Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Rachel Elizabeth Cable - 1964 - 2023

From the Parish News – August 2023.

Rachel Cable died on 28th May, aged just 59, from pneumonia.

Rachel was many things to many people; she was a wonderful mother to Alexandra and Josh, wife of Stewart, friend and confidant.

Rachel was adopted and raised by loving parents who installed in her a great sense of honesty and doing as you would be done by.
Those who knew Rachel will have different memories and we will try and bring a little of her essence to this piece.

Rachel loved animals and collected ponies, dogs and people around her, always over a cup of tea…or rather a gallon bucket of tea. On moving to Denton after meeting Stewart, Rachel became a good friend to their neighbours one of whom said "She saved me after my wife died, with her kindness".

Rachel had a varied career including working for an accountant for a period when work would stop to listen to the afternoon play on Radio 4! She found her real calling when she began working at Alburgh with Denton Primary School and the number of school staff who were at her funeral on 30th June reflect the fondness with which she is remembered. Recently she had been working as a one to one carer for a young man with learning difficulties and she will be missed.

Eulogies were given by her daughter Alex and best friend Sharon. The repeated themes were her fun, loyalty, honesty, but most of all laughter.

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