbish about, but thought that was due to more use of the play area, not a problem but to keep an eye on it. He has now removed the dog bin from the entrance to the Millennium Wood which he will keep and has repaired the lid of the other bin. It has been noticed that the bin is sometimes very full. This could be due to residents using the bin to clear their gardens of dog litter. The Clerk was asked to contact SNC to find out what day the bin is emptied.
Wayne completed the August report and said that the swings will need some attention in time. Terry Hanner will do the next report.
The Clerk read out a letter from SNC regarding the glass bank; the Waste Recycling Group is currently undergoing staff changes and problems are being experienced in getting banks emptied. They ask DPC to let them know if any problems occur. Liz reported that the 'springys' had arrived and been installed, although they have not been used as yet as they are waiting for the concrete to dry.
Annie reported that she contacted SNC again regarding the signage and changes have been made since she last spoke to them and she was advised not to use their Graphic Department. Annie had received a quote for a 610mm x 410mm size of £74. This was agreed and she will contact Wayne when it arrives to install it.
b) Speedwatch; Peter Hill reported that he now had a group of six volunteers. He has reported this to the Police and has so far not received a response. He will chase them up.
c) Allotment; Liz Cargill reported that the fencing has arrived and will be erected in the Autumn. The A frame posts will be used when they put the fencing up. There is some encroachment of the hedging by the allotment and there were other areas of hedging around the playing field that needed attention. Liz Cargill will ask Malcolm if he could go around the whole area and face the hedge up where necessary.
d) Affordable Housing; Annie said that the official opening was a nice occasion and that Eddie had given a good speech.
e) No.1 Globe Close; A letter had been written to Saffron Housing Trust with a copy to SNC's Environmental Department. It was decided to send a follow up letter.
f) Any Other Matters; None.

7. Planning Applications
No applications had been received. The Clerk read out the conditions of approval for the land to the rear of Thanksgiving Cottage.
The Grove Farm appeal will be heard on Tuesday 1st November at 10am at South Norfolk House.

8. LDF Consultation
Liz Cargill and Peter Hill had attended a meeting regarding the LDF consultation. Five sites have been suggested in Denton. The consultation runs up to 18th November and there will be a meeting for the public to attend in Harleston on Saturday 15th October 9am–4pm. The Councillors wanted to make it clear to Denton parishioners that they had already given their opinion before this consultation which was to have some appropriate development for families around the centre of the village. The Clerk was asked to put a piece in the Parish Magazine to this effect. Peter Hill will speak to SNC regarding the earlier proposals made by the DPC regarding the development boundary.

9. Community Infrastructure Levy Consultation
It was decided to take no action.

10. Correspondence
Two correspondence summaries had been circulated. No action taken.

11. Finance
a) Accounts Summary
The accounts for August were circulated and agreed.
b) Pay the Clerk £89.19 for September.
c) Pay Countryside Supplies £334.16 for allotment fencing
d) Pay SNC £64.61 for clearing wasps nests at the Playing Field
e) Pay Denton Village Hall £100 annual rent of the hall
f) Pay £200 to St.Mary's Church for the upkeep of the graveyard
Items e) and f) were not on the agenda but needed to be paid before the next meeting.
Liz Cargill queried the amount of £64.61 to pay for clearing wasps nests as she was quoted a 'school rate' of around £19 when she phoned. It was decided not to pay the invoice until the matter had been clarified.
Proposal; to pay b, c, e and f. Proposed by Adrian Hipwell, seconded by Roger Gibson, unanimously agreed.

11. Any Other Business
Roger Gibson; as he will be away for a couple of months the six monthly check on the accounts would not be done. It was decided to leave the six monthly check until he returned.
Adrian Hipwell; pot holes have appeared in Roundhouse Hill and also Watts Hill. The Clerk was asked to let Highways know about this.
Peter Hill; Denton Directory needs updating. Peter will go through it and update it.

The meeting finished at 10pm.

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