Affordable Housing Progress
There was good news on Denton’s Affordable Housing project at the latest meeting of Denton Parish Council on January 13th.
The council were expecting to receive a presentation from Mr. Alan Burden from the Saffron Housing Trust but, in his absence, Abi Dennington-Price a Housing Officer from South Norfolk Council provided the information the councillors wanted to hear. A rough sketch-plan showing the layout of the proposed development in Norwich Road was provided. The recent needs survey conducted in the village had demonstrated a need for five new units of affordable accommodation but the plan indicated that six might be provided. These comprise two one-bedroomed flats, two two-bedroomed semi-detached houses and two detached three-bedroomed houses.
Councillors were very keen on the prospect of an “extra” house and supported the idea that it should be made available on a shared equity basis, the rest being offered for rent. Various aspects of the proposed layout were discussed and the comments will be passed back to Saffron. The Council will be involved at every stage of the development and a public meeting would be organised when the scheme reached the planning permission stage, probably later in the year.
More information is available in the Features Section.