Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting Held on Friday 10th December 2010

at 6.30pm at Denton Village Hall

Present: Liz Cargill (Chairman), Terry Hanner (Vice Chairman), Roger Gibson, Peter Hill, Adrian Hipwell, Annie Whiteman, Eddie Winter, Pauline Sandell (Clerk).

Also Present: Member of the Public.

Roger Gibson declared an interest in item 1.

1. Planning Applications 2010/1985 and 1986 – Kingsland Farm, Middle Road, Denton – Retention of Granny Annexe
It was agreed that the annexe had no impact on the village and the Councillors were happy to approve it. However, Peter Hill said that a comment should be made that DPC approved on condition that the Conservation Officer was happy with it.
Proposal: Approve the application without comment. Proposed by Adrian Hipwell, seconded by Annie Whiteman, 6 voted yes and 1 no (due to lack of comment).

2. Playbuilder Scheme – Agreement to funding.
Liz Cargill explained that Joy Playgrounds were keen to have the DPC contribution for the playbuilder scheme before Christmas and she wanted the meeting to ratify the funding. However, Peter Hill said that Rospa must inspect the work and give a satisfactory report before money exchanged hands. The amount is approximately £3500.
Proposal: Joy Playground will be paid the DPC contribution on receipt of a satisfactory Rospa report and paid that day. Proposed by Adrian Hipwell, Terry Hanner seconded, unanimously agreed.
Annie asked about the name of the Play Area. It will be called Denton Play Area.
Peter was concerned about the wording of the agreement. It was agreed that he would look into this.

3. Affordable Housing – Drainage Scheme.
There were concerns that the new drainage scheme for the affordable housing was not being routed correctly and would result in flooding. It was agreed to write a letter to Saffron Housing Trust informing them of DPC's concerns. Copy of the letter to be sent to Murray Gray.

The Clerk informed the Councillors that she had been contacted by NCC to say that they had received a petition from Denton residents asking for the speed limit to be extended down to the bottom of Trunch Hill by the Village Sign. She had been informed that any changes, although possible, would cause delays and would be more costly. NCC asked to have an answer from DPC as soon as possible and the Clerk asked the Councillors would they wish to keep with the current plan in view of the petition. After some discussion it was agreed that DPC would keep with the current plan although Peter Hill did not agree with this.

The meeting closed at 7.35pm.

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