A Warm Evening in January
It really was a warm evening at the Blackhand Cyder Society’s annual Wassailing event held on January 18th. It was attended by nearly 150 people, Black Hand members and their guests.
A big effort to improve the heating of Great Green Farm’s barn certainly paid off — plastic sheeting insulation and poultry-shed gas heaters played their part in defeating the strong winds outside — and the band’s efforts ensured that all those venturing onto the dance-floor were thoroughly warmed up.
Last year’s band, “Trotter’s Bottom”, had been booked again but at the last minute they all went down with flu. Their replacements, “Dilligaf”, proved to be excellent substitutes with a very effective Caller who dragged several reluctant dancers into action. The traditional blessing of the tree by a “village maiden” etc. was very well organised by two strange looking individuals but their disguises did not fool many people.
As usual the food was outstanding — well done that pig — and much enjoyed by all. Thanks must be extended to everybody who contributed to the event but particularly to our hosts, Gill and Adrian Hipwell.
More information about the Society is available and new members welcome.