Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

DRAFT Minutes of the Meeting Held on Tuesday 14th June 2011

at 8pm at Denton Village Hall

NB These are draft minutes and are subject to correction before approval at the next meeting of the Council.

Present: Liz Cargill (Chairman), Terry Hanner (Vice Chairman), Roger Gibson, Peter Hill, Wayne Mayhew, Annie Whiteman, Pauline Sandell (Clerk).

Also Present: Murray Gray (District Councillor), 1 member of the public.

1. Apologies
Adrian Hipwell.

2. Declaration of Interest
The Chairman declared an interest in item 8, Roger Gibson declared an interest in item 7d.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes were agreed and signed.

4. Visit From Harleston Police Regarding Speed Watch
The Clerk explained that she had received a telephone call from Harleston Police to say that training for speed watch had ceased and therefore there was no point in coming to the meeting. The Clerk said that she had, however, received an email from Michael Bentley, the Neighbourhood Officer for Waveney Valley, regarding a pilot scheme to train Parishes to operate SAMs. The member of the public present said that he helped Alburgh with their speed camera. The Councillors wondered whether Alburgh would agree to do a speed watch in Denton using their camera, although it was understood that they were not keen to share the camera as it may use up the life of the batteries. If vehicles drive 6 or 7 miles over the speed limit, their registration number is taken and submitted to the police. A warning letter is sent after three offences, the next offence would mean a fine.
The Councillors agreed that, in principle, they would like to do speed watch and Peter Hill was asked to get more information. Put on the agenda next month.

d) Affordable Housing; The Chairman explained that she and Peter Hill had attended the Planning Meeting the previous week and the decision had been deferred until 25th May at 1.30pm. SNC wish to have more information about the capacity and how big the substation needs to be. Liz Cargill confirmed that SNC had discounted noise and safety problems. Peter Hill was asked to attend the next meeting on 25th May to speak on behalf of the Parish Council.

e) Any Other Matters Arising; None.

5. District Council Matters
At the last LDF consultation new sites were proposed and, mainly because of those new sites, another consultation will be run from July to October. Denton Parish Council will have another opportunity to put its views.
Meetings regarding the sharing of services with Great Yarmouth will be taking place in the next couple of months.
SNC is looking to reduce the cost of waste management, which is higher than other Councils in Norfolk and the recycling rate is lower than other Councils in Norfolk. Murray would like to see people encouraged to reduce their amount of waste which would save the Council money.

6. Questions from the Public

7. Matters Arising:
a) Playing Field; Liz Cargill reported that she was unable to unlock the litter bins. Wayne Mayhew said that he would put some WD40 in the locks. Liz said that she was going to pull up the thistles, but has not had time yet. It was agreed not to spray them. Annie and Liz to find a 'springy' and cradle seat from catalogues. Annie Whiteman will do the next report.
b) Play Area Project; Annie had spoken to Gary at SNC about signage and the designs he sent back, which she showed to the Councillors, were not suitable. It was agreed that Annie would speak to Gary again and would ask for a simple design but in colour and without South Norfolk Council on the bottom.
c) Toy Recycling Bank; The Clerk had emailed dimensions of the toy bank to the Councillors. It was agreed that the bank would be too big for the recycling area.
d) Grove Farm Appeal; A letter had been sent to the Inspectorate by Peter Hill. The Clerk asked if she could have a copy for the records.
e) Approve and Sign the Revised Standing Orders; Agreed, signed and dated.
f) Any Other Matters Arising; Allotments – The Clerk was asked to speak to Countryside Super Store to see if they would allow Terry Townsend to buy fencing from them and to send an invoice to Denton Parish Council. Liz has been asked by one of the allotment holders if they could have another plot. It was agreed to allow this. Liz has also received two phone calls asking for plots, one of those from a resident of Alburgh. Discussion took place regarding letting out allotment plots to people outside of Denton. It was thought that there were enough plots to do this, but after some discussion it was agreed that for the time being the plots should only be let out to Denton residents.

8. Affordable Housing
Liz Cargill reported that the SNC Planning Sub Committee had a site meeting the previous week to which members of the Parish Council attended and the Sub Committee will report to the main committee at the planning meeting on the 15th June.

9. Planning Applications
a. 2011/0714 Ashton Autos, Stonycroft, Norwich Road, Denton; Detached Steel Frame Building to Provide New MOT Testing Facility
The Councillors approved this application on the grounds that they wished to encourage a local business and with the potential of employment for local people.
b. 2011/0673 and 0674 Pockthorpe Cottage, Pockthorpe Lane, Denton; Erection of Two Etensions to Connect Cottage to Studio and Conversion of Studio into Two Bedrooms
Having visited the site there was a great deal of concern about the mass of the extension and the impact the design would have on a Grade II Listed building. The proposed design would convert the small cottage into a much larger property and the Councillors were concerned that this was not a suitable location for such a conversion and also bearing in mind the difficult access which is used by local farmers to get to their fields and the footpath which runs very close to the cottage. After some discussion it was agreed to approve the application, but with the following concerns and conditions:
- Strong reservations about the external staircase, the sedum roof and the dormer windows as they are not in keeping with the style of the property
- The type of development is not suitable for that particular location
- Difficulty with access and parking for two cars may not be sufficient
- Hedges should be kept at current height
- The footpath that runs very close to the house is well used and should be respected and not changed
- In order to minimise light pollution outdoor lighting should be fully shielded, directed downwards, switched on only when needed and white light low-energy lamps used.
- In addition DPC would like ground levels to be recorded before the start of building so that roof heights can be adhered to
c) 2011/0813 C.A. Whipps & Sons, Low Farm, Low Road, Denton; Installation of 52 Solar Photovoltaic Modules on Roof of Farm Building
The Councillors approved this application on the grounds that they wished to encourage the saving of energy.

10. Correspondence
Earsham Parish Council – Joint Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 21st June at 7.30pm Parish Rooms, Church Road, Earsham. The speaker will be Tim Horspole, the Planning Policy Officer from SNC speaking on Site Specific Policies and Allocation Document
NALC AGM – Asking for resolutions for debate. Put on the next agenda.
NALC – Training session for Clerks and Councillors on Wednesday 14th Septembers 6-8pm at Colman Room, South Norfolk House, Long Stratton. Liz and Wayne wish to attend.

11. Finance
a) Accounts Summary
The accounts for May were circulated and agreed.
b) Pay the Clerk £89.19 for June
c) Pay Norse £291.44 for Grounds Maintenance.
Proposal; to pay b and c. Proposed by Peter Hill, seconded by Terry Hanner, unanimously agreed.
d) Complete and Sign the Annual Audit Return
The Clerk explained that she had been unable to contact Liz Frere-Smith to do the internal audit, so she had asked Mike Fitzgerald to do it instead. He very kindly agreed to do so but did not want payment. The Councillors decided to buy a bottle of wine to thank him. The Clerk was asked to arrange this and to write a thank you letter as well.
The Annual Audit, Section 2 – Annual Governance Statement, was completed and signed.

12. Any Other Business
Peter Hill said that he would like to enter Denton in to the Pride of Norfolk 'Open Spaces' competition. The Councillors agreed.

The meeting closed at 10.05 pm.

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