Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Jean Florence Elizabeth Nobbs - 2nd November 1939 - 20th November 2023

From the Parish News – January 2024.

Jean was born in Broome to Kathleen Florence and James Frank Bishop. Her parents worked in London as caterers during the war, so Jean lived with her grandparents in Broome, attending the local primary school. After the war the family lived in Bungay. Two much adored younger brothers came along, and Jean was like a second mother to them.

After leaving Bungay County Modern School, Jean worked at the local Co-Op happily serving dry goods. At the Bungay picture house one weekend she met George. Jean’s parents thought George was too quiet for their daughter but nevertheless they got engaged when Jean was 19. In March 1961 they were married at Bungay Methodist Church with a reception at the nearby Three Tuns pub. 60 years of happy marriage later, Jean was keen to tell her family that she had proved her parents wrong!

7 Globe Close in Denton was Jean and George’s home for their entire married life. They were keen decorators, working as a team to paint and wallpaper. The arrival of Julie in 1965 and Linda in 1968 brought a new meaning to Jean’s life. She loved being a Mum and a housewife, keeping an immaculate home and making the most of the abundant fresh vegetables from the garden and what she and the girls could forage. Pickling onions was a challenge, tackled whilst wearing George’s combining goggles!

Jean had a few jobs over the years, including working at Low Farm, the Black Swan and Earsham Bakery, travelling on her trusty moped, wrapped up against the colder weather. Eventually things came full circle, and she was back at the Co-op in Bungay, serving cold meats and cheese and bringing the shopping home on the back of the moped or in a bag between her feet.

Jean loved village life. She was closely involved in the WI and the chapel, and she and George were regulars at all the village events, both helping and attending. After retiring, they enjoyed several holidays in the UK and abroad, sharing experiences with Denton friends Jean & Michael Hanner and making many new friends.

Jean’s family was her world. She loved her daughters with a passion and was devastated by the sudden loss of Julie in 2016. She adored her 5 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren, spending as much time as possible with them and, later, sharing photos and videos.

George sadly died in 2021 and by February 2022 Jean was no longer well enough to stay in the home they had made together. She moved to Lound Nursing Home two weeks before her peaceful death, with Linda and Sarah at her side.

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