PBBH Success
Congratulations to the PBBH Team, winners of Saturday's annual Village Quiz Night.
Even more congratulations to the Grant Team, quizmaster Denise and her "glamorous assistant" Peter, and to everybody else involved in putting on this great event. The providers of the excellent food and the bar staff deserve our thanks. It was good to see two teams from Alburgh taking part; but perhaps just as well they did not win!
All has now been revealed. It seems that the winning team's name PBBH (Not GBH as previously announced) stands for "Powered by Blackhand". Obviously their success can be put down to a good supply of quality cyder.
Disputes about "the smallest country in Europe/The World" and "the longest river in Europe" may continue (did you know the year that Elvis died?) but the important thing is that everybody who attended had a wonderful evening. Thanks to all those involved.