Fund-Raising Lunches
Two fund-raising lunches in aid of good causes are planned for the New Year in Denton. They will be held at the Village Hall on Sunday, January 25th and Sunday 15th March.
Two fund-raising lunches in aid of good causes are planned for the New Year in Denton. They will be held at the Village Hall on Sunday, January 25th and Sunday 15th March.
“No Room at the Inn” was the title of this year’s Rising Stars show but it was “Standing Room Only” at the village hall yesterday. The Stars performed to a packed house and the cast, of 13, the production team and the audience all had a great time. The plot followed the traditional Christmas story up to the arrival of the baby Jesus but included an interesting modern morality sub-plot running in parallel.
The ages of the performers ranged from three upwards and the group singing scenes were particularly attractive. Mary and Joseph, played by Imogen and Lydia Sida-Page, and the inn-keepers, Megan and Ethan Wiles, all delivered their lines with great aplomb and kept the audience laughing. The “modern” ladies: Abi Symonds, Lydia Hulme, Laura Oxley and Amy Cook also played their parts well and danced delightfully.
Everybody involved in the production should be congratulated but, as usual, special thanks must go to the “Organiser and Script Writer”, Gill Hipwell.
All Denton residents will be sorry to hear of the death today of Lizzie Adeane of Mutts Farm, Darrow Green Road. She had been seriously ill for some time and passed away peacefully at All Hallows Hospital in Ditchingham. Her funeral is on Friday 2nd January.
Radio Norfolk broadcast a major feature on Denton today during their lunchtime programme. Following an interview with PC Chairman, Liz Cargill, a number of local residents had their say and many of the village’s cultural and not-so-cultural activities were discussed.
These are some of the seasonal events in Denton this Christmas:
This year’s Rising Stars performance will take place in the Village Hall on Sunday 14th December at 5.00 pm.
All welcome. There is no admission charge but a collection will be held to cover costs.