Denton a village in South Norfolk, England

Betty Syrett 1921 – 2004

From the Parish News – February 2005

19th December 1921 - 22nd November 2004

Betty was the second eldest of six children and was born at Wingfield Hall. She attended Stradbroke School with her brothers and sisters. She and the others walked to Stradbroke School and home again each day and had to return directly to attend the farm animals as well as to do other farm work. As well as this Betty helped with the care of her younger siblings.

Her early years were spent on the farm with just one short break when she went to London where she worked for a short while in a telephone exchange. In later life heavy farm work took its toll on her and she developed arthritis and had to give it up. She then worked at Syleham factory where she made many friends. At the same time she looked after her father until his death in 1983.

Betty was a keen and accomplished bell ringer - both hand and tower bells. Everyone was thrilled when Betty agreed to bring her team and ring for a family wedding in Alburgh. She taught many young people to ring bells including her family. As children when they visited her it never took her long to put a hand bell in their hands and get them playing. Her bell ringing team travelled widely. St. Andrews Church, Wingfield played a huge part in Betty's life and she was loved by all. Even her many hip troubles and hospital trips did not deter her from attending practices and having a "go" at a few rounds.

Betty was a genuine countrywoman and would use all the clues given her by nature to tell the weather or time. She loved animals and people and was a keen supported of die RSPCA and Children overseas.

She was a keen and competent ballroom and old time dancer. She moved to Denton for approximately four years and soon settled into Denton life, but then decided to move back to Wingfield until it was sold last year. She then moved to Stradbroke for a few months before her final illness which meant she had to be cared for in a nursing home which was sadly far away from her family and friends in Cambridge where she finally died.

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