Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Denton Village Hall - Health & Safety Policy

Our policy is to:

  • Provide a healthy and safe environment for all users of Denton Village Hall.
  • Keep the Hall and equipment in a safe condition for all users.

It is the intention of Denton Village Hall Management Committee to comply with all relevant Health and Safety legislation and to act positively where it can reasonably do so to prevent injury, ill health or any danger arising from its activities and operations.
Hirers, users and other visitors will be expected to recognise that there is a duty on them to comply with the practices set out by the Committee and to accept responsibility to do everything they can to prevent injury to themselves and others.

Organisation of Health and Safety

  • Denton Village Hall Management Committee has overall responsibility for health and safety at the Hall.
  • It is the duty of all hirers and users to take care of themselves and others who may be affected by their activities and to co-operate with the Committee in keeping the premises safe and healthy.
  • It is the responsibility of hirers and users to ensure that adequate safeguards are in place to protect the well being of the disabled, children and vulnerable adults. (See Safeguarding Policy.)
  • Should anyone using the hall come across a fault, damage or other situation which might cause injury and cannot be rectified immediately, they should inform the Chairman or Bookings Secretary as soon as possible so the problem can be dealt with.

Fire Precautions and Checks

  • Fire Risk Assessments are carried out on an annual basis.
  • All fittings and equipment are checked on a regular basis so that they are fit for purpose, including:
    • All lights (including emergency lighting), burglar alarm, fire doors, Hoover, water heaters, kitchen and bar equipment (refrigerators, microwave, cooker, dishwasher, freezer, electric kettles and urns).
    • All electrical and gas equipment in the Hall is professionally tested annually.
    • All fire extinguishers are tested annually and by an expert.

    Procedure in case of accidents

  • The location of the nearest hospital Accident and Emergency Department is Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Colney Lane, Colney, Norwich NR4 7UY. Telephone number: 01603 286286
  • One First Aid Box is located in the kitchen hanging on the wall beside the door leading to the stage. There is another First Aid Box in the bar.
  • The accident forms are kept on the window sill at the stage end of the kitchen. These need to be completed whenever an accident occurs and subsequently filed away securely to ensure data protection. Certain types of accident will be reported on a special form to the Incident Contact Centre. Please ask the Bookings Secretary for this form and s/he will give assistance, if necessary in its completion.
    This is in accordance with the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR).
    The Incident Contact Centre can be contacted in any of the following ways:
    Telephone – 0845 3009923
    Website –
  • The defibrillator on the outside wall by the main door is the responsibility of Denton Parish Council and is managed by them.

    Use of Village Hall – Standard Conditions

    The Village Hall Management Committee will ensure that all hall users comply with the following:
    • Any person suspected of being drunk, under the influence of drugs or who is behaving in a violent or disorderly way shall be asked to leave the premises. No illegal drugs will be brought into the Hall at any time.
    • The emergency exit lights will be illuminated at all times during events.
    • At each event at least one user will be familiar with the location of the fire extinguishers and fire doors and exits. Also, all fire doors and exits will always be kept clear.
    • All food preparation and serving will meet health and hygiene legislation and regulations. In particular, dairy products, vegetables and meat on the premises will be refrigerated and stored in compliance with the Food Temperature Regulations.
    • The law relating to gaming, betting and lotteries will not be contravened.
    • All electrical equipment belonging to the Hall or brought into the building will have been PAT tested and will be safe, in good working order and used in a safe manner.
    • All users of the stage lighting equipment will follow the guidelines and instructions provided.
    • No smoking is allowed inside the building. Smokers are requested to use the bins outside the Hall for cigarette ends.
    • The car park and Hall surrounds will be supervised to avoid causing a nuisance to neighbours
    • Adequate safeguards will be in place to protect the well-being of the disabled, children and vulnerable adults. (See Safeguarding Policy)
    • No real flames, explosives or highly flammable substances will be brought into the premises. (Candles are not included.)
    • The terms of the Premises Licence which relates to the use of the Hall for entertainment purposes.
    • Maximum numbers permitted:
      A. Main hall -
      • When used for dancing -120,
      • When used for seating at tables – 80,
      • When used for combining (i) and (ii) - 90.
      B. Bar/lounge Area - a further 40 persons.
      C. Gunton Room - 30 seated.

    Review of Health and Safety Policy

    The Village Hall Management Committee with review this policy annually. The next review is due in May 2025.