Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting Held on Tuesday 8th February 2011

at 8pm at Denton Village Hall

Present: Terry Hanner (Vice Chairman), Roger Gibson, Peter Hill, Adrian Hipwell, Annie Whiteman, Eddie Winter, Pauline Sandell (Clerk).

Also Present: Murray Gray (District Councillor), 1 Member of the Public.

1. Apologies
Liz Cargill, Tony Tomkinson.

2. Declaration of Interest
Terry Hanner declared an interest in item 9.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting and Planning Meeting on 20th November
The minutes were agreed and signed.

4. Matters Arising:
a) Playing Field; Adrian Hipwell reported that he had found one of the screws, which stops rotation on the climbing slope, was loose. He had tightened it, but Jeff from Joy Playground should look at this when he comes back. Jeff will also be asked to put in drainage holes on the bridge from the fort. The wooden bin for the dog bags is split but Adrian will repair it. Malcolm was asked to order some tarmac at a price of £15 per ton and repair the playing field car park. Malcolm was also asked to remove the stump from the car park.
b) Play Area Project; Annie showed the Councillors the signage that had been proposed by NCC. She did not like it and the Councillors agreed with her. After some discussion it was agreed to change the sign using the words 'Denton Play Area', remove the pictures but add a small picture of the village sign. It was also suggested that 1metre x 750mm was too big. It was agreed that Annie and Peter would draw up a sign bearing in mind the above comments. Peter will speak to Joy Playground about buying a willow.
Play Rangers; Annie and Peter have been contacted by SNC to ask if the Play Rangers could use the playing field on Tuesdays from 1st March to 5th April after school. They will organize activities and games and provide equipment for the local children. The Councillors agreed to this.
Adrian asked about the Press coverage. Peter has this in hand.
c) Allotment Update; Liz Cargill is investigating the possibility of funding from SNC for fencing and water container. The Councillors were asked if they would approve a small wooden shed in the far left hand corner. Liz will try and get a grant for one. It was felt that if a shed is bought there would be maintenance problems. It was suggested that the allotment holders should provide the shed and maintain it themselves.
d) Any Other Matters Arising; The Clerk read out an email from Chris Limbach which stated that Anglian Buses had not yet checked out the Denton route but would do so the following week. Chris thought it was unlikely that the 580 service would be diverted in the future. Peter has been looking into community transport and if something can be set up there may be funding for it. Peter will keep the situation under review.

5. District Council Matters
Murray reported; Council Tax – despite Government cuts SNC has managed to find savings of £1/4million without making compulsory redundancies and will therefore be able to freeze council tax at its current level. NCC and the Police Authority will also be freezing their existing levels. SNC continue to talk to Gt. Yarmouth Council about sharing council officers. Asked whether Committees would be joint as well, Murray said that he thought that there would be a joint cabinet but separate planning committees.
In the past SNC has not funded Bungay and Beccles CAB. This year they have applied to SNC for funding and SNC have agreed to provide £8000 by reducing the amount of funding given to Norwich and Wymondham CABs.
NCC has responded to the request about a roundabout at the Hempnall crossroads and said that there are not enough accidents to warrant a roundabout and funding is not available.
Grove Farm; Murray said that he did not know why there had been a delay. It was agreed that DPC would write a letter to SNC.

6. Questions from the Public
Malcolm asked if Highways could repair the damage done by lorries on the bank on the road to Bedingham. Terry Hanner said that he had already mentioned the pot holes to them. There is also still a problem with the grups. The Clerk was asked to speak to Highways to ask them to come out and look at the problems.

7. Affordable Housing
Liz Cargill had received confirmation from John Whitelock that the drains would go under the road. Liz also asked that vehicles should not be parked on the road. Adrian said that a lot of rubbish coming from the site had accumulated along the ditch and they should be asked to make sure the site is cleared up when they have finished. The Clerk was asked to contact Saffron to ask them to clear all rubbish and to reinstate the verges when they have finished.
Saffron is holding an 'Open Information Event' at Denton Village Hall on Tuesday 15th February between 3–6pm. Councillors will attend if they can.

8. Date and Format of Annual Parish Meeting
Because of the election this year it was decided to hold the annual parish meeting on Friday 18th March. Peter Hill explained that the Chapel was in dire need of maintenance in the region of £50,000. To improve the likelihood of funding the Chapel needs to improve its usage as a community building. It was agreed that this would be a suitable topic for the meeting. Peter Hill to ask David Gibson to attend. Other topics for the meeting; election, fund raising for the toddlers part of the play area; allotments.

9. Planning Applications
Application 2011/0010 and 0011 Trunch House, Trunch Hill – Erection of a 2 Bay Cart Lodge with Internal Log Store and 1.8m Fence.
Proposal: to approve the application. Adrian Hipwell proposed, Roger Gibson seconded, Terry Hanner abstained as he had an interest, the remainder agreed.

10. Election Year
Information and timetable had been circulated to all Councillors. The Clerk told the Councillors that they would all have to send in nomination papers if they wished to stand again.

11. Correspondence
Peter Hill took all the documents relating to the future ownership of Government owned forests. The mutual feeling of the Councillors was that woodlands are the only area of free space where people can enjoy walking and cycling and should not be sold off. It was agreed that Peter would draft a letter which would be passed to Liz Cargill for agreement.

12. Finance
a) Accounts Summary; no comments made.
b) Pay the Clerk £89.19 for February.
c)Pay Rogerson Trust £355 for annual rent. (This item was not on the agenda as the invoice arrived after the agenda was sent out)
Proposal: Pay b and c. Proposed by Adrian Hipwell, seconded by Roger Gibson, unanimously agreed.

14. Any Other Business
Peter Hill; the hedge around the recycling area has not been cut and does need to be. Hedging along the car park and by the nets also needs to be done. A working party was arranged for 19th February at 10am.

The meeting closed at 9.35 pm.

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