Denton's "Grand Table Top & Garage Sale" on Bank Holiday Monday turned out to be a great success.
No less than 16 "Tables" of various dimensions were on display, some at the Village Hall, most at locations around the village. Visitors needed a map, picked up from the Hall, to find them all. The range of items on sale was just amazing.
Some people were raising funds for their own favourite charity but the overall objective was to raise money for the Church in Denton.
Here are some pictures of the event. Both exhibitors and their customers had a great time.
After a two-year break, due to Covid, the Denton Boule Championships returned on Saturday. However, a shock result saw the trophy going to a team from Alburgh!
Held as usual at the Godsmark's Bouledrome on Darrow Green Road, the evening attracted a large attendance by members of the Black Hand Cyder Club and their guests. The barbecues were kept busy, suitable quantities of cyder and other beverages were consumed, and a great time was had by all.
Eighteen teams of three took part on a knock-out basis. Those beaten in the first round were demoted to the Plate Competition, so everybody got at least two games.
After some close contests, the winners of the Championship were declared to be
“The Alburghers”, Richard Gedge, Deborah and Andrew Stewart, who beat “Puldick”, James Godsmark, Andy and Amy Hipwell, in the final.
The Plate competition saw ”The Harvesters”, Janet and Malcolm Skinner and Chris Whipps, defeat “RJC”, Roger Gibson, Jules and Cindy Greenway, in the final match.