Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting Held on Tuesday 12th October 2010

at 8pm at Denton Village Hall

Present: Liz Cargill (Chairman), Terry Hanner (Vice Chairman), Roger Gibson, Peter Hill, Adrian Hipwell, Annie Whiteman, Eddie Winter, Pauline Sandell (Clerk).

Also Present: Murray Gray (District Councillor)

1. Apologies

2. Declaration of Interest

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting
Under Also Present: District County Councillor change to District Councillor. The minutes were agreed and signed.

4. Matters Arising:
a) Playing Field: Terry reported that, as last month, there are still rabbit holes and the tunnel needs attention. Terry will mention this to Malcolm again. The hedge along car park is encroaching. The Clerk was asked to ring SCOPE again as the bin is very full. A working party will be organized at the next meeting. Peter Hill to do next report.
b) Play Area Project: Annie reported that some people on Denton Talk had objected to the idea of a hedge along the barrier and the roadside of the play area. The Woodland Trust gift of trees was to be used for this hedging and would provide security for the play area. It was agreed to go ahead with this plan and the Parish Council would arrange for the hedge to be cut once a year and it would be kept at a height of no more than 3ft. The Clerk was asked to put this information in the Parish Magazine.
Annie had tried to get in touch with the local tree warden to ask for his help and advice on the willow sculpture. So far she had not been able to speak to him. Terry said that he would contact him. It was agreed that Annie would buy the Willows using the Woodland Trust money of £100 and would set up a working party over half term. It was suggested that she spoke to the Norfolk Wildlife Trust to help with the willow.
Annie has found it difficult to get a price for the refurbishment of the chicken.
Peter had attended a meeting with the Regional Director of the Lottery Fund regarding a 'Reaching Communities' fund of between £10,000 and £500,000 which, although not generally used for playgrounds, could be used in this instance. It was suggested that if DPC applies it would be more successful if it asked for a lower sum than the £47,000 expected from the PlayBuilder Scheme. However, five other villages from South Norfolk had also met with the Regional Director and it is unlikely that all will be given funding. This funding would pay for refurbishment as well as new. It would also help if DPC was seen to be putting in funding of its own. Annie and Peter felt that the proposal should be for £15,000-£20,000.
It was agreed that Annie and Peter will put together something for the initial outline proposal. A response will be expected within 20 days and then further forms will be submitted for a response within 9 weeks.
c) Affordable Housing: The Clerk updated the Councillors; the footings are in place and concrete has been poured, started block work up to damp proof course, next week starting to put up floor joists and construct internal ground floor walls. Muddy road is to be cleaned weekly by Malcolm Skinner.
d) Allotments: It was agreed that Liz, Peter and Eddie would have a meeting with the people interested in having an allotment. It was agreed that the rent would be £5 per annum for a 5 metre x 15 metre strip. The Clerk was asked to put this information in the Parish Magazine.
e) Bus Service: The new bus service has started and it is being used. The taxi bus is very good and drops people off at or near their homes. It is generally thought, however, that 9am is too early. Liz Cargill is waiting for Alburgh PC to suggest a date to meet up with Chris Limbach to discuss this matter.
f) Any Other Matters Arising: Eddie said that he had a letter from Sprake and Kingsley to say that the copy of the lease held by the PC must be dated. The Clerk will action. The PC must then register the land with the Land Registry. The Clerk will action.
Liz Cargill read out a letter from Supt Cooke following his visit to the PC last month. The Councillors felt that they had not had any help from the police when it was most needed and decided to produce an action plan, just in case such an event happened again, with who to contact and how to proceed. This may also help other villages/towns that have similar problems and it was suggested that DPC contact NALC with our plan.
Murray was asked if the budget cuts would escalate Traveller problems. Murray said that he did not think so. Murray said that the South Norfolk Gypsy and Traveller DPD, suggesting an Earsham site, had been withdrawn and they were now looking into transit sites.

5. District and County Council Matters
SNC is in quite good financial position at the moment. Members of staff have left and not been replaced. SNC has abandoned sharing services with Breckland but environmental services are being shared with Broadland.

6. Questions from the Public

7. Sites for Development at Denton Consultation
It was agreed that the site at Roundhouse Hill should be objected to. The other site at Middle Road was thought to be more reasonable, although it was already difficult to drive out of Middle Road into Trunch Hill and it was thought that development on this corner might make the junction even more difficult to negotiate.
It was generally thought that any development should be central to the village. It was agreed that Peter would fill in the questionnaire, circulate to the Councillors and discuss at the next meeting. A letter had been received from Malcolm Skinner suggesting that a further site could be considered at the Uplands Terrace area.

8. Planning Applications/Decisions
The Clerk read out a letter from SNC regarding building work at The Old Rectory. A Planning Officer had visited the site and found the extension not being built in accordance with the approved plans and the owner has been asked to submit a revised planning and listed building application to regularise the works. If no plans are submitted the Planning Committee will be advised of the breach of planning control and will decide whether enforcement action should be taken. It had been noted that building work was continuing and Murray said that he would ask the Planning Officer to put a stop notice on it.
Grove Farm; the enforcement notice has been quashed due to the enforcement notice not being worded correctly in the eyes of the Inspector. SNC has two options; consult another barrister to either draw up another enforcement notice with correct wording or go to judicial review on the Inspector's report. SNC is not prepared to do nothing. It was noted that further work was being carried out at Grove Farm. DPC decided that it would write to SNC showing its concern that work on the building is still progressing, that DPC did not think the situation had been handled at all well and to be kept informed of progress. Liz Cargill to action.

9. Correspondence
No action.

10. Finance
a. Accounts summary: circulated.
b. Discuss figures for budget for 2011/12. The Councillors were handed a budget showing actual expenditure for 2010/2011 and suggested figures for 2011/12. This will be discussed and a precept figure decided at the next meeting.
c. Pay the Clerk £89.19 for October
d. Pay Mazars £141 for Audit
e. Pay Norse £277.59 half yearly grounds maintenance
f. Pay Denton Village Hall £100 for Hire of Hall (cheque already issued as DVH needed to be paid before end of September)
g. Pay Annie Whiteman £25.59 for paint for the play area
Proposal: pay c.d.e.f.g. Proposed by Eddie Winter, seconded by Adrian Hipwell, unanimously agreed.
Adrian Hipwell asked if he could be reimbursed for the repair of the cricket nets with the remainder of the money from the donations. This will be put on next month's agenda.

11. Any Other Business
Annie asked if a Play Area Inspection had taken place. The Clerk said that it should have been done in September and report should be sent soon.
Peter had attended a Sustainability Day at SNC and said that there was funding available for community type items, such as composting. However, Liz Cargill felt that the funding was more likely to be available for people who were starting up projects. Adrian asked if he could have a copy of the application form for the village hall.
Terry asked if the village bonfire could take place on the allotment site this year. It was agreed to do this. `

The meeting closed at 10.00 pm.

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