Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting Held on Tuesday 9th March 2010

at 8pm at Denton Village Hall

Present: Liz Cargill (Chairman), Roger Gibson, Peter Hill, Eddie Winter, Annie Whiteman, Pauline Sandell (Clerk)

1. Apologies
Terry Hanner, Adrian Hipwell, Murray Gray, Tony Tomkinson.

2. Declaration of Interest
Eddie declared an interest in item 9 as he is a member of the Rogerson Trust.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes were agreed and signed.

4. Matters Arising:
a) Playing Field; Terry had completed the playing field report, but as he was not at the meeting no information was available. The Working Party were unable to carry out the work on – February as it was too wet. The need for bark chippings is urgent and will be carried out soon. It was left that the Councillors would liaise with each other when a suitable day occurs. The Clerk reported that SNC had put up new signage at the Recycling Centre. SCOPE bin has been emptied. Peter Hill will complete the report for March.
b) Play Area Project; Annie reported that she had heard from SNC that the first lot of Playbuilder applications had been considered and Denton has been put through to the next stage. The successful applicants have been put into three groups and Denton has been put into group one. DPC should know by 18th/19th March if they have been successful. There will be a play area information day on 8th May at Wortwell from 9.15am – 2.15pm. Annie and Peter will attend. Peter has looked into further funding for the younger children, or in case Denton is not successful with the Playbuilder application. Comma has funding up to £20,000 and applications must be in by 14th May. The Chairman was concerned about the time taken in obtaining grants before work was done and suggested that another project could be run alongside for the young children. It was decided that this may be difficult and to wait until the decision is made about Playbuilder. The Play Area Annual Inspection to be put on the next agenda.
c) Highways; The Clerk informed the Councillors that Highways had said on the 18th February that the pot holes would be repaired within two weeks and had also said that they are aware of the overflowing ditch and this will be repaired soon.
d) Village Survey; Not finished yet.
e) Any Other Matters; Roger Gibson asked if Murray could be contacted regarding the enforcement issue on Grove Farm. The Clerk to contact Murray.

5. District and County Council Matters
The Clerk had received an email from Murray Gray to say that the SNC part of the council tax will be frozen next year. Discussions with Breckland Council on sharing of services are ongoing. Government wants unitary Norwich, but County Council have applied for judicial review and he doubts if it will happen. Planning Inspector is not impressed by SNC's Gypsy and Traveller document and has submitted 9 pages of initial questions and comments and wants a reply by 9th March. He will then decide whether to hold an Exploratory Meeting on 29th March or continue to the Examination in Public in June. Murray has been telling the Council for the last 18 months that its document is poor.

6. Questions from the Public

7. Affordable Housing
The Clerk read out an email from Peter Ramsdale regarding the speed limit and it would appear that planning condition does not require the TRO to be completed and the signage in place before work commences on site. Tender documents were to have been sent out this week, but were delayed by the queries over the TRO which is now resolved and should therefore be sent out next week. The Chairman was asked to speak to Abby to ask if any Denton residents have applied for the housing, both rented and shared ownership. There was some concern again that the houses might go to people outside the area if there were not any Denton residents ready to take on the houses on completion. Liz will speak to Abby about this too and get something in writing.

8. School Governing Body – List of Governors, Copy of Constitution
The Clerk was asked to contact the Chairman of Alburgh Parish Council to ask him if had received a copy of the school constitution and a list of Governors and had he asked the School to send DPC a copy.

Contract Between DPC and Rogerson Trust re Playing Field Eddie reported that he had received a letter from David Sprake confirming an earlier telephone conversation. Eddie had not had the time to read the letter in any great detail, but reported that David Sprake had drawn up a six year contract in 1996 which Eddie had signed. David Sprake has asked that a proper map be sent to the Land Registry and it is suggested that Durrants view the lease to make sure that it is viable. There may be stamp duty implications and he also suggested a 21 year lease, although the Rogerson Trust is happy to make it 50 years. DPC need to know if the stamp duty would be higher on a longer term lease. DPC need to know what the costs of a new contract will be. The Clerk was asked to find the minutes in 1996 regarding the contract.

9. Contract Between DPC and Rogerson Trust re Playing Field
Eddie reported that he had received a letter from David Sprake confirming an earlier telephone conversation. Eddie had not had the time to read the letter in any great detail, but reported that David Sprake had drawn up a six year contract in 1996 which Eddie had signed. David Sprake has asked that a proper map be sent to the Land Registry and it is suggested that Durrants view the lease to make sure that it is viable. There may be stamp duty implications and he also suggested a 21 year lease, although the Rogerson Trust is happy to make it 50 years. DPC need to know if the stamp duty would be higher on a longer term lease. DPC need to know what the costs of a new contract will be. The Clerk was asked to find the minutes in 1996 regarding the contract.

10. Agenda for Annual Parish Meeting
Liz Cargill will give a Chairman's Report including information about affordable housing and the Denton directory. Peter Hill will introduce the Community Ambition Award. It was agreed to have a flip chart and a writer for suggestions. People will be asked before they leave which suggestion they prefer. It is important for the residents to form a Working Party to manage the suggestions and apply for the Award. Refreshments. The Clerk will provide nibbles, wine will be provided by the bar. Tea and coffee will also be served. Annie will provide flip chart paper.

11. Joint Parish Council Meeting in May
It was agreed to hold the meeting on Friday 21st May at 7.30pm and to ask the CPRE to provide a speaker to speak about the work of the CPRE. The Clerk to organize. It was agreed to also ask PC Howell from Harleston to come along.

12. Planning Applications

13. Correspondence
A correspondence summary had been circulated. A copy of part two of the new publication of standing orders for local councils was passed to the Chairman. The next SNAP meeting will take place on March 25th at Harleston Community Leisure Centre. Peter Hill will attend.

14. Finance
a. Accounts summary; the Clerk circulated the accounts summary showing separate accounts for composting, grants/donations and regular annual income and the reserve.
b. Pay the Clerk £89.19 for March 2010
c. Pay SNC £63.97 for dog bin servicing
d. Agree increase of £1 per annum for CPRE subscription amounting to £29 per annum.
e. Pay NPFA £15 for annual subscription (not on agenda)
Proposal: Pay b,c,e and agree to d. Proposed by Annie Whiteman, seconded by Liz Cargill, unanimously agreed.

15. Any Other Business
Roger reported that the road at the bottom of Marshall's Hill gets flooded because of leaves in the drains.
Peter Hill said that there had been complaints about the garage in Low Road parking vehicles on both sides of the road causing a dangerous situation. There are also vehicles for sale on the opposite verge to The Dove. Peter Hill will bring this up at the SNAP meeting.
Liz Cargill reported that a resident had prevented grups being dug out this time in order to preserve the glow worms. It has been suggested that DPC ask for this piece of road to be made into a Roadside Conservation Area for the protection of glow worms. It was agreed that this would be a good idea and Liz will contact the Norfolk Wildlife Trust for their advice.

The meeting closed at 9.55pm.

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